The chains here are all divine gold. It can be seen that Tang San attaches great importance to the will of the plane. It's a pity that he left out Huo Yuhao. All of this made Huo Yuhao's wedding dress.

After Jiucai's restraints were lifted, Qicai pounced on Jiucai's body, "Huo Yuhao, you died so miserably, Huo Yuhao, you died so miserably."

Huo Yuhao walked forward slowly and heard Qicai's wailing. He grabbed Jiucai's dragon tail and kicked Qicai away. "You are crying at the wrong grave. This is your grave, not mine."

Then he sent the bodies of Qicai and Jiucai into the plane of light, and after taking one last look at this place, he got up and left.

After he left, this space completely collapsed. This was inevitable. Originally, this space was opened up by Tang Hao and Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin. Now that they are both dead, there is no one to maintain the space, and the surrounding walls have no resistance from the roots of Blue Silver Grass. This powerful gravity directly presses the space. Come over and turn the entire space into ruins.

The corpses of Tang Hao and Lan Yinhuang hugged each other tightly, and they died in the same hole. It was considered a love for each other in vain.

After obtaining two god-level souls again, Huo Yuhao returned to the Holy Law of the Dead without stopping. After sacrificing two souls, his Mangekyo Sharingan successfully replaced two souls for him again.

So far, one-third of Huo Yun'er's soul resurrection plan has been completed, and Huo Yun'er's face has become more and more rosy. But Huo Yuhao knew that this was actually just the beginning. After he completely returned Huo Yun'er's soul, he still needed to help Huo Yun'er conceive and nourish her soul. In other words, he still needed the help of Dou Po Cang Qiong.

Entering the spiritual space, Huo Yuhao directly opened the chat interface. Nalan Yanran from the World of Breaking the Sky sent him n messages every day. He never read them or replied them. Today he finally read them once.

The most common question here is: Who are you? Where are you from? It's really stupid. He has clearly sent her all his information, how to use the system and introduction to various functions, but she still has to ask these questions.

What I want to say has already been said. If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s useless to ask. Compared to Nalan Yanran, Nuonuo seemed to be more rational. She almost didn't communicate with Huo Yuhao and was always waiting for Huo Yuhao to take the initiative because she knew who was the one who took the initiative.

She was proficient in profiling. From the clues that Huo Yuhao provided to her, she already knew what kind of character Huo Yuhao was and how to get along with him.

What's more, she was a dignified young lady, and her boyfriend was the heir to the Picasso family. She had nothing to worry about, so she had no worries about food and clothing, so she didn't have much contact with Huo Yuhao.

After briefly glancing at the Dragon Clan interface, Huo Yuhao returned his gaze to the Dou Po Cang Qiong interface and replied "Yes". Nalan Yanran on the opposite side suddenly became excited.

This is the first time a mysterious existence has sent her a message in such a long time. There was still one month left, and the three-year period was coming, but she felt more and more uneasy. This was a woman's intuition.

Frankly speaking, she thought that she was definitely stronger than Xiao Yan, but she always had a bad feeling. And when she knew that there was a world outside the sky, she wanted to know what the world Huo Yuhao was in was like.

She will keep in touch with him. Perhaps this is also a manifestation of loneliness. Nalan Yanran didn't have many friends, and she just practiced in seclusion every day.

She wanted to become friends with Huo Yuhao. After all, the two had the closest connection and could be said to be mutual friends who could share secrets, so she felt very excited when Huo Yuhao responded to her.

"Hello, who are you?" "My name is Huo Yuhao, and I am your binder. I made it very clear in the instructions I sent you before."

"Then what do you want from me?" Nalan Yanran asked.

"I do have a little thing to ask you, Nalan Yanran, how many cash points do you have now?"

Hearing Huo Yuhao ask this question, Nalan Yanran was slightly startled. After checking it, she said in embarrassment, "I only have one hundred points."

Nalan Yanran has been practicing and has never killed anyone. Even if she has killed only a few people, she has only accumulated one hundred withdrawal points after living to such an old age.

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt ashamed. He was so weak and could not provide him with any help at all. Nothing could be exchanged for him. He can no longer let Nalan Yanran be so decadent. After he defeats the Haotian Sect, kills the God Realm, and completely recalls his mother's soul, he will need to use Nalan Yanran.

He needs the soul repair fluid, various soul elixirs, and even the soul origin to fight against the world of the sky. With Nalan Yanran's level, he didn't expect Nalan Yanran to be able to get him the soul source, so he could only find a way on his own.

But Nalan Yanran mentioned too few things now, so few that he couldn't carry out any plans. Is it possible that he would have a bug like Luo Feng?

It seemed possible, but he wouldn't allow his partner to be too shabby.

"Nalan Yanran, what is your current strength?"

Huo Yuhao continued to ask. After hearing Huo Yuhao's question, Nalan Yanran hesitated for a moment, and then said generously, "I am now a great fighting master. In our world, I am very strong at my age."

"It's not enough." Huo Yuhao's cold voice sounded, "I am much younger than you, but now I should be able to easily destroy your entire Jia Ma Empire."

"Nalan Yanran, your Jia Ma Empire is just a small land. Dou Qi Continent has countless powerful forces. On top of Dou Emperor, there are Dou Zong, Dou Zun, Half Saint, Dou Saint and Dou Emperor. You are now , you are just getting started in cultivation, your strength is too poor, you are not even qualified to trade with me."

"Huh?" Huo Yuhao's words made Nalan Yanran feel incredible. First, Huo Yuhao's strength shocked her, and then the levels Huo Yuhao mentioned. She knew that Dou Huang was the level of her master.

In her impression, the entire Jiaji empire only had Dou Huang-level experts, and her grandfather even had only Dou Wang. In her opinion, Dou Huang was already a very powerful being, and her lifelong goal was to break through. Douhuang, become a strong man at Douhuang level.

As a result, Huo Yuhao told her now that Dou Huang is just the beginning of the realm of cultivation. There are so many powerful realms beyond Dou Huang. This is incredible.

Is she really just a frog in a well? No wonder Huo Yuhao didn't want to contact her, it turned out to be too bad (End of Chapter)

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