If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 392 Attack Death Song first, so terrifying

Chapter 392 Attack Death Song first, so terrifying

"The only problem is that the steering wheel is a little crooked and always heads towards the bathing direction. This is a bit of a problem."

"I'm like an ant in the sewer, quietly spying on other people's happiness, so now, is anyone dating online?"

"It's been this long, and you're still dating online? @Director, let's fall in love, hurry up."

Director: "No, don't do it. My wife is next to me."

"I understand, I'll send you a message later."


Watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Thinking of the director happily showing his wife the upcoming concert, I was ready to have a sweet moment.

As a result, when I opened the live broadcast room, I encountered such a scene.

That kind of scene can only be explained by blood.

I have to say that all the sand sculpture water friends in the live broadcast room are talented and speak well.

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head.

"Why do you want to watch the live broadcast and go out to take revenge... No, isn't it good to repay society?"

Ding ding ding.

The phone rang again.

Lin Yi opened his phone and looked over.

Ninety-nine messages are added to the group chat between the male and female friends.

Kunkun: "@赵鲁思, what's wrong with you guys? Why is the mage playing e-sports and not singing anymore? If you really have no choice, you can come and play basketball with me, dog head."

Reba: "Hmm, how can this not be considered a joke? It is indeed quite happy. I suggest you teach me Tieshanbo by the way."

Zhao Lusi: "It has nothing to do with me. I don't care about anything. I don't want to see him in this life. Whatever he does has nothing to do with me."

Reba: "That's right, I'll give you a thumbs up!"

Kunkun: 'The problem is, this matter is a bit outrageous. He is already in his thirties, so it would be a bit outrageous to play games and become a professional now. '

Big brother: "By the way, when I was checking the news today, in addition to being blocked by Lin Yi, I also saw a 32-year-old professional youth training player."

Kunkun: "That's it @林伊, Brother Lin, what do you think?"


Bai Lu pinched Lin Yi's flesh gently.

Lin Yi looked at the content in the chat group and fell into silence.

Good guy, 32-year-old youth training.

What is the difference between this and going on a blind date with a child and a 0-year-old woman acting as version t.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said.

"Without comment, that's outrageous."

Bai Lu nodded and turned on her phone.

Bai Lu: "︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿, it's a bit outrageous for you to speak ill of the mute in person!"

Lin Yi glanced at the group chat, shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"Let's just bully the mage into not being able to send messages. However, he changed his business card very quickly."

Even Lin Yi couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Bai Lu coughed lightly and then sent the message.

"Okay, okay, let me help you ask Brother Lin what he thinks."

After sending this message, he pressed the voice note and handed it to Lin Yi.

To be honest, regarding the mage.

Lin Yi really didn't have time to pay attention.

Well, how should I put it, someone who crosses over to create the next world?

After all, there is an eternal god in the Chinese music scene, and there is a genius and eternal maggot in the league next door. It is not a bad idea for him to play Nuannuan and become an eternal paralysis.

After all, the resources are still there.

If you ask Lin Yi to watch the game, of course he won't.

It's better to go and see bananas, or three old guys talk about cars, or modify cars, or worst of all, watch beautiful women.

However, Lin Yi also paid attention to the keywords.

This guy is not here for fun, he is really preparing to play the game seriously and join a professional team, but the question is, why is it for youth training?

"Thirty-year-old youth training. I remember that the previous youth training were all fourteen or fifteen years old, and the highest was only seventeen years old. When the mage went there, they were crushed twice. Well... they were crushed by their age. How could they not be It’s considered crushing.” Even so,
But Lin Yi couldn't hold back his smile and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

"But I have to say, the new-age guns are a bit outrageous compared to the old-era targets."

With that said, the eldest brother had already lifted the ban on Hua Yuchen.

Hua Yuchen said without hesitation.

"Long time no see, brothers. I miss you so much."

"Brother Lin is right. Although I am a bit old, my name can definitely be heard throughout this canyon. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no ship in the new world that can carry me!"

Lin Yi: "I hope you can dominate the Chinese e-sports circle as soon as possible and kick out some maggots. I like you more than them."

Hua Yuchen: "Brother Lin, you are the best."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and sent a message: "Come on!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but shake his head.

A good move is to refuel in the opposite direction.

I hope Hua Yuchen can understand.

However, it is a bit redundant.

"Brother Lin, at least encourage him."

"Ah no, I really believe that mages can rule the e-sports circle."

Lin Yi sighed helplessly.

'Take the first attack, use Da Sima's tactics, open the big CD, and farm the Six Gods in five minutes. How can the opponent win? '

Bai Lu: "???"

To be honest, Bai Lu didn't understand.

After all, I rarely play online games.

He turned around and opened his phone to search.

I quickly searched for the video of the song of death with Da Sima, and I couldn't help laughing.

"You are so nagging, little boss."

At this time, in the group chat.

Kunkun: "@林伊, Brother Lin, you are mistaken. It is not the alliance team you mentioned. The requirements of the youth training are too high."

To be honest, Lin Yi didn't pay much attention.

I really don’t pay much attention to what game it is specifically.

But I was really disappointed that I didn't attack the Death Song first. Otherwise, think about it, forget about the game, and add the Death Song first.

Lin Yi couldn't help but shake his head.

Not lol, what kind of game is that.

Lin Yi: 'Could it be DOTA? I don’t know much about that game, but I suggest you learn more about it, or ask them to add initiative. '

Hua Yuchen: "Brother Lin, you make me feel lovelorn. I didn't join Dota."

Lin Yi: "...then what kind of e-sports do you play? Is it a professional team of Doudizhu and Xiaoxiaole?"


Lin Yi turned to face the camera and said.

"I know your son loves to watch live broadcasts, so since you are so brave, I wish your career and future to be like Ruiteng's dragon."

If it weren't for Bai Lu not being in the live broadcast room.

Whatever you say should be carefully questioned.

What, what, what, what is being said, why can’t I understand anything?

Each one is a Chinese character, and each sentence can be understood, but when they are put together, I don't know what Lin Yi wants to express.

The CPU is overheating from thinking.

It is recommended to add a water cooling, it is really difficult to live in Bengbu.

However, look at the reactions of the viewers in the live broadcast room.

The sand sculpture audience seems to like it quite a lot.

Bai Lu fell directly into thinking about life.

Try to understand what Lin Yi meant.

 Your reading is the greatest support for the author
(End of this chapter)

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