If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 282: Thousands of people present, standing in front of tens of thousands of people

Chapter 282: One hundred thousand people present, standing in front of tens of thousands of people
Bai Lu felt that something was wrong with what she said. ,

When I want to delete it, it prompts that the wb operation is too frequent.

Bai Lu exploded on the spot.

He turned around and stared at Lin Yi pitifully.

"Brother Lin, I really didn't eat much."

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Lu's web content.

The meaning of showing off is obvious.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

'What, what, what, these are all. '

"Also, Lulu, you are really good at pretending to be pitiful."

Bai Lu saw that it was useless to act coquettishly, so she stopped pretending. ,

He bared his teeth viciously.

"Anyway, I feel like my copywriting is pretty good."

The two of them were drinking coconut juice.

The two of them paid special attention to the concert.

His eyes suddenly widened.

Tickets worth 100,000 yuan were all sold out.

And there are still people asking for tickets at high prices.

Bai Lu couldn't help but frown when she saw the price.

This is the oppressive power of the old god, it is simply terrifying.

No, I should be the one who is nervous.

Do I have to sing in front of so many people?

At this time, there are many water friends who are not squatting in the live broadcast room.

I rushed directly to the WB, and the comments exploded.

"I'm going to eat coconut rice tomorrow. I hope to see Brother Lin and my sister-in-law."

"I suggest putting Brother Lin in the central square as an attraction. Thank you."

"So, what is the song "The Most Beautiful Expectation"? I really want to hear it."

"No, the concert is about to start, and you are still eating and drinking, otherwise you guys should give me your tickets."

"Okay, okay, I'll give you the tickets. You'll be the one singing in front of 100,000 people."

"So, Lulu did eat a lot, but I only had one portion of coconut rice over there."

"I've already been waiting at the concert for the real Brother Lin offline. I really can't stand it if I don't get the wedding candy from the two of them."

Before this.

When Zhang Xueyou participated in "Three Thousand Years of Love", he also sent invitations to other people.

For example, Huang Yunxiao, Kunkun Hua Yuchen, etc.

But not this concert, but another one.

So a chance encounter is out of the question.


The two of them were not in a hurry.

Keep eating and drinking, after all this is a holiday, why are you in such a hurry.

Bai Lu even planned to play outside for a few more days.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yi had already arranged the schedule after the concert.

When a person is full, he loves to talk.

Also, feeling sleepy.

Bai Lu sat in the passenger seat, enduring the sleepiness while reviewing the melody and lyrics of "The Most Beautiful Expectation".

"Your breath is getting closer."

"Hold me tight..."

As I sang, there was no sound.

Lin Yi turned his head and saw that Bai Lu had fallen asleep.

Lin Yi: "..."

Wait until Bai Lu wakes up.

There was already a big surprise.

Already appeared backstage at the concert.

Staring at Lin Yi, whose clothes were being adjusted by the makeup artist, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Are we at a concert?"

Lin Yi nodded.

"Get ready, we're about to go on stage."

"Brother Zhang has already finished singing "Kiss Goodbye" and "A Thousand Reasons to Be Sad", and..."

Bai Lu quickly rubbed her eyes and checked her makeup.

There was no time to be nervous, put on makeup, or tidy up my clothes.

When I woke up completely, I was already backstage, waiting to go on stage with Lin Yi.

"I was too busy just now."

Bai Lu raised her head and said speechlessly.

"What should I do if I haven't woken up yet?"

As he said that, he took a breath that he forgot to take a few minutes ago.

The main thing is cuteness.


on the stage. Zhang Xueyou finished the song and bowed to the audience.

He smiled and said.

"I believe that before you come here, you should have heard that there will be special guests at the concert. To be honest, I am also looking forward to it."

"If I can't wait for them for my concert, I will be really sad."

"But fortunately, all the 10,000 reasons to be sad are gone, they are here."

With that said, Zhang Xueyou gave up half of his body.

The director also played "Blowing Dreams to Xizhou" at the right time.

When the voices of Lin Lu and the two of them resounded throughout the concert venue of 100,000 people.

It would be a lie to say that she wasn't nervous. Bai Lu's palms were already sweating while holding Lin Yi.

"Don't be afraid, the only sound is the wind as you move forward."

Lin Yi's voice sounded.

Pulling Bai Lu onto the stage.

The spotlight was on the two of them.

Bai Lu said in a low voice: "Brother Lin, Brother Zhang, these few words make me feel that you have some sort of deal."

Yes, those few words made Bai Lu feel like she was trying to steal her boyfriend from the singer.

Lin Yi: "..."

"Have you forgotten that you are hanging wheat?"

Bai Lu glanced around, and following her words, the scene fell silent.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Sorry everyone, my girlfriend is a bit unintelligent."

Look at these two people treating their concert as a tea party.

Zhang Xueyou couldn't help but shake his head and smile, and stepped forward to shake hands with Lin Yi.

He also shook hands with Bai Lu.

"My orientation is quite normal. I know your boyfriend is very nice, but I have no intention of stealing him."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lu's pretty face turned red.

He nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you for coming to my concert."

"By the way, I hope you can invite me to your wedding."

He is worthy of being a singer.

These few words directly pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a new climax.

One hundred thousand people cheered in unison.

Bai Lu couldn't help but laugh.

Well, maybe a little shy.

However, so many people witnessed the two of them, and they were very happy.

Zhang Xueyou publicizes to the outside world in advance.

Lin Lu will sing two songs together.

Three songs, actually.

The concert band is getting familiar with the accompaniment.

But what made the concert unexpected was that the third song had no accompaniment.

Let them take a break?
Same as Lin Lu’s film crew?
At this time, Zhang Xueyou was already sitting in front of the piano.

Lin Yi picked up a guitar and found a seat to sit down.

Bai Lu held the microphone, took a deep breath, and stared at Lin Yi resentfully.

She really didn't dare to talk nonsense.

But the look is obvious.

Your sister said before that it was the God of Songs who provided the accompaniment.

After finally relaxing, Bai Lu became nervous again.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Relax, there's still me."

Good guy, Bai Lu was even more panicked.

The chorus was agreed upon, but you ended up singing just two lines.

Are you telling me not to panic?

Before Bai Lu could complain, Lin Yi started playing.

It was so sudden that both Zhang Xueyou and the orchestra hesitated for half a second, but soon followed the rhythm and started playing music.

The gentle and soothing rhythm is like water flowing through the scene.

The noisy scene became much quieter.

Under the gaze of thousands of people, Lin Yi spoke softly.

"I have a dream, like a rainbow after the rain."

“Exchange all your tears for a smile.”

"There is another kind of love that crosses the sea of ​​humanity."

"Pick up the lost dust."

With Lin Yi's melodious and gentle voice.

The scene of 100,000 people actually fell silent.

Many people actually don't know much about Lin Lu and Lin Lu. They both came here for Zhang Xueyou.

But now, they suddenly understood why they were there at the concert.
This singing skill is not inferior to the singer Zhang Xueyou!

(End of this chapter)

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