Chapter 240 Back to the summer of 18

Listen to the official video.

Bai Lu stared at Lin Yi seriously.

Lin Yi couldn't help but smile and said: "Let's talk about adding bricks and mortar later. And you, Lulu, don't drive all day long."

Bai Lu tilted her head and said indignantly.

"How can this be considered a hooligan?"

"Now that the official announcement has been made, everyone knows it. The official also said that we should contribute to the great rejuvenation..."

With that said, Bai Lu rushed forward.

He hugged Lin Yi tightly.

Lin Yi: "..."

Well, the little lion does these sudden things.

It really feels like hunting.

But soon, the two of them could no longer fight.

It's still dark, but the temperature has risen sharply.

The temperature rises in the small tent.

The two stopped fighting and cuddled together.

Lying in the tent, quietly admiring the sky.

In the sky, the white color of fish belly is exposed.

They say it's fair, everyone gets the same sun.

But in the desert, the sun is hotter and lasts longer.

Clock in early for work.

Under Bai Lu's stalking.

Lin Yi had no choice but to use the newly tuned ancient musical instrument to play a song gently. Well, it didn't fit the scene, but it fit the app.

"Remember to record it and show it to Uncle Yang later."

Bai Lu gestured OK and said there was no problem.

Come to Dunhuang this time.

The plan to steal Dunhuang has not yet begun, but before that, it has received support from many Dunhuang Cultural Tourism Bureaus.

It is also very good to use this app to write a song and send it to Dunhuang.

Of course, there must be more than one song ready to come out.

Anyway, the cultural tourism city project has been launched, and the news about the album and concerts used for firewood has been released.

When a hole is dug, something must be filled.

It's not like a certain third uncle. He really didn't bury it after digging a hole.

Bai Lu opened the live broadcast room and added a title.

【Look at your beloved with your beloved. 】

Bai Lu nodded with satisfaction.

"That's what it tastes like~"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "Well, the desert smells like sand, or something, and it's so disgusting."

Bai Lu glared at Lin Yi and grumbled: "Anyway, I've done everything, so whatever I say is normal."

"Unless you don't want to admit it, bah, you scumbag."

Lin Yi tilted his head.

"Oh, woman!"

Turning around, Bai Lu changed the title of the live broadcast room without hesitation.

"Watching the sunrise with the stinky pig."

After fermentation in the heat last night.

Lin Lu’s official announcement of the hot search has three hot and popular icons behind it.

The popularity continues to soar, making it miserable for the traffic who want to gain popularity.

Of course, Lin Lu and the other two didn't care.

Bai Lu's head was filled with thoughts, it was a bit cold last night.

But Brother Lin’s arms were so warm.

Lin Yi reached out and played the pipa on the musical instrument app.

He shook his head at the sound.

"The virtual one is almost meaningless, it has no soul."

Bai Lu casually fixed the live broadcast room.

He pointed the camera at Lin Yi and said, "Are you ready?"

Lin Yi: "oj13k!"

As the live broadcast room opens.

Although it was early in the morning, a large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room.

On the first day of the official announcement, many fans ate melon all night long.

The traffic is ridiculously high.

"It started broadcasting so early, and everyone in the production team expressed their admiration."

"Good morning, brother and sister-in-law!"

"Although it's just the beginning of winter, my heart is very warm because of all the friends in the live broadcast room. Good morning!"

"Family members, the Communist Party has never had a place, but now it has finally become a regular party. Who knows this feeling."

"Don't do it, don't do it, make it look like you are in love."

"Well, after eating a lot of melon overnight, I feel like I need a few shots of insulin."

The audience was talking about the sand sculpture.

In the picture, Lin Yi is holding Bai Lu in his arms.

Looking at the distant sky.

There is a full moon in the sky and stars all over the sky. And under the feet is the desert, the Crescent Moon Spring reflects the moonlight and starlight, Salomanti.

In the east, the rising sun slowly climbed up.

What the audience didn't expect was that Lin Yi actually picked up his mobile phone and played a song.

The music is cheerful and melodious.

It gives people a feeling of hotness but freedom.

It felt like I was in the desert, but I was walking forward in stride, facing the sun, very leisurely.

But the style of music has an exotic flavor.

As the cheerful rhythm ended, Lin Yi slowly spoke.

"I want to cross this desert."

"Looking for your own self."

"I only have a camel with me."

"This wind blows,"

"That cloud is passing by."

“Suddenly a stream of love appears.”

Bai Lu held her chin, listened quietly, and gently shook her legs to Lin Yi's cheerful rhythm.

The wind blew Bai Lu's hair from her forehead.

Blocks the view a bit.

In the sweltering desert, Lin Yi's singing was like a gurgling clear spring, refreshing and relaxing people at the same time.

Well, it’s more timely than Father Sun.

The fire hadn't started yet, but the fire truck arrived first.

Lin Yi turned to look at Bai Lu and smiled.

"I boarded the desert boat."

"Put your pipe and hourglass on your back."

"There's still a jug of liquor in his hand."


"The sky is filled with yellow sand."

“Go around every corner.”

"Walking in the endless vast river of stars."

When Lin Yi sang this.

Bai Lu listened intently and sang along subconsciously.

“There are too many lost roads ahead.”

"Persistence leads to freedom and ease."

"You can be free and happy when you step out of the darkness."

I have to say that although the song "Desert Camel" has no technical skills, if it is sung along with the rhythm, the sound will only break.

Lin Yi suppressed his laughter and continued singing.

"I remembered her gentleness."

"It's burning my chest."

"Lost in the pot of old wine last night."

This song is very upbeat throughout.

The pace is also fast, and the main focus is happiness.

Compared with the restless songs that follow, I don’t know how much it steals.

As the chorus ends.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning fell on the earth.

Let both Lin and Lu bathe in the sunshine.

It seems that even the sun has become a background for spreading dog food.

Lin Yi let go and chose to sing only half of the song. After all, the second half had the same rhythm as the previous one, but the lyrics were the same, leaving a little suspense.

There was suddenly some silence.

Bai Lu suddenly raised her hand and sang loudly.

"I'll put on my big leather shoes."

"Across the harsh wilderness."

"I feel like I've been transported to another world, oh yeah!!!"

Lin Yi: "...You must have some serious illness."

Bai Lu: "This song is so happy. I can't bear it. Well... I have the urge to go to Journey to the West!"

Lin Yi: "Okay, Journey to the West is fourteen years old. You can go."

Bai Lu: "Well, then you let me ride."

Lin Yi: "..."

I have to say, Bai Lu = Xiao Lin Yi.

Now Bai Lu has become a comparable opponent.

No matter which variety show you put in, they are all top-level contestants.

Lin Yi couldn't bear it anymore.


Just when Lin Yi hesitated.

Bai Lu came forward and kissed Lin Yi hard on the neck.

"Brother Lin, is this hotter than the pot of wine last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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