If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 270 Because I happened to meet you and leave footprints that are beautiful

Chapter 270 Because I happened to meet you and leave footprints that are beautiful

Just when Bai Lu was happy.

Lin Yi waved to Bai Lu.

Wait until Bai Lu came forward and spoke.

"Stand beside me."

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "We can't sing nonsense. Well, "Superhero" should be fine, but it doesn't fit the theme."

Lin Yi: "I didn't let you sing either."

Bai Lu: "( ̄y▽, ̄)╭Then why did you ask me to come up?"

Lin Yi: "There are two of us. It looks so awkward for me to stand on top alone. I need you to support the scene."

Bai Lu: "..."

"But Brother Lin, have you ever thought that it would be a bit embarrassing for me to stand here alone after you sing?"

Lin Yi didn't say anything, and stretched out his hand to play Tambula.

A light, soft, calming voice sounded.

The originally noisy scene fell silent as Dongbula's voice sounded, and they all looked at Lin Yi.

The sound of the piano is light and gentle, like the evening wind on the grassland, gently blowing through people's hearts, and like a small river, constantly flowing.

As the prelude ended, Lin Yi's voice sounded.

Melodious and melodious.

"We cried, we laughed."

"We looked up at the sky."

"A few stars are still shining."

"We sing the song of time."

In the night sky, on the grassland.

Under the starry sky and the Milky Way.

The bonfire brings warmth and dispels the chill of the night.

Flowers bring their fragrance and make everyone's hearts come.

As Lin Yi's voice sounded.

The audience was stunned. This was their first time hearing a song of this style.

Signing gently to the rhythm.

The audience in the live broadcast room exploded.

"This is so gentle, just like walking hand in hand with my first love on campus. Don't ask why I'm not afraid of being caught, because this is a university and we don't catch puppy love."

"Yes, this sense of fate is so romantic."

"On one side are the newlyweds, and on the other side are the models of love on the Internet. This feeling of looking at each other from a distance has been screenshotted."

"What a beautiful scene."

The atmosphere was noisy before.

With Lin Yi's words, the atmosphere of a wedding was restored, as if the cows and sheep were in love.

Green grass and flowers are even more nestled together.

Lin Yi gently teased Dongbula.

Continue singing softly.

"Only we know how to hug each other."

"For what purpose."

"Because I happened to meet you."

“It’s beautiful to leave footprints.”

"The wind blows the flowers and they shed tears like rain."

"Because I don't want to be separated."

"Because I happened to meet you."

"Leave ten years of expectations,"


The newlyweds were stunned in place by Lin Yi's singing.

I just happened to meet you, it just happened to be you.

Between the lines, they are all them, but they are not them.

The ten-year agreement is theirs, and the footprints left behind are theirs.

They are the ones singing love songs under the stars.

They were also the ones hugging each other tightly on the grassland.

Perfect love, from youth to maturity.

She said she didn't want to separate, but there was deep affection between the lines.

When that sentence hugs each other.

Bai Lu took the lead in cheering, clapped her hands and shouted to report one.

The originally young bride and groom couldn't help but lower their heads shyly.

But Bai Lu's lively attitude is really good.

He was so excited that he tied the two people together with a rope. The live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, Bai Lu is going crazy. If you don't hug her, we will hug her."

"Because I happened to meet you, or maybe I happened to meet you, that's why I have these ten years of expectations."

"My husband and wife have been farming in the countryside all their lives. Although they are over fifty, they are very old. When our child was 100 days old, they came to the house wearing wrinkled and old-style but very clean clothes. The guests were very conspicuous and very cramped. When he saw the little grandson in the crib, my husband suddenly said, "Follow me and you will suffer." Then the old lady said softly, "It is painful to leave you."

"Ahhhh, such a youthful song, but it's just right for a wedding."

"Brother Lin sang with all his heart at the wedding. I want this wedding too."

"The lyrics and melody are both nice. It just sounds good. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm uneducated."

"If you are posting barrages like this, then I have to say, Brother Lin, if you two don't get married, it won't be justified."

At the wedding venue.

Although, Lin Yi's song "Just Met You" is dedicated to this newlywed couple.

But he was singing to the two of them.

It was still a little strange, especially since the two newcomers were embarrassed and blushed.

Say something softly, it should be the sweetness of love.

Lin Yi turned his head and focused his attention on Bai Lu, who was making a fuss next to him.

Bai Lu: "(ω)?"

"Brother Lin, why are you looking at me suddenly?"

The two looked at each other, feeling the heat in Lin Yi's eyes.

Only now did Bai Lu know what she was doing on stage.

Good guy, let me be the target of affectionate gazes, right?

Bai Lu was still a little embarrassed before.

At this time, feeling the fiery gaze, he couldn't help but lower his head.

My heart is full of little sweet things.

One thing is for sure now.

That is, there is always himself in Brother Lin’s singing.

Lin Yi stared at Bai Lu, his voice a little gentler.

"We cried, we laughed."

"We looked up at the sky."

"A few stars are still shining."

"We sing the song of time."

Bai Lu's pretty face turned red with embarrassment, her heart pounding wildly.

As if he was afraid that the atmosphere was not warm enough, Uncle Kled next to him suddenly took an unnamed wind instrument and started playing.

Melodious cooperated with Lin Yi's Tambula.

Lin Yi's eyes lit up and he waved his hands towards the young men and women.

Many ethnic groups have been influenced by music since childhood and are very sensitive to the songs and rhythms of music.

After listening to it basically once, you can get a general idea.

Just like the musical genius in the movie.

Lin Yi waved his hand, and the throbbing in the hearts of the men and women turned into heat, and they sang from their mouths.

"Only we know how to hug each other."

"For what purpose."

"Because I happened to meet you."

“It’s beautiful to leave footprints.”

"The wind blows the flowers and they shed tears like rain."

"Because I don't want to be separated."


prior to.

The audience thought that the tenderness of this song was already at its peak.

Unexpectedly, the chorus of young men and women, mixed with the young and youthful voices, added a different flavor to this song.

"Because I happened to meet you and leave traces that are beautiful."

This song was doomed.

It will become the song that witnesses the love of countless marriages and countless men and women when they step into the palace for the first time.

Bai Lu did not sing along.

Compared with the noisy appearance just now, they are completely different.

He lowered his head and kneaded the corners of his clothes with his little hands.

The little deer in my heart is pounding.

In his mind, the wedding with Lin Yi appeared.

What will our wedding be like?

It should be based on Brother Lin's idea. Although the style is changeable and I can't figure it out in my head, it is definitely sophisticated enough and dazzling enough.

(End of this chapter)

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