If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 239 The strawberry-flavored lipstick that I have tasted a long time ago makes the wind and s

Chapter 239 The strawberry-flavored lipstick that I have tasted a long time ago makes the wind and sand taste sweet.

Bai Lu's previous wish was that the strange entries about Lin Yi stealing Dunhuang would not become more popular.

This really has a big impact on Brother Lin.

Now this time, I got what I wanted.

Entries related to Lin and Lu's official announcement of their relationship immediately topped the list of hot searches.

Previously, Lin Yi made national trends such as "Blue and White Porcelain" a hot search topic.

I was also pulled down by this wave.

This time, netizens finally succeeded in predicting Lin Yi's operation.

That is, the only one who can defeat Lin Yi is Lin Yi himself.

But I didn't expect it to be this way.

Under Bai Lu's wb.

Blockbuster blockbuster entertainment industry traffic sends blessings.

The number one hot comment is also very eye-catching. It is actually the account of Bai Lu's agent, directly wishing happiness.

It has to be said that Bai Lu might run away to another house.

Agents do this kind of thing.

Many people are worried about the future of brokers.

Under Lin Yi's wb, there was a lot of excitement.

Although there are not a lot of large traffic that I have dealt with, they are all heavyweights.

Zhang Xueyou: "I just registered a wave of accounts and saw this kind of good thing. Can you please fast forward to giving birth to a child? I will follow suit."

Huang Yunxiao: "I don't know anything, but in this wave, everything is wonderful. By the way, let's stabilize the wave and let's cooperate when we can."

Wang Mou: "I'm sad. I have a concert tomorrow. I opened the hot search in fear to see if I can grab it. The result is that this matter really won't let me stop. But I like to eat melon. Come to me on the first day of the official announcement. How was your concert?"

I have to say that WB’s operations have gained a lot of traffic this time.

When the server crashes repeatedly.

This time, Dagua was stabilized.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is to suppress the heat collapse.

But what surprised netizens in the live broadcast room the most was that a group of official accounts rushed up under the web.

CCTV said: "Eating melons online and doing your part to promote fertility is our outstanding idol."

Culture and Tourism Bureau: "We will get married in place, honeymoon trip, I will pay for the air tickets, food and drinks, and we will get married at public expense. Thank you."

Foshan Lion Dance Association: "Quietly wait for you to get married. When the time comes, I will bring thousands of lions to warm up the ceremony for you."

Hainan Forestry Bureau: "Please be sure to get married and have children quickly. We are waiting."

Dunhuang Cultural Propaganda Bureau: "Well, how should I put it, I want to catch this wave of traffic steadily, it's all mine!"

Obviously, the officials have adapted to Lin Lu's style.

It is developing in a weird direction. Who would have thought that so many official accounts would end up consuming CP.


the other side.

The director had already gone to bed and hugged his quilt tightly.

Waiting quietly to get ready for bed.

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, I'm going to bed, what else can I do?"

The assistant said: "Director, get up quickly, it's time to eat."

Director: "What are you going to eat at night? If you don't eat, you'll have a bad stomach."

Assistant: "Don't worry, there will be no problem with the food. It's very sweet, ridiculously sweet!"

The director turned on his phone in confusion.

"Okay, then you can send it over."

"You turn on your phone to sign for it."

The director was a little confused.

You could say that this assistant is sensible and thinks about himself in everything.

You have to say you are ignorant, you are shouting and eating melon in the middle of the night.

Just turned on the phone, popular notifications appeared on the screen.

The director was stunned on the spot and suddenly sobered up.

Is it official?

Although in the director's eyes, this is a matter of time.

But unexpectedly, they kissed passionately under the desert starry sky.

This effect explodes directly.

Looking at the screen, the director's wife also stepped forward to watch, and suddenly smiled like an aunt.

The director nodded happily.

"I have to say, the sour smell of love."

Director's Wife: "That's right, well, what a young couple they look like. They look really good. By the way... why didn't you make it official when you married me?"

Feeling his wife's threatening gaze.

The director sneered and said: "At that time, I wasn't very popular. I didn't get much attention even after I posted it. Look, my wife, I have made great achievements and made a love story."

Although the director is struggling in the entertainment industry. But in front of my wife, the way to change the subject is really clumsy.

Knock on the keyboard and leave a wb message.

"Eating melons hurts you. Who knows this feeling? I have long felt that you can make it. The melons in winter are so sweet."


In the eyes of the people who eat melons.

What Lin Yi and Bai Lu announced was not a simple secret.

But the big melons throughout summer and autumn.

At this time, countless netizens have trouble sleeping at night.

The planner of the program "Three Thousand Years of Love" was almost bald and scratched his head.

No, why don’t you follow the routine now?

It's not even the confession stage yet, so I confessed.

Am I some kind of cheap person?

So what should we do next? Should we confess our love again?

Planning: “(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻Don’t even live anymore.”

Just have the baby.


In the desert.

Bai Lu huddled in Lin Yi's arms.

Through the tent window, look up at the fine stars in the sky.

After deciding not to renew her contract with the company, she officially announced her relationship.

I thought there would be pressure, but unexpectedly, I felt a lot more relaxed.

This way you don’t have to think about how to run Balabala in the future.

Spreading dog food is justifiable, and there is a kind of happiness that is lazy to put on makeup.

As for the trend of the Internet that she had always been concerned about, it turned out to be a one-sided situation. Bai Lu never expected it.

Could it be, Brother Lin's personal charm.

Has it also spread to the Internet?

It was unexpected, but awesome.

Bai Lu blinked her eyes, feeling the coolness of the stars, and shrank into Lin Yi's arms.

"Is it the fifteenth today? The moon is so round?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "No, today is the sixteenth day. As the saying goes, the moon on the fifteenth day is sixteen round, do you know?"

Bai Lu looked at the moon and tilted her head.

"We watch the moon change from waning to full to waning, and the moon also watches us change from strangers to mutual acquaintance..."

Although, this process is somewhat unreal.

But... since being with Lin Yi, every day seems like a dream.

Regardless of anything else, I am surrounded by the people I love.

The night and the bright moon are above your head, and the desert and starry sky are below your feet.

Well, happiness should be like this.

"Well, it's a little cold."

Bai Lu said softly.

Lin Yi reached out, picked up the blanket and covered the two of them.

Bai Lu said, "Well, we have to prepare for bed so that we can run faster after stealing Dunhuang tomorrow."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "It's still early, and I can't sleep yet. What should I do?" '


Bai Lu's pretty face turned red and she said, "It's a bit too cold in the desert. How about sleeping in a sleeping bag?"


Lin Yi reached out and flicked Bai Lu's head.

"What are you thinking about all day long? It's full of color all day long, right?"

"The instrument syllables of the small program given by Uncle Yang have not yet been debugged. Of course, we need to debug that."

Bai Lu did not answer directly.

Instead, he took out his phone and started searching.

Soon, an official voice sounded.

"Respond to the country's call and actively have children!"

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  Thank you very much for your support along the way.

  Thanks for the monthly passes of Spring and Autumn-Ca.

  Thanks to Konggu Orchid Meng Xiaoxiang, book friend 2024011454-ea, and Qingyueqiu for their recommendation votes.



(End of this chapter)

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