Chapter 170 One-meter Barrett

The next moment, these flying knives were grouped in groups of four in the air and automatically divided into eight groups.

Each set of throwing knives is distributed near a portion of rare metals.

Under Huo Yuhao's control, these flying knives began to rotate at high speed.

For every vibration that flew, a piece of rare metal would be carved into a shape that belonged to Huo Yuhao.

Thirty-two flying knives were operating simultaneously at extremely high speeds, and soul guidance cores containing powerful aura began to appear in the air.

In just a moment, the soul guidance materials thrown out by everyone from the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineering Academy were exhausted.

The whole place was shocked!

Especially the people from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy were shocked beyond measure at this moment.

Xiao Hongchen looked numb and shouted

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, fake, this is all fake."

"There is no one in the Sun and Moon Continent whose soul guidance talent exceeds mine. There is no one. My martial soul was given to me by God. It is the most powerful martial soul for learning soul guidance tools. At my age, it is only level five. The cultivation level of a soul master, let alone a soul master?"

"My grandfather can't do this kind of thing, why should he?"

Everyone saw Huo Yuhao's methods.

There is nothing superb about his carving skills, but the most beautiful thing about his hand is that he can divide his mind into thirty-two tasks. One person can control thirty-two carving knives and carve at the same time.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that his distracted control is not a single line, but is divided into four parts within a single line.

How should I put it? When Huo Yuhao was carving, each flying knife did not only do one thing, but four flying knives worked together to carve one soul guidance core and carve eight different soul guidance cores at the same time.

This is really too scary.

With this skill, no one in the Sun and Moon Empire can do it.

In the crowd, a tyrannical figure with hidden aura resisted the urge to stand up. He looked silently at Huo Yuhao on the stage, who was like a carving machine carving successfully in one second. His eyes were full of disbelief.

At his position and age, nothing could touch his heart for a long time.

But Huo Yuhao in front of him successfully let him break through his defense.

He originally thought that his level of soul guidance tools was already unrivaled in the world except for Kong Deming. However, he met Huo Yuhao.

For the first time, he doubted his own strength, because he couldn't do what Huo Yuhao did.

No, it's not just him.

He can be sure that the entire Sun Moon Continent and Douluo Continent combined have none.

What a monster.

"Xiao Hongchen, the master of Mingde Hall, can you do this? Teacher Ma, the leader of the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineer Academy on the stage, what level of soul engineer is he?"

Ma Rulong looked at Xiao Hongchen and then asked Mr. Ma. At this moment, his faith seemed to have been shattered, and there was actually a hint of horror in his eyes.

In empires other than the Sun and Moon Empire, there are people whose soul guidance strength has reached such a terrifying level?

What Huo Yuhao did just now was something that would wake him up from nightmares, and he wouldn't even dare to think about it.

"My grandpa? Maybe!" Xiao Hongchen looked desperate. His pride had been completely destroyed on the first day of the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition. Everything he could rely on and boast about had been destroyed. Destroy mercilessly.

For the first time, he felt like a clown.

Mr. Ma also looked dull.

He is a researcher of Mingde Hall, a ninth-level soul master, and a Titled Douluo-level existence. His appearance in the empire's battle team was all arranged by the hall master.

Not only him, but also the Sun Moon Empire. There are a total of sixteen participating teams in this competition. The sixteen chief researchers of Mingde Hall and the existence of ninth-level soul masters all appear here as the leaders of these colleges. The scene of the competition.

Even the hall master came.

He has been studying soul guidance devices all his life, but he doesn't think he can achieve the level of Huo Yuhao. Basically, even a ninth-level soul engineer can do this by controlling three carving knives while being distracted.

But if you add ten times to this basis, then this is no longer something that humans can do.

Ma Rulong asked him a question, but he really didn't know how to answer it.

Perhaps, only a god-level soul mentor who has surpassed the tenth-level soul mentor can do this kind of magical operation of Huo Yuhao.

On the competition stage, time passes minute by second

What Huo Yuhao carves are some fifth-level soul guidance cores.

Seven groups of flying knives continued to carve various types of soul guidance cores, and the remaining group was controlled by Huo Yuhao to carve the outer and inner shells of the soul guidance devices.

Moreover, under his assembly, what he wanted to do gradually took shape.

In the eyes of others, what Huo Yuhao built was just a fire stick, even though the stick was very large.

Exactly how big it is!

It is more than a hundred meters long. Because it is so big, half of this strange soul guide is in the air outside the competition stage.

However, this was not considered a violation, so the referee did not call a stop.

But the description of the fire stick is inaccurate. This behemoth is 120 meters long and has a pipe diameter of one meter wide. On the streamlined fuselage, there is a cylindrical structure dozens of meters long. Its surface is a piece of diameter There are several meters of clear glass.

Under the fuselage, there are two giant tripods tens of meters high set up on the competition platform to support this behemoth.

This thing created by Huo Yuhao has a very professional name in modern times, called the Barrett sniper rifle.

However, the Barrett that Huo Yuhao made was a product of a hundred-fold increase in proportion to the Blue Star Barrett, and it also added soul guidance technology.

What Huo Yuhao is doing now is to squeeze bullets for his one-meter-caliber Barrett sniper rifle with his bare hands.

Although it was a bit of a fuss, he really wanted to see how powerful the seven-level fixed soul-guiding bullets fired by this power source composed of hundreds of level-5 soul-guiding cores would be.

It’s really exciting.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he had made his own soul guide since he became a ninth-level soul engineer.

After receiving the essence of Electrolux's forbidden magic transmission, he inherited not only magical knowledge, but also Electrolux's decades of insights and thinking about the truth.

As the saying goes, one method can lead to all methods.

With Huo Yuhao's mental strength and memory, it is too easy to memorize and understand soul guidance knowledge.

But the essence of a soul mentor lies in practice.

A high-level soul engineer never achieves success by working behind closed doors.

They can succeed after countless years of accumulation.

However, as the saying goes, no matter how hard you try, you can't cheat.

Over the years, Huo Yuhao has been practicing his control of flying knives all the time. After all, the more flying knives he can skillfully control, the stronger he will be.

In order to improve his accuracy, he also increased the difficulty of his exercises.

That is to use mental power to control the flying knife to carve the soul guidance core.

As I kept practicing, I accidentally became a ninth-level soul master.

This is indeed very helpless, and he is also very helpless.

Perhaps, excellent people will always become better.

 Created to do Tang San’s job



(End of this chapter)

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