There is a secret space inside the No. 1 auction hall. At this moment, Xu Changsheng is sitting at the top.

Xu Jiawei on the side looked solemn. In front of them, a noble and beautiful figure showed a slight court etiquette towards them, then turned and strode towards the No. 1 auction hall at the door.

She is the auctioneer who is presiding over the top auction today, Princess Xu Jiujiu of the Star Luo Empire.

The moment he walked out of the mysterious room, all the VIP rooms were rendered with a layer of gold, and all the soul guidance screens emitted a soft golden light.

In a breath, the golden light on the soul guide screen gradually converged, and a melodious voice sounded: "Welcome all distinguished guests to the top auction at the Starlight Auction House. Today, we will offer you a total of eighteen precious items." The auction items will be displayed to all distinguished guests in order of their value from low to high. I hope all distinguished guests will like it."

The soul guidance screen became clearer, and the previous platform was filled with a faint layer of white. In the middle of the platform, a girl wearing a red dress appeared, it was Xu Jiujiu.

At this time, Huo Yuhao, who was sitting in the same room, felt a little emotional after seeing it again for a long time.

When he first met her, Huo Yuhao was still very weak, so he kidnapped her inexplicably, and they had an indissoluble bond from then on.

Thinking about it now, it seems like everything happened yesterday.

"Hello distinguished guests. I am today's auctioneer Jiujiu, and I am honored to host this top-notch auction. Your time is valuable, and our auction begins now."

"Dear distinguished guests, please enjoy today's first auction."

She smiled and performed a complicated but very elegant etiquette to everyone, and made a "please" gesture with her right hand. Suddenly, the screen changed, and an object appeared on the soul guidance screen on the wall.

At top-level auctions, there is no auction table. All items are enlarged by a magnifying screen and displayed to all VIP bidders from all angles. After they make a quotation, the transaction is completed and then delivered to the VIP room.

The first lot was displayed on the soul guide screen without blind spots, and everyone's eyes were attracted to this lot.

A long-lasting sound also came.

"As you can see, this is a soul guidance device, and it is a long-distance attack soul guidance device with a level as high as eight. Although it is not produced by Mingdetang, the maker is a rare ninth-level soul guidance device.

This soul guidance device is called the Kaitian Pi Di Cannon. It is a very special soul guidance device. Although it is only at level eight, the user needs to be a Titled Douluo-level expert.

Although it can only be used once a day, its frontal burst of power can reach the power of a level 95 Super Douluo's full blow.

The reason why it is rated as an eighth-level soul guide instead of a ninth-level one is mainly because its material is slightly inferior and it can only be used once a day, which is also its shortcoming.

Overall, this is an eighth-level soul tool with a ninth-level core array. "

After the introduction, there was a sound of gasping in all the rooms, except rooms three and four.

This is just the first item on the lot, and there is an eighth-level soul guide with a power as powerful as a ninth-level soul guide. Even if everyone doesn't know the specific situation of this soul guide, just relying on its frontal burst of power is enough to compete with the ninety-fifth level super Douluo. This soul guide is very powerful. Of course, although the top forces were slightly shocked, they were not shocked because of the level of this soul guidance device, but because the first auction item was a pseudo-level nine soul guidance device. One can imagine how precious the next seventeen lots will be.

Although most people come here for the Snow Emperor embryo, why not do it if they can find some treasures?

There are detailed instructions at the top of the screen, and no one wants to miss any detail of this ground-breaking cannon. After all, this is an eighth-level soul guidance device with a ninth-level soul guidance core, and its value is immeasurable.

After a while, a long-awaited voice sounded again: "It's time to watch. The starting price for the first-of-its-kind cannon is three million gold soul coins, and each increase in price will not be less than one hundred thousand gold soul coins. All distinguished guests are experts, and I believe there is no need to say this." Too many. The bidding starts, and if no one bids more within one minute, the auction will be completed."

The screen changed to a faint white color, and the previous image of the ground-breaking cannon faded into the background. A huge number of three million appeared on the screen. In just an instant, the number on the screen jumped to four million.

Subsequently, the price increased rapidly at a rate of 100,000 gold soul coins per second, and within a short time, it reached 9 million gold soul coins. At this time, the bidding speed slowed down slightly.

Almost every time when no one increases the price for a minute, the price will jump up by another hundred thousand gold soul coins. Ten minutes later, the price of this pseudo-level nine soul guide completely stabilized at 10 million.

This price lasted for one minute and the bidding ended.

In a certain VIP room, golden light suddenly appeared, changing brilliantly like fireworks, indicating that the VIP had successfully bid.

Xu Jiujiu appeared on the screen again, smiled and saluted, and said: "Thank you to the distinguished guest who just took the ground-breaking cannon for supporting this auction. Now we start the second auction, which is also a soul guide, and it is also a This is a very special eighth-level soul tool. Its value is not inferior to the ground-breaking cannon..."

After seeing the auction items in Exhibition Hall 1, many forces had different reactions. The forces of the Sun and Moon Empire were amazed, but had no desire to buy them, because these soul tools were not top-notch.

What they lamented was that the Star Luo Empire could obtain so many high-level soul tools, that's all.

And among Shrek Academy, there were different reactions. Each of them had a look of pain on their face.

Because the quota given by the academy has no effect at all, the cheapest auction item here has a transaction price of tens of millions.

As the day progresses, the top auction is already halfway through. The transaction price at this moment is close to 100 million gold soul coins.

At this moment, the dim light on the screen flickered again, and after a while the screen became clear. At this time, the top auctioneer had changed his appearance for a long time and was wearing a golden palace suit. This also meant that the transaction price of all subsequent auction items would reach hundreds of millions of gold soul coins.

All the bidders understood the significance of her change into gold clothing after the attendant's explanation. So the VIPs in all the rooms in the No. 1 auction area began to be shocked.

You know, this is only the ninth lot, and there are still nine more lots, and all subsequent transactions will be worth hundreds of millions. What a terrifying concept this is.

Although there is no comparison with the last Snow Emperor embryo, this does not prevent people from being shocked by them.

At the same time, some good people boldly speculated that the turnover of Starlight Auction House today may exceed 5 billion gold soul coins. This may also be the most terrifying transaction price in the history of the entire Douluo Star, Sun Moon Continent and Douluo Continent. one. (End of chapter)

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