Chapter 222 Iveco Gold Cup

Five o'clock in the morning.

Members of the "Three Thousand Years of Love" program crew drove outside the small courtyard early.

The time requested by the director is half past five.

However, the time is never accurate.

The special subjects were Lin Lu and Lin Lu.

Maybe it's not even half past five yet, and Lin Lu and Lin don't know where they eloped, so it's always a good idea to be a little early.

However, I looked at the living room where the lights were not yet on.

Everyone fell into silence.

"Well, is it possible that they have left?"

"I don't think it's possible. Is there a possibility that these two people haven't gotten up yet?"

"So, we were half an hour early, the two of us hadn't gotten up yet, and we were standing outside like idiots, all because of the camera's misjudgment?"

Everyone looked at the cameraman leisurely.

The female director gritted her teeth and said, "I really want to use my big leather shoes to kick your ass, which is fat and creamy like Grandma Mary next door."

Lun Shengsheng stood outside and waited for more than half an hour.

Only then did I see the lights inside turn on.

Then they saw Lin Yi holding a cockscomb on his head. Of course, he simply scratched it with water and walked out of the hut.

As for why it's so messy.

Of course he was hunted to death.

"No, brothers, didn't we agree at half past five? Why are you here so early today?"

Lin Yi took a breath and said hello.

He held out his hand and asked everyone to come inside and wait.

It was still a bit chilly in the early morning. Even if I turned on the heater in the car outside, I couldn't bear the cold wind blowing into my arms.

The camera guy’s face was full of excitement.

"So Brother Lin, what are we going to shoot today?"

The lion dance culture captured yesterday.

This directly made the camera guy become the focus of the photography world.

As a photographer who promotes culture, you can imagine how valuable this title is.

So much so that the cameraman was so excited that he could not fall asleep.

Helped edit the video and published it on the short video platform.

When I saw that the video I helped edit had successfully occupied the short video platform, I couldn't be more excited.

I called my mother all night.

"Mom, I'm successful. The content I filmed has been viewed by hundreds of millions and liked by tens of millions, and that's just one night."

All in all, if you follow Lin Yi, you will have meat to eat!

Today, in addition to enough batteries for two days of shooting, the camera guy’s bag also contains Blue Cow, coffee, and other refreshing things.

The main focus is to be crazy about Brother Lin.

Lin Yi tilted his head and said, "But, what we are doing today is candid photography."

The camera guy was stunned for a moment.

It's not passionate content.

Good guy, no, I have all the toilet paper ready, and yet you are telling me this?

Wait a minute...

The camera guy immediately raised his head.

(ΩДΩ)? ? ?

"Brother Lin, what are you talking about? This is not a torture shoot. I am a serious photographer..."

Bai Lu, who had just washed her face, was even more shocked.

"No, what did Brother Lin say?"

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Sneak photography is the kind of thing that happens quietly and without making any noise."

Camera guy: "I'm not excited. I'm definitely not excited. My mother even praised me as a good boy yesterday..."

I was just praised by my mother yesterday.

The happy cameraman said that it is okay to do big things, but not such big things.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said: "What are you thinking in your head? Although it was a secret photoshoot, we have obtained authorization."

Such a sentence.

Everyone was a little confused.

Camera guy: "(* ̄︶ ̄), well, that's what I thought. I like it very much, really." Bai Lu came over and reached out to touch Lin Yi's forehead.

It was confirmed that Brother Lin was not a little weak because he had been tossing for too long yesterday.

After confirming that there was no problem, Bai Lu turned her head and said seriously.

"The temperature is normal, the breathing is normal, the heartbeat is normal, there are no problems, you can go!"

Everyone was talking about it.

In the live broadcast room, the broadcast also started.

A large number of fans immediately poured in.

"Good guy, does it start so early today?"

"Good guy, don't talk about the content of yesterday's shooting. It was really exciting. I dreamed that I turned into a lion dancer and jumped up to a high platform in front of everyone. As a result, my wife kicked me off the bed."

"Let me tell you, after this happened, you still have to go to work to watch the live broadcast?"

"No matter what, my wife means a happy family, and her job means a good career. Without a good career, there will be no happy family. Pursuing a happy family will only lead to two setbacks."

"Brother, you are sober in the world."

"So, what are you going to do so early? I vaguely heard the words "candid filming", and I almost thought I was in the wrong live broadcast room."

"Good brother, you came to the wrong live broadcast room."

"It's hard for Mr. So-and-so to get up so early in the morning to take secret photos."

"It's so strange. Since you have obtained the authorization, why do you still come here secretly? What is the reason for this?"

"No way, is this part of their paly?"

It’s not just the friends in the live broadcast room who are confused.

Even the staff of the program team looked bewildered.

I have no idea what to do with Lin Yi or where to go.

But one thing is for sure, it is definitely a big deal.

The staff of "Three Thousand Years of Love" looked at each other.

The camera boy is gearing up and preparing for a big fight.

The master driver even hit the accelerator, ready to show off his driving skills to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

But Lin Yi spoke.

"Well, just park the car in the yard. If I don't go out today, I'll just take photos nearby."

Everyone: "???"

The driver lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

It was not the engine that went out, but my fervent heart.

Seeing Lin Yi was about to leave, the driver's eyes lit up.

"Otherwise, let's drive this nanny car. It's a big place."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "You'd better rest. If you have nothing to do, you can go comb Xiao Mingyue's hair."

Bai Lu stared at the nanny car and pursed her lips.

"Besides, I really don't care about the make of this car."

"There is a song that I sing, Iveco Big Gold Cup, after playing..."

Lin Yi led Bai Lu, followed by the camera crew, toward the outside of the small courtyard.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, making it sneaky.

The sense of déjà vu that the widow’s wall was about to be removed made the water friends in the live broadcast room excited.

"Brother Lin, let's finish it. Can you please not do something so exciting? I've just finished."

"I saw it airing early in the morning, so I was ready to refresh myself. It really refreshed me, but could I not be so excited and take some candid photos?"

"How can you authorize others to secretly photograph yourself? Brother Lin must have his own plans."

"By the way, this path looks so familiar."

"Well, maybe you and your first girlfriend walked hand in hand down the path of happiness, and then your dad was waiting for you on the other side with a hoe."

"Stop talking, I already have a sense of déjà vu."

"I remembered, isn't this the path that Lin Lu and I often run on? It later became a protected area, and the two of us still run on it frequently."

"There won't be any rare animals."

"Let's think about it in another direction. Maybe Brother Lin is looking for inspiration for a new song?"

(End of this chapter)

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