If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 391: The poor play with cars, the rich play with watches,

Chapter 391: The poor play with cars, the rich play with watches,
Lin Yi pointed to the yard which was 100% green.

Bai Lu was shocked by her helpless words.

What a valuable good thing.

Brother Lin, isn’t the money from singing not enough for you?
Do you want to do these things?

Of course, Bai Lu also knew that although Lin Yi was a bit abstract, as a good citizen, he would definitely not do anything illegal.

Bai Lu couldn't help but shook her head.

"Brother Lin, if you do this, I will make half a million of your money... Oh no, I will make more, you are my brother!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked by Bai Lu's remarks.

"Okay, okay, Brother Lin, what are you going to plant? I seriously doubt that you want to make a movie about ice hunting."

"We are all brothers. Don't hide your secrets. If you have trouble making money or anything else, take us with you. Thank you, Brother Lin."

"Brother Lin just doesn't want to grow vegetables. After all, who knows if someone will set an alarm clock in the middle of the night to steal vegetables."

"If you don't want to grow vegetables or be poor, Uncle Dong will be happy, but if you break the law and discipline, Uncle Dong will be very unhappy."

"Brother Lin knows how to twist the topic. The topic was at the concert just now, but now it has changed to other things."


Lin Yi reached out and rubbed Bai Lu's head.

He shook his head helplessly and said, "Didn't you say that you like good-looking and fragrant things, so those are the ones you want to plant."

"The kind that makes you happy when you wake up early every morning and see the flowers and plants in the yard, orchids, roses, sunflowers..."

"The emotional value of these mood-making flowers is far better than making money from growing vegetables."

Bai Lu's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

"Brother Lin, I knew you were the best."

"But, can you plant something delicious, such as cherries, strawberries, or watermelons... Hehe."

"Actually, I like sunflowers. The main reason is that they are delicious..."

Lin Yi: "..."

I still think too much.

Although Bai Lu said so.

But his hand had already opened the phone involuntarily and started searching.

Found many beautiful flowers.

Begonia, orchid, rose, bala bala.

However, the growing conditions are somewhat harsh.

Some don't quite fit here.

Of course, based on Bai Lu's understanding of Lin Yi.

Most of them are just joking, of course, maybe not.

As for when it can be planted, this is yet to be determined, just like a concert, there is a time interval to be determined.

But planting fruit trees is really good.

Lin Yi looked at the drawings in his hand, carefully touching his chin and thinking.

He decided to renovate the small yard inside and outside. At least he would be happy to live in it.

Of course, renovating is more troublesome than building a new house.

After all, new houses only come out in a year or two at most.

You can get through it in one go.

But renovation is different. It needs to be continuously improved according to the existing conditions. Maybe it is completed according to the idea, but some things in life are not very easy to use.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Yi's cell phone rang.

When I opened it, I saw a message from the director.

"I have already arranged the rehearsal for the concert. There should be no accidents at the venue. By the way, I want to take my wife and children to the concert. Can you arrange some tickets?"

"Cat please·JPG."

Lin Yi typed on the keyboard. ,

"Don't worry, director. Thank you, director. Goodbye, director."

Bai Lu: "..."

One more look and it will explode.

Bai Lu stared at Li Xianyu and spoke softly. "Brother Lin, are we going to have a concert tomorrow?"

"Isn't it bad to be so anxious? I'm not ready yet."

Bai Lu was really nervous.

Even more nervous than the protagonist Lin Yi.

After all, according to the original arrangement, it was okay for the two to sing a love song duet, but they also had their own solo, which was really unbearable.

It was really overwhelming to face so many people in the live broadcast room and so many people singing at the scene.

It's better to be like a singer's concert.

He is responsible for eating and drinking, and Brother Lin can just find a guest to sing with him.

In addition to being nervous, Bai Lu was still very excited.

After all, this is the first time that I will be the protagonist of a concert with others.

Lin Yi shrugged.

"It won't be that fast. There are still many things that need to be arranged and many things need to be prepared, but it will be over in three to five days at most."

Bai Lu nodded and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder.

He said with an old-fashioned look.

"Don't worry, Brother Lin, I will be the woman behind you and support you unconditionally."

As he said that, Ba Chi pecked Lin Yi on the face.

It seemed that it felt a little inappropriate, so he opened his mouth and bit Lin Yi's flesh, pulled it outward, and then let go.

Lin Yi: "..."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and looked at the camera next to him.

"That is to say, is there a possibility that all the water friends in the live broadcast room are watching?"

Bai Lu followed Lin Yi's example and shrugged indifferently.

"What does it have to do with me? I didn't do anything. These are normal things between us."

Bai Lu snorted and poked Lin Yi's face.

If a person loves you enough, the other person will be like your own treasure, and you will always have the urge to completely integrate the other person into yourself.

When hugging, I want to rub the other person into my arms.

When you kiss, you want to make this moment last forever.

However, he was careful every step he took, for fear of causing any harm to the other party.

In this contradiction, something called love arises.

It's like the gears just fit together, but with love lubricating them, the two of them can carry out the next activities smoothly.

Of course, this activity refers to life.

Bai Lu gritted her teeth while poking.

"Brother Lin, I have the urge to kiss you to death!!!"

Lin Yi: "..."

"Magic cloak."

Bai Lu tilted her head, keeping her eyes on Lin Yi.

When I bit Lin Yi's face just now, I really felt like I was being satisfied. It felt so good, so soft, and I loved it so much!

Facing this circumstances.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are nothing but silence.

It was like a dog on the roadside that was kicked for no reason.

But it’s been so long that I’ve already become numb and it doesn’t matter anymore.

"Okay, okay, Bai Lu said what I was thinking. Every time I see Maomao, he is so cute that I want to squeeze him to death, but I don't dare to use force."

"This is the difference between people who have cats and people who make friends. But like me, what should I do if I have nothing to do and wait online, which is quite urgent."

"It's very simple. If you are poor, you can play with cars, and if you are rich, you can play with watches. If you don't have money, just guide. Every second you feel comfortable is worth it!"

"Okay, okay, all the water friends in the live broadcast room are talents."

"Uh-huh, I'm the kind of person who changes my mind when I see someone of the opposite sex. When I see someone of the opposite sex, I want to move into her house. What should I do if I feel the same way?"

"If you ask me, Brother Lin shouldn't like Mercedes-Benz. He should get a Cadillac CT5. It has enough power, is fun to drive, and looks handsome."

(End of this chapter)

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