If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 283 Thousands of people sang together, kissed passionately, let’s fall in love this summer

Chapter 283 Hundreds of thousands of people sang together and kissed passionately. Let’s fall in love this summer.
There were also many Lin Lu fans at the scene.

When he heard Lin Yi's voice, he suddenly became excited.

New song, this is definitely a new song.

I thought I had already heard the opening ceremony, but I didn’t expect that Lin Yi was so sincere that he directly presented new songs.

At this time, Bai Lu also followed Lin Yi's voice,

Slowly relaxed.

The flickering lights in front of me turned into countless little stars.

Turning his head and looking at Lin Yi, maybe this is what the lyrics say, when you are by my side, it doesn't matter whether it's momentary or forever.

It's already good to have you.

Bai Lu also sang softly.

"Your breath is getting closer."

"Hold me tight."

"I opened my eyes and wanted to be with you."

"It doesn't matter whether it's forever or a moment."

"Jing closed her eyes but you appeared again."

"Take me away from the edge of loneliness."


"I embrace love when I wake up from my dream."

"You waited persistently but never left."

"I can't bear to be separated every time I wake up."

"No longer having to hang around you is my best wish."


Bai Lu in the spotlight.

I also gradually found my state.

My hair is still a little unkempt, it was pressed up just now when I went to sleep.

Although I was still in a daze just now.

But now Bai Lu has found her singing state.

In Lin Yi's words, there is no skill, it's all about emotion.

As the climax comes again.

Lin Yi's voice sounded at the right time, adding strength to Bai Lu.

"I embrace love when I wake up from my dream."

"You waited persistently but never left."


After all, this is the concert of singer Jacky Cheung.

Lin Yi became serious this time.

In fact, in the original plan for the chorus, or all the choruses, the singer Zhang Xueyou was going to be with these two people.

but now……

Watching the two people singing affectionately at each other.

He shouldn't be sitting in front of the piano, he should be next to the two of them.

This makes you feel like a huge light bulb.

Outrageous, simply outrageous.

Many in the audience wanted to sing along.

But I had never heard of this song, so I could only follow the rhythm and hum softly the lyrics I thought would appear.

However, although I can't sing.

But you can heckle.

The barrage and the scene went viral.

"Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her."

"This is really a concert, but it feels like a wedding venue."

"The good news is that there will be food to eat during the concert. The bad news is that it's dog food with too much sugar added, so you need insulin."

"So, Brother Lin can make a song that keeps singing along, but you make us look like fools when we wave the lights."

"Kiss each other."

"Brothers on the scene, shout quickly."

Since ancient times, watching the excitement is not a big deal.

People who eat melons say that it doesn’t matter what kind of melon it is, as long as it is edible, it is a good melon.

Even if you need to take insulin after eating.

Just eat.

As the song ends, the sound gradually disappears.

There was silence.

Bai Lu wondered whether she had failed to perform any of her sentences well.

Did you sing the wrong lyrics, was it out of tune, or did you sing poorly, why was there no sound at the scene?

With the sound of the first applause.

Everyone on the scene shouted.

"Kiss one, kiss one."

"Kiss me quickly."

Bai Lu's pretty face turned red when she heard this.

But I didn't feel too nervous. After all, Lin Yi's character is that of a chicken or a grasshopper. If you ask him to go east, he will go west. If you ask him to chase a dog, he will chase the chicken.

The main thing is to be naturally rebellious.

Although Lin Yi didn't move.

Bai Lu had already stepped forward, raised her toes and gently pecked Lin Yi on the face.

The soft lips felt very hot when they touched her cheek.

There was an uproar at the scene.

The roof of the concert was about to be blown off.

The cheers at the scene came and went, like a wave.

Looking at Lin Yi's confused eyes.

Bai Lu raised her face and said with a little arrogance.

"What do you know? This is called giving face to the fans. It's not just because I want to kiss you."

Don't wait to finish.

Lin Yi took a step forward and hugged Bai Lu's waist.

Bai Lu felt like she was about to be rubbed into Lin Yi's body.

Both feet even left the ground.

A real response should be strong and fiery.

In this way, the audience will know what love goes in both directions.

Under the night, in the starry sky.

Everything is quiet.

Bai Lu's mind went blank.

I didn’t even know that this was not a wedding venue, but a concert of the singer Jacky Cheung.

It was as if the world had gone blank.

Only he and Lin Yi's passionate kiss were left.

Well, so happy.

the other side.

Song god Zhang Xueyou also entered the state.

Transform directly into King Jiji, dancing and wailing.

"Close your eyes and enjoy the immersive experience."

"Come on, it's only one minute."

Facts have proved that the God of Song is also a human being, and when it comes to eating melons, he does not belong to anyone, especially eating melons so close.

I saw the two of them kissing each other.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange. I immediately sat down in front of the piano and started playing gently.

The band next to me also understood immediately.

The light and soft piano sounds are the accompaniment of "Confession Balloon". Speaking of which, this song is the testimony of the two people's first two-way journey.

It has also been popular on the Internet for a long time.

As the accompaniment played, 100,000 people also had the opportunity to show off their singing voices.

“Coffee on the Seine, on the Left Bank.”

"I'll take a cup and taste your beauty."

As they sang, the place turned dark.

The spotlight shone on the two of them alone.

The audience turned on their flashlights, and the auditorium of 100,000 people turned into dots of stars and a galaxy.

Familiar rhythms, familiar lines.

It seemed that Bai Lu was brought back to that night.

The blue evolution lit up the night sky, and Lin Yi's eyes seemed to turn into stars.

Lin Yi played the guitar and sang this gentle song softly.

The singer Zhang Xueyou couldn't help but shake his head.

Hey guys, three songs agreed upon.

As a result, you didn’t even bother to accompany this song.

Let these 100,000 people buy tickets and sing and listen to it themselves, right?

In the future, we might consider turning it into a small room for a self-guided concert, and then each person has a microphone and can sing what they want to sing.

A store like this should be very popular.

After all, many people like to sing and listen to music.

The concert was not live broadcast, but many audience members were filming short videos or broadcasting live.

The kiss isn't over yet.

It's already on the hot search over there.

{Confession Balloon, will you and your loved one release balloons this summer? }
{Romantic kiss, Lin Lu has never regarded us as hot topics. }
{Let you make a guest appearance at a concert, where you can kiss and listen to the audience sing? }
This wave of outrageous operations.

Immediately, countless viewers fell silent.

Lin Yi is indeed lazy.

The song "The Most Beautiful Expectation" starts with the chorus.

I am too lazy to sing this song "Confession Balloon".

But the audience at the scene said that they were very excited and happy to do it again.

"How to remain calm and let the audience enjoy themselves and be lazy"

And Kuaiyin also has a WB comment section, which exploded directly.

(End of this chapter)

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