If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 220 If this lion dies, Xu Xiao will tell you to hang Beiliang Dao all over the city

Chapter 220 If this lion dies, Xu Xiao will tell you to hang Beiliang Dao all over the city

"It's not you yet."

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Lu helplessly.

After coming back, I put the little pink lion head on my head and started playing there.

But it always feels like something is missing.

Then he pestered Lin Yi and asked Lin Yi to make hydrangea for himself.

"It's like this. A little lion without a hydrangea is not a perfect little lion, just like a footbath and a godfather cannot live without a little boy."

Seeing Bai Lu's serious look.

Lin Yi was helpless.

It is best to use bamboo for hydrangeas.

But bamboo is not readily available and requires sun-drying and other complicated processes, so we can only make small hydrangeas made of wood first.

Cutting, carving, splicing.

Two hydrangeas, one big and one small, are ready.

Apply a heavy coat of red and gold paint and it's done.

"Well, it will take a day."

"But why are there two hydrangeas?"

Bai Lu scratched her head in confusion.

Lin Yi glanced at Xiao Mingyue sleeping on the balcony and said.

"Xiao Mingyue eats haise every day and needs to lose weight."

Bai Lu nodded seriously.

"That's right, that's it. Wait...?"

In the live broadcast room, I looked at a peaceful little courtyard.

"No, Brother Lin, there are all kinds of news about you on the Internet now, including concerts, cultural tourism cities, and cultural promoters. But you are working as a foreigner here?"

"Don't tell me, Lin Yi seems to be very caring and thoughtful. He even prepared a copy for Xiao Mingyue."

"Brother Lin, I still want to ask, will you give us fans a blank check?"

"Don't say it, don't say it. Maybe in the end, Brother Lin won't release an album, the Cultural Tourism City won't open, the concert won't be held, and there won't be any love."

"I can accept the first few, but if it's the last one, I really can't bear it, although life is often a tragedy."

"I just jumped over the wall and looked at the Internet. Now foreign countries have been brainwashed by lion dance. Some people have used toilet paper to wrap up lion heads and start lion dance. The main thing is sand sculptures."

"I saw some people wearing bedsheets, drilling holes into pumpkin heads, gluing red toilet paper on them, imitating lion dance."

"The short video platform deserves to make money. In two hours, the special effects of the lion dance were created."

Shadiao netizens are very happy.

This statement applies all over the world.

The main thing is to attract happiness. No matter how you get it, it will bring happiness. Of course, the stick will bring bad luck.

Make the best use of daily necessities and turn them into props.

It is nonsense to expect a nation that is proud of its own nation to accept the culture of other nations in large quantities.

But when culture becomes a trend, people will actively accept it.

This is like the craze of foreign sand sculptures and lion dances, which has made more people interested in traditional Chinese culture.

Lin Yi also became a point of curiosity.

Songs with connotation and cultural pride such as "Teenage Fantasy", "Sichuan Embroidery" and "Blue and White Porcelain" have flowed overseas.

With the popularity of the video, more people have learned about the Chinese music scene, not only English songs and transfers, but also originals and Chinese.


At this time, Lin Yi continued carpentry work in the small yard.

It's rare to enjoy peace and quiet.

Neither the media nor fans can enter this place.

It is divided into conservation and development areas.

If you want to come in, you must first apply for a certificate, and then you can enter after being reviewed.

But as long as you can come in, it will be an exclusive interview.

However, the Forestry Bureau said it did not agree.

As the sun sets in the evening.

The director also called.

"Brother Lin, wherever you are going to play tomorrow, take me with you. I can do any job!"

Lin Yi: "It's not very convenient. Goodbye, director."

The director quickly said: "No, no, no, just kidding, I'm actually here to help you book a flight ticket in advance. After all, it's so difficult to book a flight ticket now."

Lin Yi thought for a moment.

"I'm not planning to go out tomorrow, but I do have something to talk to the director about."

With that said, Lin Yi explained some simple things.

We still need to use the camera crew tomorrow. And they have to assemble very early, and they have to be ready at five or six in the morning.

The director expressed confusion.

I have no idea what Lin Yi is thinking.

But whatever Lin Yi wants to do will definitely bring traffic.

Either it's very interesting, or it's very awesome.



That night, Lin Yi finally carved the hydrangea.

At Bai Lu's request, it was painted with environmentally friendly paint, which dries quickly and can be played in a few hours.

In the small yard, Bai Lu put on a little lion's head and chased the big ball.

That way, it doesn't look like a lion dance, but more like a Fokker monster.

And Xiao Mingyue, who rarely slept in, chased after the little hydrangea.

A bell was placed inside, tinkling.

Successfully met Xiao Mingyue’s hunting needs.

Lin Yi looked at the two of them, having a great time, and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, it's getting late, I have to get up early tomorrow."


Bai Lu agreed and held the lion dance carefully in her arms.

I ran back to the yard in a hurry.

Xiao Mingyue also followed closely and ran into the yard.

"I'm hungry, Xiao Linzi, go get me some food."

"But at night, you don't want to control your figure?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lu frowned slightly and said with her arms crossed.

"If this lion dies of hunger, Xu Xiao will teach you to hang Beiliang Dao all over the city, believe it or not!"

"Besides, I also helped Brother Lin treat his illness."

Lin Yi tilted his head and said.

"Why do you say that."

Bai Lu said while combing the fur of the lion's head.

"Look, I am with Brother Lin every day, which relieves Brother Lin's lovesickness. So, is it too much to have a midnight snack?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Looking at the furious Bai Lu.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said, "You must have some serious illness." '

Even so, I walked into the kitchen.

Bai Lu stamped her feet dissatisfied.

"So, if I leave Brother Lin, will you miss me?"

Lin Yi peeled the onion and said casually.

"Alone, you are afraid of being alone, and two people are afraid of letting each other down, but you will feel safe if you embrace them, and you will feel warm if you are with them."

"It's called, looking at the sky at dawn and looking at the clouds at dusk, I miss you when I walk, and I miss you when I sit down."

As soon as these words came out.

Bai Lu was immediately delighted and pretended not to understand.

"Well, I don't understand. I feel like you are saying you miss me. So after I leave, Brother Lin, how much will you miss me? Let me hear it?"

Lin Yi spoke without hesitation.

"I will probably never forget you. Every time I hear the suona, I think it is you who is leaving."

Bai Lu: "???"

The live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Tell me, Lulu, you can accept it as soon as you see fit, do you insist on seeking death?"

"I have to say that Brother Lin is really romantic. At the beginning, so many people called Brother Lin a straight man, but Brother Lin gave all girls a romance that they can't even see in their dreams."

"Isn't this Mr. Shuren's writing style? I probably missed you. I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I opened the notebook and saw that it was filled with densely written words. If I looked carefully, it was all your name."

"It's none of my business, Wei Yimin."

"Just tell me if I miss you."

"Do you miss me, or do you want me to die?"

"Hahahaha, I really can't stop laughing. I'm so happy about the love between my enemies."

"I'm probably sick. When you were here, I took everything for granted. But after you left, I discovered that these things are treasures. The fragmented memories are like Ling Chi, and each piece is shocking."

(End of this chapter)

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