If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 268: I just happened to meet you at the wedding, or maybe you just happened to

Chapter 268: I just happened to meet you at the wedding, or maybe you just happened to

Bai Lu stretched out her hand.

"Brother Lin, I want it."

"What do you want?"

"Of course I need money."

Lin Yi tilted his head. The topic changed a little too quickly.

Bai Lu waved her fingers and counted: "Last time when we went to the bonfire party to give gifts, you cheated me of a thousand yuan and you haven't paid me back yet, so this time you pay."

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders.

"We have come from afar this time and are guests. Uncle Kled has said that he does not want our gift money."

Bai Lu: " ̄へ ̄So we have to eat and drink for free?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "Then you definitely can't eat and drink for free."

Just when Bai Lu nodded with satisfaction.

Lin Yi showed a harmless smile: "Of course I have to bring back some specialties. There is nothing delicious at home."

Bai Lu: "..."

Even if you eat for free, you still need to pack it?

It's a bit outrageous.

Momo stayed away from Lin Yi, Bai Lu didn't want to be embarrassed.

Lin Yi touched his chin and continued: "I remember that you like yogurt pimples and milk tea very much."

In one word, Bai Lu hugged Lin Yi's arm tightly.

His eyes lit up.


"Brother Lin, I knew you were the best."

It's not that he is happy for nothing, but... Lin Yi actually remembers his preferences and knows what he likes to eat.

Well, how can this not be a huge improvement.

Bai Lu's tone became gentle.

"Brother Lin, you are so attentive. In the trivial life, you still remember what I like to eat. I like you even more. I like you 80%."

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "No, in the last question-and-answer session of the program group, the answer to one of the questions was the Nine-turn Large Intestine, which was a bit more impressive."

Bai Lu: "o(╥﹏╥)o."

Damn it, Lin Yi pulled me away again.

Pull repeatedly.

So, what is the relationship between the nine-turn large intestine and yogurt?

The yogurt pimples are not fragrant at all.

The live broadcast room burst into laughter.

": I have to say that Brother Lin has a very good memory, especially when it comes to holding grudges. If Bai Lu doesn't remind her, she won't even remember that Brother Lin cheated her out of money."

"Don't tell me, I forgot about it and went back to watch the video."

"This can be considered a special memory technique of the Memory Palace."

"So, what instrument did Uncle Kled adjust? I'm very curious."

"I have to say that the musical instruments of ethnic minorities have national characteristics. Why are so few people learning Chinese musical instruments?"

“Guqin learners said that it is difficult to find teachers, let alone how many learning resources there are.”

Outside the Kazakh tent.

At this time, various flowers, as well as various festive wedding gifts such as tobacco, alcohol, sugar, and tea have been placed.

The newly married couple will also go to the city to have another wedding.

Housing was also allocated there.

Of course, the weddings being prepared in pastoral areas nowadays are much more crude.

The venue for roasting sheep, bonfires, and singing and dancing is almost ready, and soon their enthusiasm will ignite everything.

Lin Yi and Uncle Klie were discussing something carefully by the campfire.

As for the specific content, Bai Lu said she didn't understand it and didn't care too much. She told you to go where you want to go.

He turned around and went to play with the little girl.

Men, how could they be as cute as Xiangxiang’s little girl?

After searching around, I found that the little girl was instructing my younger sister, who was only seven or eight years old, to ride a horse.

This little girl is a bit smaller than the little girl.

The little girl in the Q version has very innocent eyes.

The horse he was riding was also a pony, either a special breed of pony or a pony. Not to mention how cute it was to ride on.

Bai Lu couldn't help but move closer, looking at the little sister who was riding a horse as tall as herself, and stretched out her hand to rub her head.

He lowered his head and looked at the helpless horse.

"You are so cute. How old are you?"

According to normal people's thoughts.

This sentence should be said to my little sister. You can't tell Ma'er.

The little sister sitting on the horse said timidly.

"Well, sister, I'm in third grade now."

Bai Lu rubbed Pony's head without raising her head.

"I'm asking Pony."

Little sister: “(ΩДΩ)???”

The little sister stared at Bai Lu, always feeling that this beautiful sister was a bit abnormal.

As everyone knows, these were all infected by Lin Yi.

The little sister couldn't help but whispered.

"What, I went to school, but Ma didn't go to school, he's not in grade yet..."


With one sentence, Bai Lu couldn't help but laugh.

The little girl and little sister were all smiles.

At this moment.

Lin Yi has almost finished talking to Uncle Klie.

Turning around to look for a wave of figures, he saw Bai Lu smiling and couldn't help but frown.

What's going on? The style of painting here is so strange.

I couldn't help but walked over and rubbed my little sister's head.

"Kid, is this weird aunt bullying you?"

The little sister shook her head and said, "You didn't bully me, but you are such a strange sister."

The sunset had already set.

The bonfire dyed the smiling faces of the people around.

Bai Lu tilted her head and couldn't help but said.

"Little sister, what's wrong with me is strange."

Little sister: "That's right, my horse really doesn't go to school and doesn't have to take exams."

For a time, communication fell into an awkward situation.

The scene immediately fell into embarrassment.

Lin Yi: "..."

Pulling Bai Lu towards the bonfire.

The live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"I can tell that Bai Lu has mastered Brother Lin's cross-time and space chat."

"You talk about glass balls, I talk about hip bones and elbows. The main theme is that it looks normal, but everything is abnormal."

"Brother Lin looks so anxious, maybe the two of them are going to run away."

"I'm curious about what Brother Lin and Uncle Klie were talking about just now."

"Well, brothers, do you have a feeling that Lin and Lu are running around the world, as if they are looking for the Dragon Balls to fulfill their wishes?"

"Man, you understand metaphors, but I feel more like gathering the materials and preparing to defeat the devil."

Evening breeze, bonfire.

Night sky, stars.

At this time, the child's laughter came.

He was holding a bow and arrow and shooting into the keg.

The trees in the distance are slightly swaying with frost.

The wind seemed to take shape for a moment, walking step by step from the grassland, rushing to the wedding banquet.

Cold and hot.

Freedom and restraint, things that should not be blended in the first place, are blended together in a strange way in the painting.

Bai Lu sat by the campfire, roasting marshmallows with a wooden stick.

Leaning against Lin Yi, he sang an inexplicable song softly.

"It feels like we are living in a painting. There is beauty everywhere."

Bai Lu pointed to the tall trees in the distance and said softly.

"Brother Lin, what kind of trees are those, and what are their characteristics?"

To be honest, Bai Lu is not actually curious about many things, just because she is by Lin Yi's side.

It was as if he could be like a child next to Lin Yi.

Maintain your curiosity and love for everything.

Brother Lin will have the answer anyway.

Lin Yi looked into the distance and said.

"That's red cedar, which is found all over the world. Many perfumes use it as the main fragrance."

(End of this chapter)

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