Chapter 214 Shocking chorus, youthful spirit

Friends in the live broadcast room burst out laughing when they saw this scene.

"Good guy, it turns out that children know so much. Bai Lu said, doesn't this make me look stupid?"

"The traditional culture in the south is still very well preserved, especially in Fujian, where the wandering gods and lion dances are very good."

"Yes, it's very prosperous every year."

"As the sun sets and the sky turns dark, every house has its doors closed. Nine out of ten houses have locks, and one door is still open..."

"That's the master of dancing in the Northeast, you fake fan."

"Consecration, this wave of ritual feeling is really full."

"There are so many lions, all different. Just now, a big brother understood the local culture and inferred the place based on their characteristics. It's so magical."

"Chinese culture has been inherited for five thousand years. The main focus is to let a hundred flowers bloom and seek common ground while reserving differences. These are the characteristics of inheritance."

"Mom, I actually took the postgraduate entrance examination in Lianzong."


At this moment.

Bai Lu led the children to stand there, waiting quietly for the consecration, and then led the lion dance team and the group of young people onto the lion dance stage.

Huang Huihong looked at the children and couldn't help nodding.

"Cultural inheritance should start from childhood."

Then, lion dance teams from various places performed the consecration ceremony.

Lin Yi consecrated Bai Lu and a dozen little lions.

"I'll move wherever I click."

Lin Yi said.

Bai Lu nodded seriously and blinked the lion's eyes.

Don't tell me, maybe I didn't sleep well last night.

Of course, it could also be that I spent another confusing and magical day with Brother Lin.

Next, the brush is dipped in cinnabar, and the eyes are dotted with light.

With each click, there are auspicious words full of energy.

"A little bit of heaven, the auspicious stars are shining brightly, the country is peaceful and the people are safe."

"Two points of lion's eyes, one's eyes can see six directions, and one can travel thousands of miles."


"Moving around, the golden dragon leaps into prosperity."

"Joy, anger, and doubt, the lion wakes up to welcome the new year."

Later, Lin Yi said loudly.

"It's done!"

Get this set of actions down.

The shock from the culture made the water friends in the live broadcast room silent.

dong dong dong.

In the silent scene, the sound of drums sounded again.

Under the leadership of Bai Lu, the little lions wandered towards the square.

These lion dance kids are doing a great job of making sure they don’t fall down.

Where they stand, they have a unique style.

Bai Lu tried her best, maybe because of the pressure, and performed every move very well.

When she arrived at the place, Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately walked towards the high platform.

Then, the scene fell silent again,

There was silence twice in succession, and the scene was inevitably a little commotion.

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Lu beside him, handed over the microphone, and glanced at the resolute faces of the young people in the audience.

He turned to look at Master Huang Huihong and nodded.

The next moment, the soaring suona sound sounded.

It seemed like it was about to pierce the clouds.

Then, the sound of guzheng sounded, and the battle was joyful.

Then, there was the shocking sound of dozens of big drums.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were shocked.

National style, passionate, yet brisk.

Lin Yi raised the microphone, and his serious yet brisk voice sounded.

"When huge waves rush across every inch of rivers and mountains."

"Touch every unyielding spine."

Lin Yi turned his head, Bai Lu adjusted her breath, and a light voice sounded.

"When the starlight falls on the shoulders of the dreamer."

"Remember this moment of looking up."

As the sound falls.

Dozens of big drums come into play.

An overwhelming momentum swept out.

All kinds of ancient Chinese musical instruments are played to the extreme.

Suona broke through all obstacles and jumped in front of everyone.

Lin Yi glanced at the young man looking up in the audience, his heart moved slightly. “On this journey, there will inevitably be disappointments and injuries.”

"I hold on to my dreams and fantasies."

"Go to the battlefield to chase the wind and waves."

Bai Lu: "Close your eyes, the applause and cheers echo repeatedly in your dream."

"Run forward from now on."

“Embrace the scenery at the top.”

The next moment, the teenagers' chorus began.

"You call yourself a knight and are frivolous."

"If you don't want to be mediocre, you still think the story isn't exciting enough."

"Use faith to break through all obstacles."

"Let the world witness the glory of this moment."

The voices of the young lion dancers are loud and clear.

The momentum even surpasses the instrument.

The voices of Lin Yi and Bai Lu were more like green leaves.

Leading the rhythm of the teenagers.

The passion of young people is perfect paired with "Dream Chasing (Youth) Fantasy".

If two people were to sing, it would be a bit of a second-guessing performance.

Hot topics at the conference, a duet between two middle school students, about young people’s dreams of being in the world.

But with these passionate young men, their momentum soared into the sky.

Full of energy!

This song is dedicated to these young people who have been practicing hard in the audience for ten years, and is also used to welcome those who come from all over China to inherit the culture.

There was an explosion in the live broadcast room.

"It's a very good word, but I like it so much!"

"Young people stick to their dreams and set off towards the world of their imagination, in exchange for white jade horses galloping around the world."

"It's so burning, they deserve blood!"

"If it weren't for Lin Yi, when would these young people be able to stand on the stage, and no one would remember what they looked like,"

"Brother Lin, you are my god!"

“Each verse is full of 2-level lyrics, but with so many people singing along, it’s not called 2-level music, it’s called youthful spirit.”

"Who would have thought that the young lion dancers' singing would be so special."


At this moment.

Inside the museum office.

Look at the effect in the live broadcast room.

Han Chunming's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he even forgot to pay attention to the phone next to him that kept ringing.

All he could see were Lin Yi and the young lion dancers.

"This kid asked me for a contact list. It turns out he's waiting here."

"Why didn't I think of such a big scene?"

In the picture, inheritors of intangible cultural heritage from all over the world with a common goal gathered together, and the effect was explosive.

He picked up the phone and heard the old man's excited voice from the other side.

"Who would have thought that lion dance would gain so much attention one day? Have you seen it, Lao Han? People in the live broadcast room are about to rush to sign in."

Han Chunming was silent and said: "In fact, we should have thought of it earlier. Young people are more creative. In other words, the situation will open up."

"Also, don't get too excited. Xiao Lin said that this is an acting rehearsal, a warm-up for the real big scene..."

After hanging up the phone, continue watching the live broadcast room.

Watching the chorus of "Fantasy".

Han Chunming's heart moved slightly and he couldn't help but rub the corners of his eyes.

Putting Chinese culture out to shock the public is the only way to truly shine. No matter what Lin Yi does in the future, he must help.


at this time.

On the Lion Dance Platform Square.

The camera guy was already in a hurry.

At the same time, he was filming Lin Lu and his two lead singers on the high platform.

While filming the orchestra’s stunning ensemble.

While taking photos of the various skills of the lion dancers.

We also have to film the teenagers singing together.

I was shocked and smiled bitterly at the same time. I don't usually work, but when I come here it's a big scene, and the wind and waves hit my face, right?

Come on more, I like it so much.

 In fact, I wanted to write "The Song of the Snow Dragon", after all, it is the early spring when dragons and tigers leap.

  But after thinking about it, I decided to use "Teenage Fantasy". The Chinese style in it is also very good, although it is a bit niche.

  In the future, I will put national styles such as "Snow Dragon Song" in the book.



(End of this chapter)

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