Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 303: Two Gods can bring 4 people, but Yu Xiaogang and Bai Chenxiang are missing in the God R

"Then Huo Yuhao, how far must I go before I can help you?"

In the training room of the Young Master of Yunlan Sect, Nalan Yanran suddenly had a look of expectation on her face. She curiously asked Huo Yuhao how much she hoped to hear that Huo Yuhao was talking about the two levels of Dou Huang or Dou Zong. She should still be able to reach it, but the following levels were unheard of for him.

But to her disappointment, the level Huo Yuhao mentioned was exactly the level she was not qualified to contact.

Hearing Nalan Yanran's question, Huo Yuhao suddenly felt funny. After a moment of silence, Huo Yuhao slowly said, "If you can break through to Dou Zun, you should be able to help me."

"Dou Zun?" Nalan Yanran jumped up from the bed in fright. What on earth did Huo Yuhao want to do? Do you need the help of a Dou Zun-level expert?

She counted on her fingers and found that she was now a Dou Master, followed by the Great Dou Master, Dou Ling, Dou King, Dou Emperor, Dou Zong, and then Dou Zun.

"Huo Yuhao, are you trying to scare me?"

"Uh, isn't that true? I may indeed need Dou Zun-level helpers to help me. If I wait for you, I will probably die of old age!"

What Huo Yuhao said is true. If you want to snatch the origin of the soul from the hands of the Soul Palace, you must at least fight for honor and have someone to protect you.

Moreover, Dou Zun is conservative. Without the level of Dou Saint, there is no need to go to Zhongzhou to loot the Soul Palace. The Soul Clan is the most powerful force in the entire Doupo Continent, and the Soul Emperor is only one step away from breaking through the Dou Emperor. If you want to snatch a large amount of soul origin from their hands, you can't do it without enough strength.

Nalan Yanran still has talent. After the battle with Xiao Yan, she did not lose her Taoist heart. Instead, she entered the road to become a king and experienced it. After she came out, she also had the strength of a fighting king.

Breaking through this kind of cultivation at such a young age, without cheating, is extremely rare in such a remote area.

Seeing that Huo Yuhao stopped talking, Nalan Yanran also felt a little discouraged. She felt in her heart that Huo Yuhao had not lied to her, so she felt even more inferior. So what kind of cultivation level was Huo Yuhao? Does she really deserve to be friends with her?
"Huo Yuhao, I let you down. I'm not a good partner. I can't help you."

Huo Yuhao was a little surprised when he heard what she said? This Nalan Yanran is still a pleaser, worried about others being dissatisfied?
If that's the case, then why did she go to the Xiao family to break off the engagement with such great fanfare? It even brought disgrace to the Xiao family and ruined the ten-thousand-year plan of Emperor Dehun.

It does make sense for a person who wants to pursue his own happiness to have an inexplicable attraction to strong people.

Nalan Yanran is a typical lack of love! However, Huo Yuhao didn't care about her. In his eyes, Nalan Yanran was just a tool for his use.

Huo Yuhao immediately uploaded something to her and said by the way, "During this period, you should go to the World of Warcraft Forest to hunt Warcraft and earn more cash points. I gave you something. If you use it well, your cultivation should be It’s going to go up significantly.”

"I don't have anything to say. You can make more cash and withdraw it, so that if something urgent happens, we won't be too embarrassed."

With that said, Huo Yuhao left the spiritual space. The things he gave to Nalan Yanran were very practical and suitable for her.

A few fairy grasses, a set of SS-level star-swallowing combat uniforms, Xuan Shui Pill, Soul Ascension Pill and a set of hundred thousand year old soul bones.

He has already tested the soul bone, and even ordinary people without any soul power can absorb it, but he doesn't know if Nalan Yanran can afford to replace it.

But no matter what, he has already done what he should do anyway. He can wait until the matter here is resolved before continuing to think of a solution. He can't count on Nalan Yanran's strength anyway. After knowing that Huo Yuhao had left, Nalan Yanran still felt a little disappointed. She hadn't chatted with anyone for a long time, chatting like this with friends.

She keeps practicing every day. Apart from practice, she still practices. It seems that there is nothing in her life except practice. She had been assassinated when she was a child, and she had always sworn in her heart that she would protect everything she wanted to protect, and she would also decide her own happiness, so she went to the Xiao family to break off the engagement with Xiao Yan.

In fact, after that day, she would always recall Xiao Yan's ferocious expression in her mind, and she would often regret it. She knew that the way she broke off the engagement was inappropriate, but she did not regret her decision, even if Xiao Yan was a genius. , she will still break off the engagement, this is her attitude towards life.

When she knew that Huo Yuhao needed her, she thought in her heart that she must become stronger. But when she saw these things Huo Yuhao gave her, she was immediately shocked.

Because the above effects are so powerful, but the price is also not cheap.

In the room, a look of perseverance suddenly appeared in her eyes. She took away her Wind Spirit Saber and headed towards the Warcraft Forest. She wanted to become stronger, strong enough to be needed by others.

After a brief negotiation with Nalan Yanran, Huo Yuhao set his sights on Tang San's last hideout in Douluo Continent. But having said that, Wang Dong’s soul is not bad, it should be regarded as a divine soul. I don’t know if the sacrifice is useful.

But when he thought that Wang Dong had returned to Shrek City, he felt a little regretful. He just had that kind of relationship with Zhang Lexuan, and he immediately slapped her in the face. That was too unkind.

Anyway, Wang Dong’s soul is dispensable, forget it, just go to Haotian Sect.

Huo Yuhao was about to teleport over, but a breath made him stop. Huo Yuhao hurriedly summoned all the undead generals and asked Ye Di to sit in Huo Yun'er's room. Then, he strode out.

As soon as Huo Yuhao walked out of the room, a scorching breath appeared in the courtyard of the Holy Law of the Dead.

Huo Yuhao sneered, "The Phoenix God is here, what are you doing?"

Ma Hongjun's handsome face was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Huo Yuhao, "I'm here to ask you for help."

Ma Hongjun did not show off his divine genealogy. In fact, he was also present when Huo Yuhao killed Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. At that time, he wanted to come out to help, but the evil thoughts in his heart suppressed his justice.

He had a feeling of anger in his heart, so he didn't go out at that time, and the facts proved that his choice was right.

He was very glad afterwards that he did not go out, otherwise, one more god would have died in Shrek Academy that day.

He couldn't imagine why Huo Yuhao was so strong, but he already knew what Huo Yuhao was doing, and that was enough.

"Oh? A high-ranking god actually needs to seek help from a mortal?" Huo Yuhao said jokingly.

Who would have thought that after hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Ma Hongjun knelt on the ground and begged loudly, "Please star Luo Shuai to resurrect my wife Bai Chenxiang. I, Ma Hongjun, am willing to sacrifice everything, including my life, just to ask You can resurrect my wife." (End of Chapter)

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