If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 281 I really ate very little, only 1 chicken, 2 coconut rice and

Chapter 281 I really ate very little, only one chicken, two coconut rice and

Lin Yi suddenly pressed Bai Lu's shoulders.

He said very seriously: "Love is a debt, love is a scale that cannot be balanced, and love is always compared among uncertain variables." '

"So, in our love, I will always give you preference, always a little more."

These words come down.

Bai Lu's face was stunned, and her pretty face was covered with a layer of red clouds.

The little deer in my heart jumped up.

It almost burst out in my heart.

In my memory, it seems that Brother Lin has never said such affectionate and romantic love words to himself in such a serious and serious manner.

Brother Lin...is this creating a sense of contrast?
After demonstrating it to myself so many times, I finally learned it.

As for the fact that Lin Yi only sang a few lines of a song.

Is that called laziness? Is that called showing off? That’s love for me!

Bai Lu's heart is now full of caution.

Brother Lin's love turned into bubbles flying all over the sky.

Bai Lu: "︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿"

Lin Yi looked at Bai Lu's appearance and shook his head helplessly.

"Stop standing there stupidly, get in the car, we're going to the concert tomorrow."

Bai Lu: "\( ̄︶ ̄*\))Okay, it's all up to you."

Bai Lu was still happy when she got in the car.

Of course, while the car was driving on the road, Bai Lu suddenly got her IQ online.

After all, IQ is the same thing for Bai Lu and Ji Ya.

Not online continuously, but online intermittently.

Bai Lu flipped through the lyrics of "The Most Beautiful Expectation" on her phone.

Wisdom flashed through his eyes, and he suddenly turned to stare at Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin, I seem to understand. What you gave me more are lyrics and tasks?"

Lin Yi stopped the car and bought two ice creams from the roadside.

While handing the ice cream to Bai Lu, she answered.

"You taste it carefully, you taste it carefully, the lyrics are full of love for you, don't you feel it?"


Bai Lu took a sip of ice cream and said.

"Men are all big pigs. If it weren't for my IQ, I would have been deceived by your sweet words."

Lin Yi: "Be more confident and get rid of the odds. You have been deceived by me."

Hearing this, Bai Lu couldn't hold it in any longer.

He stepped forward and swallowed Lin Yi's ice cream in one gulp.

He raised his face triumphantly, obviously very happy with his revenge.

Lin Yi: "..."

"Did you forget that you also have ice cream?"

With that said, Lin Yi stepped forward and swallowed Bai Lu's ice cream.

As for what happens next...

The two of them were holding ice cream in their mouths and rubbing their heads in the warm air.

Staring at the other person with resentment, his eyes are full of blame.

No one thought that an ice cream could be so powerful.

"I can't get through this day. You bully me all day long."

Bai Lu: "[○`Д○]"

Lin Yi: "..."

"Let's just say, is there a possibility that you wanted to take revenge on me and then made a mistake, and you don't blame me?"


Early the next morning.

The singer's concert scene.

Bai Lu was putting on makeup and thinking about what to wear today, but she saw Lin Yi in the mirror, picking up a pan and waving it into the void.

Frowning slightly, he changed the shovel.

Then he changed to Xiao Mingyue and waved it for a long time, but it didn't seem to be what he wanted.

This look made Bai Lu couldn't help but frown.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

"Don't you know? Gangsters often appear at Brother Zhang's concerts. If we kill them all at once, we can get a lot of bonuses."

Lin Yi said while waving the chair.

'At that time, we will be bounty hunters. We have already thought of a name for the group. If we call it Lin Lu, we will never escape. '

After hearing this, Bai Lu's eyes lit up.

I don’t even pick out what clothes to wear that look good.

When I turned around, I was thinking, should I use a rope or a whip? I have to choose the one that is more comfortable for me.

Of course, don’t think wrongly.

It was a man who learned how to harness a horse the last time he rode a horse. It doesn't have much to do with anything else.

Well, that must be the case.

Soon, the two of them each brought a small stick.

Turned around and came to the outskirts of the concert.

At this time, the streets were bustling with people.

It is truly a concert by a singer.

Bai Lu muttered softly and hugged Lin Yi's arm tightly.

Wearing masks, hats, and sunglasses, the two of them walked through the crowd and didn't attract much attention.

Bai Lu even held an ice powder and ate it happily.

He followed Lin Yi into a small shop.

I directly ordered coconut rice, shredded coconut buns, and a Wenchang chicken.

Bai Lu looked at the chicken and drooled.

"Don't tell me, the special snacks here are really delicious."

With that said, he took a sip and took a bite of coconut rice.

It's soft and sweet, and the rice has distinct grains.

It’s similar to Zongzi, but a little different from Zongzi.

For Bai Lu, this place is simply paradise.

Lin Yi opened the chicken, feeling helpless.

After all, he didn't like the feeling of a foreign object in his mouth, so he planned to remove the chicken and sprinkle it with chili oil to feel it.

Bai Lu stared at the chicken and her eyes lit up.

"Brother Lin, don't you know that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind?"

After saying that, he immediately stepped forward and bit Lin Yi's drumstick.

Lin Yi was stunned and stopped taking apart the muscles.

Picked up a chicken wing and ate it.

The two of them raced like a racing car.


Speaking of which, the two people's live broadcast room has not been broadcast for a long time.

The sand sculpture water friends in the live broadcast room have rushed to the bottom of the wb, waiting for food.

Of course, it's even more outrageous.

Although the live broadcast room is closed, the comment area is not closed, and there are always a large number of idiot viewers chatting about opinions.

Well, how should I put it.

Just like QQ at the beginning, chatting in a chat room.

"Lin Lu hasn't started broadcasting yet. When it starts broadcasting next time, it should be able to bring us surprises, such as giving birth to a baby?"

"I remember, didn't these two go to the singer's concert?"

"Yeah, I'm already looking forward to seeing if there will be new songs."

"Look, some people just don't watch the live broadcast carefully. What's the most beautiful thing about the new song "The Most Beautiful..."?"

"As a cp party member, I am the least anxious. After all, these two people even posted the WB together, which is so sweet for us."

"So, you are a fake fan of "The Most Beautiful Expectation"."


The two people who were eating meat also sent wbs one after another.

This is a picture of the Cultural Tourism City taken before.

Bai Lu captioned [The wind finally brought Lin Lu here.

I'm going to guest perform at the concert, I'm so excited. 】

After posting the wb, Bai Lu was delighted.

He turned around and glanced at the content Lin Yi was editing, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"No, Brother Lin, you can't say that."

I saw Lin Yi sent a wb.

The accompanying text [Bai Lu is really edible, it’s going to be sold, I’m waiting online in a hurry. 】

Bai Lu was so angry that she wanted to grab the phone.

Who can eat, you can eat! ! !

Seeing that I can't grab the mobile phone,
Bai Lu became anxious and punched Lin Yi.

I quickly picked up my phone and went to reply below.

"I'm really not very good at eating. Don't believe Lin Yi's nonsense. I just ate two coconut rice, half a chicken and..."

These words come down.

Bai Lu clicked send.

 Your reading is the greatest support for the author.

  I'm not in good condition. I'll discuss new books tomorrow.

  Thank you very much for your support along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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