If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 260 Brother Lin is definitely not a duck

Chapter 260 Brother Lin is definitely not a duck
After all, it was officially announced before.

Although it is very hidden, discerning water friends can already tell that these two people are pretending to be real.

Release is just a matter of time.

But there was no news about the current termination of the contract before.

I send my artists to Lian Zong just for the sake of popularity.

As a result, my artist eloped with someone else!

Still falling in love, still watching the cows eating grass.

Just terminated the contract?

For a time, the news about Bai Lu's contract termination directly hit the hot search topics.

The popularity of the topic continues to soar.

Not only that, Lin Yi also dominates the hot searches.

The two people are so close together that netizens call them good guys.

The entire hot search is dominated by young couples.

In fact, Bai Lu has always wanted to post this on Weibo.

But I never thought about the time or the opportunity to send it out.

Lin Yi told Bai Lu this move.

People who really want to leave never cry and make a fuss.

Instead, one afternoon, I put on my most common coat, took a walk like usual, and left forever, never to come back again.

Now that it's all decided.

Why hesitate?

Bai Lu felt the sweet breeze of nature and took a deep breath.

"Well, I have to say..."

"what happened?"

"I feel a lot more comfortable (*^▽^*). The matter is resolved, and it feels like a burden has been lifted off me."

Just as she was thinking about it, Bai Lu looked at the two little wild ducks.

He rose into the sky and flew not far away.

At this moment, Bai Lu had a feeling that she was also that bird, and Brother Lin couldn't be.

Brother Lin must not be a duck.

It can only be your own.

They are very free here, and the Internet is exploding.

"No, you just announced your love, and then you kicked your old club in the back?"

"It can't be considered a kick. The company is also blessing me. It's a peaceful breakup."

"So, the goddess Lulu was really abducted by Lin Yi and wants to wander around the world with that straight man?"

"Don't tell me, this is the best arrangement."

"Do you understand, what is love for three thousand years?"

"This is love, you know?"

"Don't mention it, the two of you upstairs, the director has to give you two red envelopes in the middle of the night. Even if you advertise in the live broadcast room, WB will also do the advertising, right?"

"I lament that it is difficult for real men and women in the world to be close friends. I hope that all lovers in the world will eventually get married. Please give me a share of the candy."

"Please, fast forward to the wedding and the baby."

"So, are Lin Lu and the two here to eat roasted whole lamb, or do they have other ideas?"

Just waiting for someone to pick me up.

Bai Lu held the phone in her hand and didn't have the courage to open it for a long time.

Until Lin Yi pretended to be surprised.

Bai Lu immediately opened her phone and looked at it nervously.

But unexpectedly, there was another large number of congratulatory comments.

No, at this time, shouldn't there be a lot of little black guys dancing there in overalls?

But seeing this, Bai Lu relaxed a lot.

After looking carefully, I quickly discovered something was wrong.

In the past, a big snow dragon rode down to the south of the Yangtze River.

Today, there was a troll from Zu An posting on the web.

Lin Yi's sand sculpture fans are all top Zaun Diamonds, even kings, the best way to fight against Xiao Heizi.

Just use spray.

The troll army came out in full force.

Bai Lu looked at the live broadcast room and turned to look at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "No need to say thank you, as long as you don't cry." Bai Lu flattened her mouth and said with ripples in her heart.

"Brother Lin, thank you."

Lin Yi waved his hand casually and said: "I want to thank the fans, don't you know, there is no such thing as quiet time, there is someone who is fighting for you with high intensity."

Bai Lu nodded seriously.

The young couple looked at each other, turned towards the live broadcast room and clasped their fists.

The fans in the live broadcast room who were caught off guard were all frightened.

Good guy, let’s start the sworn relationship now.

Do you two really want to burn yellow paper to worship me?
In fact, it was a gesture of thanks.

Lin Lu: "(`ω)ゞ(`ω)ゞ"

The main focus is Master Huang's martial arts style.

Back and forth, Lin Lu stood on the spot.

Even the cows on the roadside were bald, and the eyes looking at the two of them were filled with clear resentment.

Bai Lu even studied the cow's hairstyle.

"Brother Lin, look, this Niu Niu is permed with tinfoil, this is permed with texture, this is with middle-parted texture, and this is permed on the back."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

After waiting for a long time, there was no sign of anyone.

Bai Lu turned her head and couldn't help but frown and said, "Brother Lin, we seem to have been let go."

Lin Yi glanced at his phone and said: "It shouldn't be possible, maybe there's a traffic jam on the road... ah no, there's a horse jam."

Bai Lu: "(⊙_⊙)?"

God is really blocking the horse.


Ding ding.

Just as I was thinking about it, a message came from my phone.

The father-in-law and the mother-in-law.

Kunkun: "Happy Chinese New Year, big brother and sister-in-law. I wish you both a happy New Year in advance. I'll kick the lame man's good leg and @slap the dumb man's good mouth wildly."

Reba: "The next sentence is, you are my father, and I am your son, but I have to say, thank you for eating the roasted whole lamb. I am already on the way and will be there soon."

Zhao Lusi: "Well, family members, let's ask whether Hua Yuchen's condition is a sudden illness."

Reba: "Well, how can we not count it? To borrow a sentence from a certain sister."

Hua Yuchen: 'Ah ah ah, Brother Lin, here I come, Brother Lin! '

""Desert Camel" is really nice. How do you write a song in this style? Can you teach me? I want to learn to write songs!!!"

Hua Yuchen has been banned.

In the vx group, the main topic of discussion is happiness.

But they all have a common goal.

Just looking for Lin Lu and two people to be happy together.

But they would never have imagined that Lin Lu and the others didn't really want to join them. Wouldn't it be nice for the two of them to have a world together?
Maybe we can meet.

But Lin Lu will give them a show, what is elopement?

As for Bai Lu's termination of the contract, no one discussed it too much.

After all, this is a personal decision and has nothing to do with them.

We all have our own lives, and no one is better than anyone else. How can we comment on other people's lives?

Even if they are gay and lesbian.

At this time, on the Internet.

The official public account released an announcement.

"In order to promote the inheritance of national culture and enhance national cohesion, there will be cooperation between the Sports Bureau and the Culture and Tourism Bureau."

"The National Games will be held in Hainan Cultural Tourism City to create a national fitness sports event, so stay tuned."

The accompanying picture below is Lin Yi’s Cultural Tourism City.

On top are fifty-six red flowers.

The organizer is naturally the official, and the organizer is naturally Lin Yi.

Subsequently, countless official public accounts forwarded it.

Although this wb is officially released, it has not received a lot of attention.

However, this wb was brushed by the bored Bai Lu.

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar picture and looking at the location of Cultural Tourism City, Bai Lu froze on the spot and turned to look at Lin Yi next to her.

"Brother Lin, I discovered your little secret."

(End of this chapter)

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