If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 259: Flowers bloom and fall eventually, fate comes and goes without intention

Chapter 259: Flowers bloom and fall eventually, fate comes and goes without intention

"Don't tell me, the scenery of Sailimu Lake is really good."

"Well, it's really good, but it's a pity that he's not here."


Lin and Lu were driving on the road to Sailimu Lake.

Get ready to go to the grassland.

Of course, before that, I have come all the way. Of course, I have to drive around and see the boat-shaped houses in the mountains.
Driving along the grassland, you feel like you are traveling through a sea of ​​blue flowers.

Driving towards the Tianshan Mountains is like chasing the sky.

Bai Lu was sitting in the passenger seat, reaching out as if grabbing the sky.

Suddenly he turned around and said, "Last time I went to the grassland, I saw so many sika deer that I couldn't even eat them."

"But now, if you go to this grassland, you can eat everything you see."

Lin Yi: "...Ah, yes, yes."

Bai Lu turned her head and looked at the horses in the pasture outside the window.

He turned around and continued to say excitedly: "Brother Lin, can the horse eat it?"

Lin Yi: "..."

"So, you really just plan to take a bite of everything you see."

Bai Lu stuck out her tongue and said.

"I'm just kidding, mainly out of curiosity. I remember donkey meat is very delicious. Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat underground, and horse meat should also be very good."

Lin Yi: "..."

"It's true that donkey meat is delicious, but horse meat is sour. Moreover, don't say you eat horse meat in front of grassland herdsmen."

Bai Lu nodded and said obediently.

"I know that horses are their friends and their most cherished treasure. These horses can run quite fast. They are free-range. Aren't you afraid of losing them?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "In China, there are three kinds of horses that are relatively famous, and they are next to each other."

"Does the Naadam Assembly know that these are the three places? The characteristics of these three places are the Sanhe horses in Saibei, the Hequ horses in Qinghai, and the Ili horses here."

Bai Lu immediately raised her hand and said excitedly.

"I know, the people outside the window must be all Yili horses, right?"

Lin Yi: "..."

"I didn't even ask you..."

This is no longer a question about giving points.

Could it be that the horses we saw in the Ili Valley were zebras?
It must be Yili Maer.

Until noon, Lin Yi parked the car on the side of the road.

Bai Lu turned around and exclaimed: "Damn it, the red light is on there, is the car out of gas?" '

Lin Yi tilted his head and said: "I don't know if you need to flash the double flash when parking temporarily. Besides, the fuel gauge is not there. What you are looking at is the air-conditioning button..."

"Let's wait here for a while, someone will come to pick us up."

Bai Lu nodded obediently, picked up a cake and ate it, then turned on her phone and said, "Well, I'll send you a message during this time."

Maybe it’s official.

Or maybe the agent is offering Bai Lu a contract, and after the contract expires, she can completely let herself go.

In the past, when posting on WB, it was either a commercial endorsement or an advertisement for a variety show, such as "Three Thousand Years of Love", which was the norm.

But now, the scenery seen on the roadside.

The wild flowers on the roadside and the cow hair you just harvested can all be recorded on WB and completely treated as a circle of friends.

Ah no, it’s a love diary.

Lin Yi appears in almost every web page.

Needless to say, since freedom, the air feels a lot sweeter, everywhere is beautiful, and I love to see everywhere.

"Ah, the natural smell."

Lin Yi turned to look at the strange Bai Lu.

"Well, I really want to say, Lulu, the smell you smell is probably the smell of cow dung."

Bai Lu: "╮(╯▽╰)╭ Take care of me."

With that said, Bai Lu got out of the car, moved her body, and broadcasted gymnastics on the spot.

"One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four."

The Niuniu next to him couldn't help but tilt his head.

Lin Yi suddenly realized something and spoke.

"By the way, Lulu, I want to remind you of two things."

Bai Lu tilted her head and continued to stretch.

Lin Yi raised his finger and said: "First, the flowers in front of you are not lilies."

Bai Lu turned around and saw that there was indeed a white flower in front of her. "Is this a wild lily?"

"Don't tell me, he looks quite plain."

Bai Lu knelt down and watched carefully.

"Don't pick it, it's not a lily."

"Well, I guessed it, it must be some kind of protective plant, right?"

Lin Yi: "..."

"You can cancel your quick question and answer. It's called white crocus. It's poisonous. Don't touch it."

Bai Lu immediately took a step back with a wary expression.


Bai Lu: '(ΩДΩ)? '

Lin Yi looked helplessly at Bai Lu's feet. ,
"The second thing is, there is a cow daddy behind you, don't retreat, but...it seems to be meaningless."

Bai Lu: "..."

Bai Lu was about to speak again.

Lin Yi continued: "I bet you will ask next what kind of cow is this." '

Bai Lu: "..."

Bai Lu couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Lin Yidao.

"Brother Lin, you are so smart. In that case, you can film this love story by yourself and fall in love with yourself."


Lin Yi tilted his head and said, "Well, wasn't it always like this before I met you?"

Bai Lu also tilted her head and said in confusion.

"How do you fall in love with yourself?"

Lin Yi smiled.

"That's a question for everyone in front of the screen."

The water friends in the live broadcast room broke through the defense.

"Okay, okay, it's outrageous enough to see you guys falling in love, but now the knife has been stabbed at us, right?"

"Well, don't say it, that's exactly how I came here."

"I feel like the two of them are too familiar with each other, and they are too presumptuous towards me, [○`Д○]!!!"

"Lulu has been assimilated by Lin Yi all the time, but let alone her silly temperament has never changed."

"These cows are so cute, I wonder how they will taste when chewed."

"I only eat beef that's rare. They're drying it in the sun, so I'm going to eat it."

"I know this little white flower, its name is Ito Makoto."

Bai Lu picked up the phone and started calling again.

Typing, deleting, and obviously distressed.

Friends in the live broadcast room all thought Bai Lu was complaining about Niu Niu going too far and urinating everywhere.

Bai Lu handed the phone to Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin, I can't write this copy anymore."

"Write a copy for me. How should I write it?"

The audience suddenly became curious.

Could it be that he wanted to scold Niu Niu? He didn’t know what curse words to use, so he asked Lin Yi to do it?

Of course, there is another possibility.

Following Lin Yi, Bai Lu could no longer take care of herself.

Lin Yi took the phone, thought for a moment, typed a few words, and sent the wb.

The water friends in the live broadcast room now knew what was posted.

Bailuwb content, with pictures, a mountain, sea and Sailimu Lake.

The accompanying text "Flowers will eventually bloom and fall, fate comes and goes without any intention, and by the way, I @own my agent and my own agency."

It is different from the previous official announcement.

Although it is hidden, discerning netizens can see the clues.

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  Thank you Qingyi, Guahuang. Monthly votes cast by book friend 20230512378-Dd, Kuiba Qihengsan, and book friend 20230502325735.

  Thank you for not being good at words 99, enough to make, book friend 20230525714-dB, book friend 20230613225-ca, book friend 20230815531214, book friend 20230623643-CB, can't, a kind of plant,, book friend 2024020856-dc, the key to the door, flying all over the sky Snow, moyi018, book friend 20230521904, cool, guahuang, book friend 2023102178, don’t forget your original intention, silly pig’s feet, Kuiba Qihengsan, long voyage, gott des krieges, reader 1024664474***, book friend 20230502325735 vote Come vote for recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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