If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 271 The best blessing is to just meet you, just to be you

Chapter 271 The best blessing is to just meet you, just to be you

Bai Lu is already looking forward to the wedding.

At this moment, every moment with Lin Yi kept flashing through his mind.

Well, there are other bits and pieces.

While thinking about it, I suddenly remembered Lin Yi's words.

"I'm a little afraid of society. When we get married, can you go on stage and I sit under the stage and eat?"

Bai Lu looked up and stared at Lin Yi.

Well, Brother Lin, if you dare to do this then, I will really beat you to death.

As for the wedding, Lin Geqian will definitely give me a unique and perfect wedding that meets my expectations.

Looking up, Bai Lu suddenly saw Lin Yi blushing.

Not physically, of course, but physically.

When I turned around to look, I was stunned.

I saw Kazakh men and women beside the campfire.

They all held a small torch in their hands and were dancing.

The main thing is one, the fire is soaring into the sky.

Good guy, I really didn’t expect this hardcore support.

The newcomer on the other side talked about the depth of love.

The two wiped each other's tears and talked about the rest of their lives.

Millions of viewers watched with tears in their eyes.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I want to get married, it's another day I want to get married."

"Brother, think twice. Marriage is the grave of love. Brother Lin is just singing. He's not even married yet, so you're impulsive?"

"Although people often say that marriage is the tomb of love, if you don't have enough experience, stepping into the tomb is the real torture."

"I have to say, the atmosphere was really explosive. It was the first time I saw someone using torches to support me. The key effect was really good!"


Bai Lu turned to look at Lin Yi.

The fire light lit up Lin Yi's eyes.

I don’t know why, but Lin Yi’s songs always have the urge to sing along.

If you remember the lyrics, sing along with the melody.

Some tribesmen who did not speak Chinese also hummed softly along with the melody.

"Because I happened to meet you."

“It’s beautiful to leave footprints.”

"The wind blows the flowers and they shed tears like rain."

"Because I don't want to be separated."

"Because I happened to meet you."

"Leave ten years of expectations."

Uncle Kled also worked hard to leave his own traces in this song. To describe it in one word, it is the harmony of the piano and the harp.

When Lin Yi and Bai Lu looked at each other.

Bai Lu also sang softly.

"Because I happened to meet you."

“It’s beautiful to leave footprints.”


"Because I happened to meet you."

"It happens to be you."


As the song slowly fell.

The firelight illuminated Lin Yi's eyes.

The moonlight also fell on the ground.

The starry sky shines on people's faces, as if adding a touch of makeup.

The wind also gave me gentle applause.

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

With silence ended.

There was overwhelming applause.

The newlyweds hugged each other and stared at Lin Yi with hope.

Of course, this style of painting is somewhat strange.

However, where Lin Yi is around, how could this style of painting be normal?

Although the men and women participating are not majoring in music.

Not to mention that they are musically literate, even ordinary people can easily tell whether a song is good or not.

And in everyone’s eyes.

This song "Just Met You" is for newlyweds, but it is also for Lin Lu and all the young people here.

There isn't a single lyric that doesn't describe this place.

There is no melody that is superfluous and superfluous.

Just like the previous poem, perfect and broken.

In everyone's opinion, the gift from Lin Yi was the most expensive. Looking back many years later, I still remember this feeling.

But what Lin Lu didn't expect was.

As soon as he finished singing the song, the groom turned around and went to find Kled and lost.

My uncle owns several ranches.

The courtesy that Brother Lin mentioned before must not be left behind.

"One sheep, two cows, and three horses."

"There are also hundreds of kilograms of local specialties prepared for Brother Lin."

It can be seen that this newlywed couple is very serious, and they don't even know when they are joking, so they must be prepared.

Hearing this, the bride on the stage waved quickly.

"No, good things come in pairs, give me even numbers."

The groom clapped his hands and said, "You're right, it's an even number."

Lin Yi: "§(* ̄▽ ̄*)§"

Bai Lu: "\( ̄︶ ̄*\))."

They both said it casually, just joking.

But the newlyweds took it seriously.

Bai Lu couldn't help but smile and said, "Then we can't take a plane anymore. Otherwise, let's go home while driving the cattle."

Lin Yi nodded and said: "It sounds good, but you can't eat them halfway."

Even so.

But Bai Lu still stepped forward to stop him.

After all, this style of painting is so weird that even Lin Yi can't accept it.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

"Good guys, I have to say that these two people are really sincere. They did it immediately after they agreed. They didn't watch too many live broadcasts at first glance."

"I have to say, I feel like this song "Just Met You" will soon dominate the university playgrounds and major wedding venues."

"I have to play this song when I get married. I just happened to meet you."

"What does it mean to be just right? I don't like thin people, but you are thin, so it just happens to be you. I just happen to like you."

"So, Brother Lin already knew there was a wedding here?"

"It seems to be a coincidence. Brother Lin's target is still very clear, it is Uncle Kled."

"A man like the wind, Brother Lin!"

Even the newlyweds here didn’t expect it.

The wedding is not over yet.

My wedding, along with "Just Met You", has already been circulated on major short video platforms.

Driven by big data, it quickly became a hot search list.

After declining the newlyweds' cattle, horses and sheep.

Lin Yi took Bai Lu to the campfire, and finally ate the roasted whole lamb that Bai Lu had longed for.

After all, I have been talking about it for two or three days.

This counts, if you don’t forget it, there will be a response.

Lin Yi took the leg of lamb handed over by the young man.

Bai Lu next to her: "(﹃)."

Staring at the lamb leg, he said seriously: "Well, it must be cumin, a little more chili, forget about the onion, the taste is a bit strong."

Although she said this, Bai Lu couldn't help but come forward and take a bite.

Lin Yi casually pushed Bai Lu's head away.

He took the knife on the side. ,
"This knife is for cutting mutton."

Bai Lu nodded and sat there obediently.

Staring at Lin Yi, my heart felt warm.

What straight guy, this is my boyfriend!
He also knew how to cut the mutton for me, sprinkle it with cumin and chili powder, and feed it to his mouth.

Brother Lin is awesome!

Bai Lu: “(#`O′)”

Bai Lu opened her mouth and was already waiting.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Lu was stunned for a moment and said, "What?"

"I took the knife because I was afraid you would be cut."

Bai Lu nodded, showing understanding in her eyes.

"So, Brother Lin has a tough mouth, and then he will cut the mutton and show it to my mouth, right?"

As she spoke, Bai Lu blinked her big eyes and stared at Lin Yi.

Well, I learned this from Zhao Lusi.

Send love signals with your eyes.

Women who act coquettishly have the best luck~
 Your reading is the greatest support for the author.

  Thanks to Qingya Qingya for supporting me, Yunwu Gaosheng, Book Friends 20231225752-cd, zzh Fu Qing hzz, Book Friends 2024011977-DC, and WAZ for your monthly votes.

  Thank you very much for your support along the way.

  Thank you for the dawn after the rain, book friend 20230613225-ca, Qingya Qingya is worth two, it’s sunny when you meet, book friend 20240229103dE, book friend 2021030176531003666, don’t forget your original intention-ee, in the corner of your heart,, well-AB, car audio Destroyed, who has the recommendation vote from 20231205352003, book friend 202103017500, ——, book friend 20230427375-Ab, WAZ, Konggu Orchid Meng Xiaoxiang, book friend 20220106044127073.

(End of this chapter)

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