If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 284 This dragon scale once fell to the ground like broken ice.

Chapter 284 This dragon scale once fell to the ground like broken ice.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuah, I didn't buy a ticket. Not only did I not buy a ticket for the venue, I didn't even buy a ticket for the bus. I want to go to the venue."

"Why go to the scene to smell the sour smell of love?"

"By the way, the singer Zhang Xueyou didn't sing a duet with Lin Yi, so I always feel like something is missing."

"I have to say, "Confession Balloon" is really suitable for expressing love. I have been with my wife for twenty-one days."

"What we are singing is a song. It is the memory of us CP party members."

"I also want to fall in love. I don't want to be a licking dog anymore."

As the song ends.

Lin Yi also let go of Bai Lu.

Bai Lu's pretty face turned red, she gasped hard and spoke in a low voice.

"Brother Lin, can we escape?"

Now, what she is thinking about is the snacks outside.

Also, live a good life with Lin Yi.

Of course the most important thing is.

Isn't it a bit too much to treat a passionate kiss at a singer's concert as a scene of falling in love?

This is called... taking over the host's place.

Yes, that's it.

At this time, the audience's booing lines changed from "kiss one" to "one more and another one."

Zhang Xueyou's face turned red with excitement.

He couldn't stop shaking his head when he walked up to the two of them.

"Young people's love is so passionate and passionate. If you do this, I want to fall in love."

Zhang Xueyou turned to look at the audience and smiled.

"Next, there is a song by Lin Yi and me for everyone."

After speaking, Zhang Xueyou waved his hand behind him.

The props team brought up three chairs and a small coffee table, with a lot of drinks and snacks placed on them.

Zhang Xueyou smiled at Bai Lu.

"VIP seats are prepared for you. You can listen to the songs up close. If you don't sing well, you can even throw the bottle away."

Bai Lu: " lost ヾ(ω`)o"

I’ve never heard of listening to music like this.

Did you bring all the chairs up directly?

At this time, the audience also became excited.

There was a roar of cheers.

After all, the collaboration scene between the God of Song and Lin Yi.

Under the attention of the audience, the band also walked backstage, but this band was different from before.

He is already forty years old.

The musical instruments used are also ancient Chinese instruments.

These include Erhu, Jinghu, Yueqin, Sheng, Pipa and so on.

Zhang Xueyou smiled and said: 'Welcome all veteran artists to support my concert. '

Lin Yi also smiled and said.

"What a cold and bad current, let me show you what the Chinese wind is."

When the voice fell, the audience burst into applause.

This is next to the Cultural Tourism City, a place where culture was once developed.

By inviting old artists and inheritors of ancient musical instruments, the effect and atmosphere were immediately enhanced.

Zhang Xueyou then said: "Thanks to Lin Yi for his creation, which allowed us to collaborate with veteran artists on this song."

"This song is Chinese style, it's called "Heaven and Earth Dragon Scales""

The sound fell, and the light on the scene fell.

As the voices of old artists sounded.

The sound of big drums and clappers sounded, and the scene was infected by the magnificent momentum, and it suddenly became lively.

Lin Yi coughed slightly and his face became serious.

Then the voice sounded, grand and serious.

It seems that the rivers and mountains of five thousand years are located in front of everyone's eyes.

"I started writing about this country, and the national blood is tens of thousands of miles long."

"For several centuries and six hundred years, the descendants of the dragon have gone through ups and downs."

As Lin Yi's voice sounded.

Zhang Xueyou also had surprise on his face.

Needless to say, this idea is really good.

After all, leading the national style is what artists should do.

Next to it is Lin Yi's cultural and tourism city. This song "Dragon Scales of Heaven and Earth" sings the pride of Chinese people and can boost the local economy.

Lin Yi continued to sing.

"This central axis of the capital is as unwavering as a gentleman's integrity."

"The glass on the nine-dragon tile wall represents the decline and rise of history."

"But once upon a time, these dragon scales fell to the ground with a clang like broken ice." "Every inch of my heart is like a piece of lin, and I can't bear to hear the story."

Bai Lu listened and ate carefully.

After all, this was the first time that so many people watched me eat, so I felt a little nervous for no reason.

Uh-huh, dragon scales.

Economics and stuff, that's what Brother Lin is singing about.

What, what, what, what is this.

Click, bite another potato chip.

Try not to draw attention to yourself.

Quietly make a small background board.

At this time, on the stage, the old artist performed his best.

Brother Lin and Zhang Xueyou are both working hard, and I can't disturb them.

Of course, the next chorus by Lin Yi and Zhang Xueyou truly showed the perseverance in Chinese culture.

A limited repertoire about the culture and tourism industry Chen Guo.

It made the audience excited.

Zhang Xueyou also didn't expect that Lin Yi could bring such a national style song that hit the scene, a collision of rock and ancient style.

Zhang Xueyou has never been involved in the field.

Zhang Xueyou also continued to sing.

"People observe etiquette and keep a quiet heart. The melodious guqin plays the gentleman's heart."

"I am awake and waiting for the response, circling the endless waves of Chinese civilization."

"I pay tribute to the vast yellow land in the east as I write."

"The landscape has been wiped away with ink, and only the rugged Chinese backbone can be seen."


As the sound falls.

Come to the chorus part again.

Everyone on the stage sang in unison, and the sound resounded loudly.

"This dragon scale once fell to the ground like broken ice."

"One piece of mind, one inch of heart, small success will lead to greatness. I firmly believe in it."

"Raise the destiny of the nation with your head high and revive it again."

"Wander the world in search of dragon scales, and the dragon's bloodline will become a forest."


The 100,000 people present had never heard this song.

But as the melody progresses layer by layer, the emotion is pushed to a climax.

In the second section, with the sound, you can also sing that the dragon scales have been. , falling to the ground like broken ice.

How shocking it was to have 100,000 people singing in unison.

The roofs at the scene were shaking, as if they might be torn down at any time.

At this time, the other side.

Looking at the live broadcast room, the scene was filled with enthusiasm because of the national style.

The old men never thought about it.

Culture will be promoted by a young person in this way.

One day, this young man's singing will resound throughout the cultural and tourism city and even over the world, proudly proclaiming the glory of China.

This song also gave Bai Lu goosebumps.

Five thousand years of rivers and mountains, every place is so beautiful.

Countless inches of earth protected by flesh and blood and life add a touch of color to this song.

As the closest audience, you can not only listen to the songs, but also see the singing status of Lin Yi, Zhang Xueyou and veteran artists.

They are not just singing.

It's more like talking about history, talking about my own history, talking about the history of this ancient capital, and talking about the history of China.

Use sound to reverse time and space.

What countless people have accumulated with their dreams is history.


on the stage.

This high-pitched and magnificent chorus ends.

Zhang Xueyou looked at Lin Yi resentfully.

If you have to hit a high note, you are so old, and you still have to hold your buttocks to sing, can you really bear it?

I hope that when you get older, you won’t regret singing so high today.

Then you will be the one holding the butt.

But don’t say it, the emotion is in place and the tone is in place.

My veins and butt are about to burst.

 Adjust status ing.

  To answer clearly, this book has at least one million words.

  Otherwise, how can I be worthy of your support all the way?
(End of this chapter)

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