Chapter 185 All auctions failed

At this moment, Xu Jiujiu had put on a pair of pure white gloves. Her left hand was slightly raised, and the entire soul guide screen became a bit dimmer.

At the same time, an arm-like object appeared on the screen. Its ice-blue appearance made people feel the extremely cold temperature even through the screen.

When everyone saw the introduction on it, everyone was shocked, because the name of the item was called the Hundred Thousand Years Extremely Cold Left Arm.


At this time, everyone took a breath of cold air, it was so terrifying.

Unexpectedly, this is only the tenth lot, and a hundred thousand year old soul bone has already appeared. This is simply unbelievable.

Did the Star Luo Empire stab the Far North this time? First it was the Snow Emperor embryo, and then it was this ice-attributed soul bone, and it was also a hundred thousand year old soul bone.

The forces belonging to the royal family of the Heavenly Soul Empire, the Dou Ling Empire, and the Sun and Moon Empire all felt that there was something fishy about the Star Luo Empire's top auction.

However, they were helpless. No matter what, they had to wait for the end of the best auction of Starlight Auction House.

The value of Snow Emperor's embryo is enough to trigger a national war, and her ownership is the most important.

After an introduction, Xu Jiujiu started this round of bidding. In her opinion, there would be no shortage of people to buy these hundred thousand year soul bones. After all, one hundred thousand year soul bones are the most precious treasure in the soul master world, not to mention Or attribute soul bone.

The powerful ice attribute can bring a huge increase to a soul master.

The final starting price set by Starlight Auction House is 50 million gold soul coins. This is an extremely low price for soul bones. Some people even doubt whether they heard it correctly.

After all, the starting price for a 100,000-year-old ice-attributed soul bone did not reach 100 million. However, when they saw the figure of fifty million appearing on the screen, everyone began to be shocked. Because Starlight Auction House actually started bidding for a 100,000-year-old soul bone at a price of 50 million gold soul coins. This is simply unbelievable.

The bidding started, but as time went by, the number on the screen did not change, always staying at 50 million gold soul coins.

At this time, the long-lasting smile began to look a little ugly. She didn't expect that the first billion-dollar item she auctioned would be so indifferent.

In this top auction, all the forces in all the bidding rooms unanimously chose to make a tacit agreement and no longer bid.

The clever Xu Jiujiu quickly guessed their thoughts and secretly thought that they were courageous. After all, for a 100,000-year-old soul bone, no matter how low the starting price is, the final transaction price will not be less than 100 million gold soul coins, or even higher.

Everyone knows that once they make a bid, they will fight to the death and may not get the last Snow Emperor embryo in the end. This is something that no force wants to happen. They hope to save the limited gold soul coins until the last bid for the Snow Emperor embryo.

They were all very smart and made the wisest choice to let these soul bones pass the auction first. After the bidding for the Snow Emperor embryos ended, the forces that did not win the auction will have a final overtime match to bid for these hundred thousand-year-old embryos. The soul bone regenerates blood back and forth.

One minute passed, and none of the top bosses made bids, and naturally no one else would bid either, and they all waited tacitly for them to fail.

No one bid, and when five or ten minutes passed, no one raised the price. The first piece of Han Bing’s left arm bone was completely rejected.

Xu Jiujiu's face was also slightly ugly. After changing his clothes, as a top auctioneer, the first auction he hosted turned out to be a complete failure.

Moreover, if nothing else happens, the next eight lots will be rejected because they are all soul bones that are 100,000 years old. However, it only took a moment, and the professional smile on his face returned to his face after a long time. On the screen, she graciously removed the unsold soul bone and said with a smile: "It seems that this auction is not very attractive to the distinguished guests here. No one raised the price for one minute, and no one raised the price for ten minutes." People bid for it, so Jiujiu could only regret that it failed to be auctioned.

Next, we will introduce the second billion-level auction item. It is also a soul bone with an age of up to 100,000 years, a skull of ice and snow wisdom.

It comes from the far north, and it happens to be the embryo of the Snow Emperor in today's finale, the soul bone of the Snow Emperor tribe.

I don’t need to say more about the rarity of a hundred thousand year old head soul bone with spiritual attributes. It has two attributes: spirit and ice and snow, making it a treasure among treasures.

The starting price we have set is 100 million gold soul coins. All distinguished guests, please start appreciating it. In a quarter of an hour, we will start this round of bidding. "

At this time, all the strength in No. 1 Auction House was numb.

Forget about taking out a hundred thousand year old soul bone, the Star Luo Empire actually took out another soul bone, and it was a very precious one hundred thousand year old spiritual soul bone.

When did soul bones become so worthless? And it’s a hundred thousand year old soul bone?

Starlight Auction House released two of them at once, which was so shocking.

But shock is shock, and it is impossible to bid. The starting price for this thing is 100 million, who knows what price it will be fetched.

Therefore, the second lot was still unsold, and then the third, fourth, fifth, and until the eighth lot were all unsold.

All the forces that came to participate in the auction were numb. The Star Luo Empire suddenly took out eight hundred thousand year old soul bones. With such a big gesture, they no longer knew what to say.

At this time, the forces involved in the beast tide all thought of one person in their minds, and that was Xing Luo Shuai of the Star Luo Empire. Thinking about it this way, everyone suddenly no longer found it strange. It was no longer surprising that the Star Luo Empire could produce so many hundred thousand year soul bones. After all, Xing Luo Shuai of the Star Luo Empire is the man in legend.

Everyone speculated that this auction might be Xing Luo Shuai's handiwork. All the soul bones that are one hundred thousand years old have been rejected. For a long time, he has looked hopeless.

As the top auctioneer of Starlight Auction House, she has never seen any big storms, but she has never seen such a scene today.

Since she started working in the auction industry, she has only been lucky enough to bid for a 100,000-year-old soul bone once, and that time it was sold to a sky-high price.

Comparing the two, one can imagine the huge gap.

It was hard to feel good. When she took out the last exhibit, the whole place was in a state of excitement.

Everyone focused their attention on the screen, and no one was willing to move their eyes for fear of missing any information about this exhibit.

After all, this is the 690,000-year-old Snow Emperor embryo. Whether it is the so-called second martial soul, her 690,000-year-old soul bone, or the 690,000-year-old pure soul power and energy in her body, they are all priceless treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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