If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 267: At the wedding scene, there is no colorful phoenix and two flying wings, but there is a

Chapter 267: At the wedding scene, there is no colorful phoenix and two flying wings, but there is a clear understanding between the two minds.

Listen to the sound coming into your ears.

Bai Lu: "︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿"

"Brother Lin, it sounds great. Listen to it, do you feel it?"

"Brother Lin, it smells good. Do you feel the smell of nature?"

"It's that feeling of gushing out."

Lin Yi looked at Bai Lu strangely.

Bai Lu's eyes were filled with hope and her heart was full of expectations.

If not for anything else, it was because Lin Yi was fast.

Maybe click, it’s a new song?

Lin Yi tilted his head and said, "Are you sure that the smell of nature doesn't smell like cow dung?"

Before, the air was filled with pink bubbles.

It's all romantic.

Lin Yi's words made the bubble burst.

The atmosphere immediately collapsed.

Bai Lu pinched Lin Yi's face and couldn't help but said.

"Brother Lin, I have to say that you know what it means to ruin the atmosphere."

at this time.

The little girl also ran over.

I guess I took care of all the horses.

Running on the grassland, holding the hat with one hand, the owl feathers on the hat trembled.

Originally, Lin Lu thought that this little girl would follow them to see the human brain.

But I didn't expect it.

The little girl ran straight past the two of them.

Without even stopping, he ran to Uncle Kled.

"Dad, I'm going to play. I'm going to teach my sister how to ride a horse."

He left a word without waiting for Uncle Kled to reply.

He turned around and ran away again.

The main thing is that it comes and goes in a hurry.

The small figure looks very energetic on the grassland.

Uncle Klie couldn't help but shook his head and said, "How old is my sister? Just take her with you and don't hurt her."

Even though he said that, he didn't stop it.

He turned to Lin Lu and smiled and said, "The instruments over there haven't been adjusted yet. I have to go there. It just so happens that Xiao Lin can go over and have a look."

"My nephew is getting married today. Stay here tonight and I will prepare a place for you. You can eat and drink more and have fun all night long."

Lin Lu nodded one after another.

Lin Yi then said: "We left after attending the wedding." '

Bai Lu raised her hand and said, "I second my opinion."

Although Bai Lu was a married woman, she still pulled Lin Yi's sleeve and whispered: "Brother Lin, are we really in such a hurry to leave?"

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders and said, "We have to go back and do business." '

Bai Lu nodded.

Seemingly thinking of something, he quickly shook his head.

"Actually, when it comes to getting married and having babies, you don't need to be in such a hurry."

"Besides, it won't necessarily be born like a little girl. We have to take our time."

It was obvious that Bai Lu didn't want to do anything serious.

Lin Yi coughed lightly and flicked Bai Lu's head.

"Magic Cloak, there's still something going on at the company. I need to go back and take care of it. Then the Cultural Tourism City will be open for business."

Bai Lu's pretty face turned red and she quickly lowered her head.

I'm thinking wrongly!
It was also exposed!
Fortunately, Uncle Kled was at the front, singing softly along with the young people, and did not hear their whispers.

At this time, as the distance gets closer and closer.

The singing in the tent became increasingly clear.

Bai Lu quickly said: "By the way, Brother Lin, if you can understand the lyrics, can you also sing along?"

Lin Yi: "..."

"I have to say, your way of changing the subject is really clumsy."

Bai Lu stuck out her tongue.

However, Bai Lu was indeed curious.

If you can understand the Kazakh language, it doesn't seem to be difficult to sing along. After all, many people have this skill.

Lin Yi simply said: "Well, if you can understand it, maybe you can sing along. Many Kazakh songs are like short stories." "For example, the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, where they meet each other, know each other, fall in love, and then miss each other and meet again, the main theme It means lovers will eventually get married.”

Bai Lu's eyes lit up and she said.

"Wow, Brother Lin, you know a lot."

Lin Yi coughed lightly and said: "Actually, there is more behind it, but I can't make it up anymore." '

Bai Lu: "???"

"So, everything just happened was made up?"

Bai Lu: "→_→, Brother Lin, if you do this, I will really beat you to death."

But I didn't expect it.

Uncle Kled next to him smiled and spoke.

"Actually, Xiaolin was just joking, and his translation was not wrong. Many of our love songs are narrative stories."

Bai Lu quickly said: "Uncle Klie, Brother Lin is joking."

Uncle Klie shook his head and said: "This is not made up. I didn't expect Xiaolin to be so familiar with our language."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"Good guy, if you know a little bit about Lin Yi, you really know a little bit about everything."

"Brother Lin, you will never guess which of his words is true and which is false."

"I couldn't make up Lin Yi's sentence. I laughed. I felt like Brother Lin was a clown, but now, I am the real clown."

"You know a little bit about Yiyi, do you know what Brother Lin's gold content is?"

"I'm coming together, Lin Lu, run quickly, the live broadcast room next door is already on the way to chase you."

"New mission, please escape from the pursuit of the wicked as soon as possible."

"Ah hahahaha, "Three Thousand Years of Love" looks like everything except it doesn't look like Lian Zong."

You definitely can't run.

After all, Bai Lu was thinking about what a Kazakh wedding would look like.

In Bai Lu's words, it can always be used.

If you participate more, you will have a lot of experience to use when you get married, and you will not be nervous.

Although the ethnic marriage process is different for each ethnic group.

However, the idea of ​​tying the knot and going for a beautiful life together is the same.

This is why in law, the relationship between husband and wife is higher than the relationship between parents and children.

Because trust in a contract is stronger than the inherent emotion formed by blood ties, it should not be just a romantic ritual or emotional indulgence.

It is the feelings guided by responsibility that allow both parties to attract each other, achieve each other, sacrifice each other, and grow each other.

When making vows at a wedding, everyone should also ask themselves, are they really willing to spend their lives cultivating responsibility and accepting each other for each other?

So is the meaning of tying the knot.

Lin Yi declined to comment.

Of course, it's not that she doesn't want to, it's that Bai Lu doesn't want Lin Yi to speak.

Forget about ruining the romantic atmosphere, just in case I say it.

"Marriage is the tomb of love, and weddings are the funeral of love."

By then, the two of them were afraid they would not be beaten to death.

Bai Lu still wants a better life.

When it comes to the desire to survive, Lin Yi must not be allowed to speak.

Bai Lu whispered: "If there is meat at the wedding, eat meat, and if there is wine, drink, but don't hold back and talk nonsense, I beg you."

Lin Yi tilted his head and said, "You want to harm me, right?"

Bai Lu: "(⊙_⊙)?"

Bai Lu said angrily: "I'm doing this all for your own good, you know, otherwise we will be beaten to death."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "If you leave at night, you will bring a guy named Gao Qisheng to the police station to deliver dumplings to me during the Chinese New Year."

Bai Lu was stunned for a moment and said, "What do you mean I'm bringing you dumplings? Do we really have to leave tonight?"

Lin Yi nodded.

Unexpectedly, Bai Lu stretched out her small hand.

"Brother Lin, I want it."

 Your reading is the greatest support for the author.

  Thank you very much for your support along the way.

  Thanks to Rolling Bar·Niu Zaizi for the reward, and congratulations on successfully being on the reward list.

  I went to practice the second class today and almost didn't finish it. I tried to finish it before five o'clock in the morning.

  Thank you again for your support along the way.

  Although this month's income has dropped by 70%, the author will strive to write this book to a million dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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