If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 213 The jade pot turns with light, a night of fish and dragon dance

Chapter 213 The jade pot turns with light, and the fish and dragon dance all night

"So, why did the drumming stop? It sounds so good, cheerful and passionate. Keep going."

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while, Brother Lin is holding back his ultimate move."

"It's true that I got up early in the morning to watch the live broadcast. It really made me excited. As a college student, I got up and cleaned the house after watching the live broadcast!"

At this time, the drum sound suddenly stopped.

The scene became silent.

It even got a little noisy.

Lin Yi glanced around quietly, looking at the young faces in the lion dance team, and narrowed his eyes.

This party was organized by myself.

Those contact information, on the one hand, gave the people above them face, and on the other hand, they also wanted to truly display the things that belong to China in front of everyone.

If you want national style, I let the Chinese Divine Lion come.

There is more than one, there are all kinds.

Let the visual effects be full.

Moreover, this can also add a wave of popularity to Cultural Tourism City in advance.

Lin Yi does not think that he is a chivalrous person, but Lin Yi wants to make money while showing truly good things in front of everyone when he has the ability.

Let these teenagers stop walking on narrow paths.

But it leads to the real road.

Lin Yi wants to use a fire to completely sweep away the national style.


At this time, the confused director rushed to the scene after receiving the call.

Seeing the grand situation in the live broadcast room, my eyes almost popped out.

"No, you tell me, give me this surprise early in the morning?"

The director turned to look at his assistant.

"You've been silent for so long, and now you're here to surprise me?"

The assistant was silent.

The director looked at the big scene in the live broadcast room.

He lit a cigarette with trembling hands.

I thought before that Lin Yi must be holding back some big move after being silent for so long, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

He would raise my little lover to a level that does not belong to him.

More importantly, he begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother for this love affair. How could Lin Yi do it and make these people willing to help?

Assistant: "Now, our love story can no longer keep a low profile."

The director nodded and said, "Just out of sympathy, Xiao Liu, go and kowtow to Brother Lin."



Baiyun, Lion Dance Square.

Bai Lu looked at the sea of ​​people below, her palms sweating from nervousness.

She has also held concerts, but now the situation is completely different.

"Brother Lin, is this a big scene?"

Lin Yi nodded and said softly.

"If you spend money, of course it will be a big event."

Lion dance teams came from all over the country.

Lin Yi paid for the round-trip air tickets, hotel, food and drinks.

Of course, they deserve this treatment.

After practicing for half your life, you still can’t enjoy yourself?

Of course, this money is also spent to pave the way for myself.

Bai Lu curled her lips and said: "This is money spent. If not, I will reimburse you. Let these teenagers stand on the stage. How meaningful it is."

Lin Yi: "I have such an idea, but I am also a businessman. I should do less things that are not profitable. It can also be said that the poor people in the world will be happy."

Bai Lu: "So, Lin Geqian is quite great."

Lin Yi: "That's natural, but I don't have the ability to protect the female half first. Well, the ability is not enough, so let's set it between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight."

Bai Lu: "..."

Although Lin Yi was joking.

But Bai Lu knew that Lin Yi was not just trying to make money.

The money in hand is enough to live on for a lifetime.

Or release songs, three or four a day.

Don't worry about not having money.

I am doing this now because I want to break out of the music industry and let the flames with the word "Lin Yi" sweep over me. Making money is just a matter of convenience.

"Don't think about it, it's about to start. Do you have the little lion headband?"

Lin Yi suddenly spoke.

Bai Lu: "???"

"I brought it with me. Brother Lin, what do you want to do?"

Bai Lu had a bad premonition in her heart.

"You will take the lead in a moment and bring the lions in."

Bai Lu: "(ΩДΩ)???" "No, Brother Lin, there are so many big guys here, do you want me to humiliate you with that little lion's head?"

Bai Lu saw those lions clearly.

Just talk about the Tian Yang Dao Mountain Lion.

Jumping on the mountain of knives, it can be called hardcore.

Lion dance teams from various places have their own programs.

Just the appearance just now caused the number of people in the live broadcast room to directly exceed five million, which is shocking.

As a result, let yourself, a child who can't even blink as if he had a cerebral hemorrhage, take the lead?

"Brother Lin, are you sure you're not making fun of me?"

"No, you really want me to elope to the moon. I like Mother Earth, and I still want to live here!"

Lin Yi tilted his head and said.

"You said yesterday that you had worked hard all afternoon and wanted to perform."

Bai Lu's head shook like a rattle.

"No, no, no, I can't harm traditional culture."

"Okay, but you have to take the lead. Of course, it's for those kids."

As he spoke, Lin Yi pursed his lips.

Looking in the direction, a dozen little bean bags looked serious and were ready.

Bai Lu: "(≧≦)"

"That's okay, I want to be the king of children."

Although, Bai Lu likes cute little lions.

But it is traditional culture after all. If Lin Yi arranged it for so long, it would be over if it caused bad effects to Brother Lin.

Of course, it's also because I don't want to be embarrassed. ,


A few minutes later.

Bai Lu put on a pink little lion head.

Putting on the red lion costume, he turned his head and looked behind him.

A total of eighteen little beanbags were touched, about seven or eight years old.

They all wear little lion heads and lion clothes, looking cute and adorable.

Following Bai Lu, she felt inexplicably like an eagle catching chickens when she was a child. Bai Lu was the mother chicken.

Lin Yi gave simple instructions.

"It's a straight road, only fifty meters. You walk to the end, take the children to the stage, and then you climb up to the high platform and sing with me."

Bai Lu looked through the lion's head and blinked her big eyes.

"There's also singing involved. I'm so nervous. What should I do?"

Lin Yi patted Bai Lu and said.

"Remember what I taught you, stay calm, give your best, and leave the rest to God."

Lin Yi has been teaching for a long time, but not much.

It’s too difficult, just a few simple moves.

Open your eyes, shake your hair, take a nap, etc.

It should be enough to carry the little bean bags from kindergarten.

Bai Lu was just about to leave.

Lin Yi held his head down.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry yet."

Just as he was thinking about it, Huang Huihong walked onto the square with several apprentices.

The apprentice held a tray in his hand, with cinnabar brushes and other objects on it.

Bai Lu couldn't hold it any longer, and the control little lion head on the upper left and upper right jumped up.

"What are you doing? Do you want to draw a talisman?"

The kid behind him wiped his nose.

"Auntie, this is called consecration. It's like the eye-touching of the paper man in the novel China, making the lion 'alive'."

Bai Lu: "..."

He turned his head and pinched the child's face.

"Kid, you are so smart, but can you call me sister?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "Culture needs to be passed on. You see, children know so much."

Bai Lu flattened her mouth in dissatisfaction.

"If you say it again, I'll blow your brains out!"

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(End of this chapter)

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