Chapter 221 Happy New Year’s Eve, family

"This is considered missing me. How can this not be considered missing me?"

Bai Lu said angrily.

"You just want me to die!"

"Brother Lin, guess what I would do if I suddenly left you and missed you?"

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Lu.

I don’t know what this silly girlfriend has in her head every day.

Just when Bai Lu was about to speak, she turned around and picked up the phone.

'Let's see, I want to take medicine, take this prescription. '

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "Do you know, there is a saying that there is no cure for lovesickness, and there is no cure for a weak heart."

"Then don't worry!"

Bai Lu said viciously.

"This prescription will definitely work. It sounds great. If you take it, you will definitely forget about you silly pig."

"Two taels of Nine-Leaf Chonglou, one penny of cicada pupa during the winter solstice, fried in the next year's snow, can cure lovesickness."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing.

Finally, he pulled Xiao Mingyue next to him to laugh together.

Forgetting that she had just finished cooking the onions, Xiao Mingyue jumped up and down and ran far away.

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Bai Lu couldn't help but said.

"Brother Lin, why are you laughing? I just want to ask, if you leave in the future and I miss you, can I eat this?"

Obviously, Bai Lu looked very serious and wanted to ask about the authenticity of this medicine.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "If medicine and medicine can be lovesick, how could Cheng Rongruo be so lovesick and become ill? His health deteriorated and he died on the eighth anniversary of his wife's death."

"Moreover, the Chonglou is also called the seven-leaf flower. There is no Nine-leaf Chonglou, and there are no silkworm chrysalises in winter."

"You may be able to find snow every other year at the North and South Poles, but it's full of bacteria, and there may be babies of all kinds of creatures."

Lin Yi said a lot.

Anyway, Bai Lu understood it and had no choice.

In other words, there is no cure for lovesickness.

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously.

"Brother Lin, have you forgotten one thing, that technology changes life?"

"Nine-leaf Chonglou can be grafted, and greenhouses can be used to raise winter cicadas, like those at barbecue stalls. Snow can be taken and put in the refrigerator."

"This is called lovesickness, and only money can solve it!"

Look at Bai Lu's confident look.

In fact it does.

Money is not everything, but money can solve 99% of problems and 99% of worries.

Bai Lu then said: "How about it, Brother Lin, am I very smart? There is no cure for lovesickness? Nonono, only money can cure lovesickness."

Bai Lu was so proud that she crossed her arms and was so happy.

Lin Yi: "..."

Lin Yi fell into silence and spoke after a long time.

"Is there a possibility that you have forgotten something? Summer dryness is like a nine-storied building. Three feet into the ground, cicadas appear. It snows at midnight on New Year's Eve and it has been a year since it fell to the ground."

Bai Lu: '(⊙_⊙)? ? ? '

Bai Lu touched her chin seriously and started thinking.

This seems to be the case.

"Brother Lin, you are right. Then why can't this prescription relieve the pain of lovesickness?"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said: "As I said before, there is no cure for lovesickness. Nine-layered leaves are rare in summer dryness. Cicadas that dig three feet into the ground are not cold cicadas. They can only be found in falling snow."

"But two of the three prescriptions are missing, so there is no cure for lovesickness."

Lin Yi's words just now made Bai Lu's CPU burn.

After this set, Bai Lu scratched her head.

Damn it, my head feels so itchy, I really want to grow a brain.

Seeing Bai Lu's appearance, Lin Yi helplessly reached out and rubbed Bai Lu's head.

"In other words, watching the Seven-Leaf Tower, listening to summer frogs and cicadas, and watching winter snow are much more important than lovesickness. Life is the greatest happiness in this world."

Bai Lu nodded in understanding.

But I could vaguely hear a few words between the lines.

It seems to be saying that I am stupid!

In the live broadcast room, hearing Lin Yi's science popularization, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Lulu thinks that she can be better by applying science, nonono. Brother Lin said that this wave is called IQ crushing." "By the way, according to what Brother Lin said before, if we can get these prescriptions together, it will be better than lovesickness." It’s much more painful.”

"When the lovesickness stops, it's the day of rebirth."

"What should I say about lovesickness? It's like a bone scraper. Whenever I recall it, it's like Ling Chi, killing people in a certain night."

"After the death of Nalan Rongruo's wife, he missed her every night and every day, and wrote mostly mourning poems. Finally, on the eighth anniversary of his wife's death, he died on that snowy night."

"When it comes to resolving lovesickness, of course it's Manet."

"Compared before, the ones mentioned earlier are really incomparable."

"Acacia yellow leaves fall, white dew wets the moss."

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a steel mudslide, gaining proficiency in calligraphy and painting, and receiving a random lottery +1. 】

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

Lin Yizhen was stunned for a moment, and another random draw came.

I remember the last random draw, a lot of good stuff came out.

Altogether, I had five consecutive draws in my hand.

When you have free time, see what you can draw.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but smile.

With a smile, it became the last straw for Bai Lu.

Bai Lu stared at Lin Yi fiercely.

If there is any disagreement, he will attack and bite Lin Yi to death.

"Brother Lin, okay, we have no love now, right?"

"You started to laugh at me blatantly, right? How could I know what kind of plant Chonglou is?"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said.

"I am professional and generally don't laugh unless I can't help it."

This wave of science popularization by Lin Yi has completely covered his face.

Bai Lu suddenly felt that the prescription, which was originally full of romantic atmosphere, was nothing at first glance.

All romance is a lie.

"What to say about lovesickness..."

Bai Lu looked up and stared at Lin Yi, smiling.

He turned around and stood up, turning off the camera in the cabin.

Lin Yi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Lulu, what do you want to do?"

"What's the answer to lovesickness? Of course it's not lovesickness. It can definitely solve lovesickness. Brother Lin, you smell so good after you take a shower."

Bai Lu: "(╯▽╰) Come on, let me rub it, let me comfort my lovesickness..."

With that said, Bai Lu pounced on Lin Yi like a hungry tiger.

He leaned into Lin Yi's ear and whispered.

"Brother Lin, tonight I am a fierce and wild little lion in the jungle."

"Well, let's use the game you like to play. Let's have a good hunt tonight!"

He just took out his slippers and patted them casually.

He patted the butt of Xiao Mingyue who was watching curiously.

"Go, turn off the lights."

Xiao Mingyue: "(^U^)ノ~YO"

Xiao Mingyue turned off the light.


Early the next morning.

Five o'clock in the morning.

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Lu who was holding on to the wall and going out to wash up.

He couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "What is said about being invincible in the world? It's better to just hold on to the wall and walk away."

Looking at the time, Lin Yi didn't delay.

I turned around and went to brush my teeth and wash my face. ,

After all, I have to get up early today.

Seeing that the time had passed five o'clock, the roar of a vehicle suddenly came from the door.

Bai Lu looked outside very curiously.

His eyes were full of strangeness, he stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

"Brother Lin, what's going on? Didn't we agree to leave at half past five? Why did they arrive at five o'clock?"

(End of this chapter)

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