If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 269 In the night sky, under the stars, on the grassland

Chapter 269 In the night sky, under the stars, on the grassland

Lin Yi then pointed to a small tree nearby and said.

"Did you see that tree is ten years old? It is said that the bride and groom made an agreement when they were in school to use this tree as a token of love."

"It has been exactly ten years since I got married today, from junior high school to high school to college."

"However, like this tree, it will not colonize the grasslands."

Bai Lu tilted her head.

"Why do trees move?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "Many trees are found all over the world. For example, this cedar came from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau little by little with its seeds and roots 40 million years ago."

Bai Lu: 'φ(* ̄0 ̄)? '

"Forty million years ago, I rushed here because there must be something important here. It must be love."

Lin Yi: "..."

"I'm really curious, how do you do it? Everything is related to love, and you can imagine romance. You must be a conceptual genius."

Bai Lu stared at Lin Yi and spoke seriously.

"Look, the roots of the trees are intertwined, their footsteps are restrained by the soil, and the wind and rain hit them, but they still go where they want to go. This is definitely love."

Lin Yi: " ̄へ ̄?"

Bai Lu: "What does this expression mean?"

My analysis of love in this way is to guide you to know what love is.

So you did this for me?

Dog man, wait until I beat you to death.


At this time, the wedding scene.

What a well-arranged wedding scene.

It seems to be no better than the palace of nature.

The starry sky is the top, and the flowers and plants are around.

Although there is no pomp and circumstance like dozens of cars in the city.

But, how can it be worse than that?

The love songs may not be half less emotional than Let’s Get Married.

The bonfire seemed to be even more lively than the bustle of people.

Uncle Klie was introducing delicious food to Lin and Lu.

They all have weird names, Kurti, Remuchik and so on.

Not to mention Bai Lu, the well-informed audience in the live broadcast room fell into silence.

Although the cultures of many ethnic groups have become inclusive and integrated with each other after so many years of development, they are still very different on the inside.

Cultural differences make it difficult for people other than people of their own tribe to understand the real content.

But Bai Lu quickly became excited.

Pointing at something.

"I know this one, it's called yogurt pimple."

"So, in your case, this is called Kurti, right?"

Uncle Kled chuckled and said, "That's right."

Bai Lu seemed to have thought of something and asked curiously.

"So, uncle, what secret matter did you and Lin Yi discuss just now?"

Uncle Kled didn't become the Riddler either.

"It's Xiao Lin who asked me to help him. He will need me during the opening ceremony of the Cultural Tourism City Sports Games."

Uncle Kled said.

Perhaps because of the noise around them, the audience in the live broadcast room didn't hear anything.

Of course, not many people paid attention to the fact that Cultural Tourism City contracted the National Games, and not many people discovered the details.

Bai Lu was looking forward to it.

Will Brother Lin's operation create a truly famous scene?

Moreover, this time the cultural tourism city not only holds official sports games, but also has concerts and bala bala operations.

So many things all fell on Brother Lin at once.

He won't make Brother Lin breathless, or he should share the pressure with Brother Lin.

Bai Lu touched her chin and thought quietly.

However, based on my understanding of Lin Yi, it is definitely not that simple. For these three things, 1+1+1 is definitely greater than three or even more.

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously.

He rubbed his knees by the way.

No, I think too much, and both the CPU and GPU are overloaded.

There was no need to guess. After all, millions of people in the live broadcast room couldn't guess what Lin Yi was thinking. How could I possibly do that? Just when Bai Lu was thinking wildly.

Next to him, Uncle Klie and several young men walked up to Lin Lu and handed them wine.

It seemed that they were afraid that the two of them would not be used to drinking it, but it was still warm.

Uncle Kled smiled honestly, his face flushed from drinking.

"Xiao Lin, I actually like the Central Plains culture quite a lot. The poems you wrote in the show are all good. Can you write one on the spot?"

Lin Yi did not hesitate and waved his hand.

"Uncle, please prepare some pen and paper."

Uncle Kled's eyes lit up and he immediately waved his hand.

The young man behind him handed over a sheepskin and an ink pen.

Lin Yi waved his hand and wrote eloquently on the sheepskin.

Bai Lu moved forward curiously, reading and reading.

"The stars last night and the wind last night were on the west side of the painting building and on the east side of Guitang."

"I don't have the wings of a colorful phoenix, but I have a clear mind."

"Every other seat is warmed by Gou Chun wine, and a red wax lamp is shed on each seat."

"I listened to the drum and went to answer the official's call, walked around Malantai and turned around."

When these lines of poetry came out, Uncle Kled froze on the spot.

Bai Lu scratched her head with confusion.

"What, what, what are these?"

Uncle Kled spoke softly: "The first sentence explains the writing place, and the second sentence is the finishing touch. Although the two of them are not like phoenixes, flying together, they have something in common."

"The third sentence is about the scene where it was written, the wine delivery, the shooting, and the red lantern..."

Through the explanation, Bai Lu suddenly realized.

Although I don’t quite understand it, it sounds so romantic.

The look in Lin Yi's eyes was a little gentle.

Through cultural integration.

Many young people's understanding of Central Plains poetry has reached a point where they have no problem understanding it.

This poem ignited the scene.

The young people rushed forward and gathered Lin Yi to the wedding stage not far from the bonfire, which was wrapped in flowers and red lanterns.

I don’t know in my hand when it will be stuffed with a wolf.

The bride and groom in front of her stared at Lin Yi in surprise.

Obviously, he is also a big fan of "Three Thousand Years of Love" and likes Lin Yi and Bai Lu very much.

"Hello Brother Lin, I really like you."

The groom spoke excitedly, stepped forward and held Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi chuckled and said: "At this time, you can't say you like me, otherwise I won't let you go to bed at night." '

Sina scratched his head and smiled.

There was still youthfulness that had not receded on their faces.

"Today your uncle Kled said he would not accept red envelopes, so we will not give them to him, but we are too embarrassed to eat and drink for free. How about I give you a song?"

The eyes of the bride and groom lit up.

The eyes staring at Lin Yi were full of surprise.

I haven’t had time to say thank you yet.

Lin Yi showed a harmless smile.

"Of course, if you feel embarrassed, if you want to return the favor, that's fine."

"You will bring me a sheep, two cows, three ponies and miscellaneous things later. Just a few hundred kilograms of specialties will be enough."

Groom: “o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ”

Bride: "(*^▽^*)?"

Bai Lu: "(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻"

Bai Lu couldn't help but waved her hand and shouted to the bride and groom.

"Don't believe his nonsense, he is all nonsense."

"Just a few dozen kilograms is enough, no more."

Bride and groom: "..."

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(End of this chapter)

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