Chapter 376 Don’t scream at me
Camera guy.

"Although, I don't have much education, but if nothing unexpected happens, the word written on it should be Echi."

The lighting engineer also nodded repeatedly.

"I remember that these traditional Chinese characters that are not traditional Chinese characters are called variant characters. Just like the word "yi", there are many, many variant characters."

The camera crew looked at the geese in the pond.

There is a lot of discussion going on.

When Bai Lu heard this, her pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but shake her head.

"I don't know about this either. Well, it's all Brother Lin's fault. Who told you to ask me these weird questions? I don't know, don't you?"

Lin Yi: "???"

He reached out and rubbed Bai Lu's head.

Only then did Bai Lu calm down.

Then he said: "Wang Xizhi likes geese very much. This character seems to have been written by him."

Bai Lu nodded repeatedly.

“Since I went to the Northeast, I have also fallen in love with goose, especially the kind stewed in an iron pot. It is really (╯▽╰) so fragrant~~, and with the pancakes attached, I really can’t stand it.”

Bai Lu didn't care.

Is there any literati in the back?

After all, I prefer eating and drinking in comparison.

Lin Yi couldn't help but flick Bai Lu's head.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Hmm, stewed goose in the iron pot, and I miss you."

Lin Yi: "..."

Looking at Lin Yi helplessly shaking his head.

Bai Lu reached out and pinched Lin Yi's face.

Holding Lin Yi's hand, he walked towards Lanting. He soon discovered something new and pointed to a small river on the side of the road.

"So Brother Lin, what is that confusing version of the small river?"

Lin Yi tilted his head and said.

"Have you ever heard of a poem about the flowing water in a stream and its flowing water? It's called a flowing wine glass."

Bai Lu's face showed a confident smile.

"Brother Lin, you have already said that I need to be more confident, so Brother Lin, you are not confident anymore... Of course I can't do it."

Saying that, Bai Lu performed a wave of elation.

There was a little pride on his face.

If I hadn't heard what Bai Lu said clearly, I would have even thought that Bai Lu knew how to do it.

There was more than the sound of running water in my ears.

There was still the sound of gurgling water and the sound of the big goose, but the way the big goose looked at Bai Lu was obviously a little hostile.

They also don't like it when someone calls me bird by their name.

Bai Lu tilted her head, somewhat confused.

"Well, I don't understand the poem. This melodious stream sounds like an idiom. Well, it sounds like it means a bit of pain. Doesn't it mean fighting?"

Seeing Bai Lu like this.

Lin Yi couldn't help but hold his forehead and shake his head.

"Is there a possibility that mourning and drinking are two different words? The explanation you mentioned is that mourning is mentioned in Qu Yuan's Nine Songs of National Sorrow and refers to the soul of the dead."

"And this wine cup means wine glass. The two are completely different."

Bai Lu tilted her head and said.

"It's hard to understand, but it has a non-mainstream feeling."

This sentence successfully silenced the people present.

After all, these people here have all experienced the non-mainstream era more than ten years ago, especially the relatively older camera guys.

I was stunned to recall that glorious time in the past.

Ah no, we weren’t called camera guys at that time.

Called, Shang·Leng Shao.

But this has nothing to do with this idiom.

How could it be related to this?

Lin Yi couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders.

"I have to say that your ability to understand... well, it is still a very terrifying existence. If you were placed in history, you would become an existence that will be remembered throughout the ages." Bai Lu tilted her head and said.

"So, what exactly is the Qushui Liushang? Could it mean that it means high mountains and flowing water, or something else?"

Lin Yi nodded gently.

"Well, it's pretty close."

"The Qu Shui Shang is similar to the assembly line noodles that have been popular for a while, plus the combination of Fei Hua Ling. It is an ancient drinking order."

"People go around the flowing water. When the wine glass stops in front of someone, they have to write a poem or punish themselves with a glass of wine."

What Lin Yi said was fairly easy to understand.

Pictures even appeared in Bai Lu's little head.

"So, this is another way that ancient people used to persuade people to drink. Those who know how to drink will sit at the table of uneducated people!"


Needless to say, this understanding ability is still very good.

If you don't know how to drink, go to the cultured table.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, Bai Lu was still very smart.

It's just that the focus is a little different.

"In the past, Wang Xizhi had invited more than 40 literary friends to hold a Qushui Shangqing event here."

Bai Lu nodded gently.

To be honest, Bai Lu still likes many sweet wines, but... they are just a la carte.

That is to say, he is too drunk.

As for literary accomplishment, I have a little bit of it, but not that much.

Bai Lu was more concerned about whether there was anything delicious at the Qu Shui Shang.

After all, it's too elegant a thing.

Bai Lu is a bit allergic to art.

Of course, I believe Brother Lin is also like this. Although he has a lot of knowledge, he probably doesn't like this kind of activity too much.

Bai Lu shook her head gently.

"Hmm, the game played by ancient literati doesn't seem to be very suitable for us."

"So, when the mountains and flowing water...ah, the flowing water flows down, there should be many excellent poems and songs."

"After all, fish looks for fish, shrimp looks for shrimp, and turtle looks for tortoise. Those who can be around Wang Xizhi are all literary giants."

Li Xianyu nodded.

"Yes, that's actually the case."

"In that Qushui Shang, thirty-seven poems appeared, which were later summarized and called "Lanting Collection"."

As soon as these words came out.

There was silence.

The expressions of the camera crew turned dull.

Let me guess, Brother Lin is awesome.

Although I don’t understand what it means, I feel that what Brother Lin is talking about should be very powerful.

Bai Lu scratched her head and said.

"I have never heard of the Lanting Collection, but I know the preface to the Lanting Collection. What it is said to be, the first one..."

Lin Yi nodded.

The preface to the Lanting Collection is the best running script in the world.

It comes from the hands of Wang Xizhi, a master of calligraphy and known as the sage of calligraphy.

Of course, the original work can no longer be found.

Most of what you can see are copy versions, but even for copy versions, the price is still staggering, and its status in the calligraphy world is untouchable.

One can imagine what kind of status "Preface to the Lanting Collection" has in the calligraphy world.

And it is precisely because the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" is so dazzling that many people have forgotten that there is also a "Lanting Collection" behind it, and the content in it is also very high-quality. ,

But even after all this time.

Not many people care about how shocking the poems in the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" are. After all, as soon as the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" came out, the rest have dimmed.

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(End of this chapter)

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