If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 377 I’m struggling on the edge of youth

Chapter 377 I’m struggling on the edge of youth

It's like in the sky, when the sun appears, the stars have disappeared, even if the moon can be vaguely seen.

But not many people are illuminated by the light of the moon.

Except for the blind monk who was caught in the wild area.

Bai Lu's eyes also lit up, and she obviously understood.

"Brother Lin, I finally understand now."

Bai Lu's face was full of pride.

He seemed to be full of confidence in his words.

"Brother Lin, let me tell you, it's just like a movie or a variety show. Maybe after a long time, the movie, variety show or TV series will be almost forgotten by people."

"But every time, when the ending song or the song in the film is played, it will bring a gust of wind, and the song will become a sung classic."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Don't say it, don't say it.

Bai Lu's understanding is really good.

Although this metaphor is somewhat inappropriate, it is still very down-to-earth and easy to understand.

The audience in the live broadcast room.

I also felt a wave of shock from Lin Yi.

Ah no, it was the shock from China, that kind of cultural shock.

"Don't tell me, I still have great faith in Brother Lin's knowledge reserve."

"Brother Lin suddenly became so serious. I'm still a little uncomfortable with it. Hmm, it must be a withdrawal reaction. Please send Brother Lin here and attach five thousand yuan. Thank you Bai Lu."

"Okay, okay, you won't suffer any loss at all."

"Brother Lin understands. Don't mention it. I already knew a little bit about the preface to the Lanting Anthology before, but I don't know anything else about it at all."

"Why don't you quickly say thank you, Brother Lin?"

"Thank you, Brother Lin. Regarding the n days I learned knowledge in Lian Zong, the knowledge flowed through my head in a despicable way."

"So the question is, isn't Brother Lin going to record an off-site show? Why are you here? What are you doing?"



On weekdays, when Lin Lu is broadcasting live.

I rarely read the comments of netizens. Most of the time, they are just amusing themselves.

There were a few times.

Most of the time, Lin Yi and the netizens in the live broadcast room were exchanging insults.

The main thing is to cherish each other.

But it is different now.

There were members of the camera crew nearby. After all, they still had to do the heating. Soon, the lighting engineer and program assistant sorted out some questions from netizens.

Lin Lu and the two were questioned.

When asked why, Lin Lu and Lin chose this place for a date. Is it because there is some romantic secret here?
Lin Lu and Lin looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

I have to admire the imagination of netizens.

Bai Lu chuckled and said, "Of course it's because these two places are free. Hmm, Lanting doesn't seem to be free. I see there are tickets outside?" '

As he said that, he looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said: "Ah no, during the Chinese New Year, this place is free and free of charge."

Bai Lu: "o((>ω<))oWe are serious about saving money!"

The main thing is a free prostitute.

However, Brother Lin never does anything for no reason. Since he is here, there must be something fun here.

Or, in Brother Lin’s head.

There has been some shocking plan.

But I can't guess it myself. ,
If you can’t guess it, why don’t you guess it? Why do you still have to guess the trick?

Hmm, don't tell me, it feels pretty good to let knowledge flow through your head.

Bai Lu groaned and hugged Lin Yi's arm tightly.

"Brother Lin, can you stop talking so much? It makes me feel stupid." Lin Yi was hesitant to speak.

Bai Lu reacted immediately.

"Brother Lin, I guessed it. You must say, be more confident and remove the image!!!"

Bai Lu: "o(≧口≦)o"

Seeing that Bai Lu was about to bite him, Lin Yi quickly put his hand on Bai Lu's head.

That way, it's like blocking a monster. ,
She pursed her lips and said, "Lulu, have you seen that over there? Do you still remember what you said about the prescription for lovesickness?"

Bai Lu showed a thoughtful expression.

Reacted quickly.

Then I posted a video online.

Then he was educated by Brother Lin.

Reversing, reversing, and reversing, I almost burned out my CPU.

I vaguely remember what it was, like a nine-leaf tower, winter solstice cicadas, snow every other year, and other things, but I can’t remember clearly.

However, the final reversal is another reversal.

It really made me feel a little overwhelmed.

It's over, Brother Lin started to change his attack method, and started to attack me with dead memories!
"Brother Lin, why are you asking these questions?"

Bai Lu turned her head curiously.

Lin Yi pointed to the small pavilion in front of him.


There is a plaque on the small pavilion with the words Mo Huating written on it.

Bai Lu scratched her head, with the word "do not understand" written all over her head.

"Well, Brother Lin, what you're saying is, can this thing cure the pain of lovesickness?"

"But I think feudal superstition is still not advisable."

Bai Lu was like a little teacher, briefly explaining why medicine could not cure lovesickness.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked.

Unexpectedly, Bai Lu learned so many things after following Brother Lin for so long. The legendary red is closer to vermilion, and black is closer to ink. A magical chemical reaction occurred in Bai Lu.

After Bai Lu finished speaking.

Lin Yi also spoke next.

In one sentence, the cameraman, the crew, and the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were completely stunned.

Lin Yi spoke softly.

"Do you still remember the old version of Journey to the West? Twenty episodes were shot here. Isn't it very familiar?"

The camera guy seems to have realized something.

He tilted his head at the camera crew, turned around and took a few people to the side to take pictures of the scenery of Lanting.

When I get back, I can make a promotional video.

After all, I have been with Brother Lin for so long, and at least I have learned one thing: to protect the poor people all over the world, even if I don't have the ability, it is also good to support the little girls on the roadside whose father is sick, mother, brother, brother, studying and striving for self-improvement. of.

Bai Lu tilted her head, her face even more confused.

"So Brother Lin, what does this have to do with lovesickness?"

"No, what does it have to do with the prescription for lovesickness?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

At first glance, these people don't like reading classics.

I have read all six classics once.

"In that episode, it was mentioned that a certain past wife was kidnapped by bad guys. Since then, the king has suffered from heart disease, which is what you call lovesickness."

Bai Lu listened carefully.

It means taking notes and writing them down carefully.

"and then?"

"Then, when the Monkey King passed by here, he made a medicine called Wujin Pill, which actually cured the king's lovesickness."

 My ex-girlfriend is pregnant, so I’m going to give her a gift. I’m a little late in updating. I hope all book friends will forgive me.
(End of this chapter)

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