Chapter 397 So when is the concert?
According to Lin Ge's character, he never plays by the rules.

Even if there is a concert, very strange methods should be used. Bai Lu is very curious about what the format of the concert will be like.

Not to mention the audience is curious.

Bai Lu was also really curious.

Of course, the most anxious person was not Bai Lu or the audience in the live broadcast room.

The ones who are most anxious are actually the scalpers.

After all, Lin Yi, the current phenomenon, is holding a concert that is about to begin. Why is there no news of ticket sales at all?

So how do they make money?

Is it possible that Lin Yi doesn't sell tickets?

No, it might have been Lin Yi himself.

That's not right, Lin Yi shouldn't be short of the money.

The scalpers expressed that they were very anxious, very anxious, and they were about to transform into King Jiji.

Lin Yi's main idea when he opened the live broadcast room just now was.

Let friends in the live broadcast room familiarize themselves with the lyrics first, and then spread the word. Then during the concert, no one will sing along.

At that time, you can fish comfortably.

Although I only sang it once just now, due to the extent of Lang Lang's wounds in this song and the promotion of the short video platform, people should soon remember it all.

Lin Yi conveniently closed the live broadcast room.

At any time, he snapped his fingers and spoke.

"Jarvis, turn on the lights throughout the house."

Then lights came on in the yard and even in the small house.

That's right, the first thing I did when I came back was to add a smart butler, named Jarvis by the way.

Hmm, no boy should be able to refuse.

Maybe it comes from the steel mecha, intelligence, or the existence of an ever-present assistant.

As the lights all come on.

This is the only place with lights on for miles around.

Bai Lu tilted her head.

"Something's wrong. Why is this Jarvis? Why isn't he a fellow student from Simao Dirty Dance?"

"Student Simao Dancing is so undignified. If you ask him to call you daddy, he will just do it. I don't like it."

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders.

Hmm, I need a voice assistant with attitude.

Lin Yi stood up and snapped his fingers again.

"Jarvis, play some music."

"No, don't come now."

Lin Yi forgot that there is no Beatles music in this world.

If there is mage music, the romantic atmosphere in the small courtyard will directly become weird.

A resurgence of terror would be bad.

Bai Lu jumped directly on Lin Yi's body, hummed softly, and blew into Lin Yi's ear.

": Brother Lin, Brother Lin, do you know that I have never thought that I could live in such a remote and desolate place for so long. When I first came here, I was a little scared."

Originally there were still some tourists.

Since the small yard became a natural ecological reserve.

Not many people came.

This small home, from the scary atmosphere at the beginning, turned into a paradise feeling.

After walking dozens of steps, the Taoyuan suddenly became enlightened.

Lin Yi tilted his head and chuckled.

"I can't live any longer, how about changing to another place?"

Bai Lu shook her head gently and raised her face.

"I like it here, and of course I like you even more."

The love words this time did not make the two of them feel strange.

Bai Lu then said: "So we will fly to Chang'an tomorrow, right?"

Lin Yi nodded.

"Well, you have to go to bed early tonight, and don't make any noise in the middle of the night. You have work to do tomorrow."

Bai Lu pinched Lin Yi's nose and said.

"Brother Lin, do you know that you are violating a woman's will? Of course, I am still looking forward to the concert. Will it be unforgettable?"

Lin Yi shrugged.

"Who knows." There is nothing inevitable in this world.

As Kong Lao said, people who speak more than absolutes often mean that they don't read much.

Bai Lu bit Lin Yi's ear.

Turned around and got into the toilet.

"Okay, I have to go to the institute to hand in materials, and take a shower by the way."

"The orange sunset engulfs the horizon..."

Bai Lu sang briskly and suddenly opened the door.

Staring at Lin Yi with a smile.

"You look beautiful when the evening breeze blows against your ears."

"The evening passes very slowly in the drunken evening..."

Lin Yi: "..."

Well, Bai Lu's condition is worrying, and she seriously suspects that she drank too much.

Lin Yi turned his head and started to pack up the things in front of the small yard.

"Slow down when you take a shower, don't let water get into your head."

Bai Lu: "(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻."

"You are the only one who has water in your head. Brother Lin, just wait. When I get out, I will definitely give you a long memory."

Feeling the threat in his tone, Lin Yi shrugged casually and didn't take it to heart.

In fact, Lin Yi didn't think Bai Lu could take what he said before into consideration.

After all, for young people, the biggest lie is not hard work, let alone pure love, but going to bed early tonight.

In fact, not many people can sleep.

Not many people can insist on going to bed early.

Tonight, a wordless night.

Until bursts of white appeared on the horizon.

Lin Lu and Lin cuddled up and fell asleep.

This wave is about saying good night to Father Sun.

The main reason is that the concert is not very far away, it is in Cultural Tourism City, so there is no need to be in a hurry, you can just drive there when you wake up.


Wait until noon.

Lin Yi drove AE86 with Bai Lu and turned around to the concert site.

Bai Lu leaned against the seat belt and poked the glass with her fingers.

In the eyes is the scenery outside.

Although it is already winter, here it is still like spring all year round, and life is very comfortable.

Looking back, Lin Yi was very energetic, as if Lin Yi was not involved in what happened last night.

Listening to the song, I feel quite energetic.

Bai Lu casually took out the eye mask from her arms, put it on her face, and put on her hat.

So obviously, anytime, anywhere, be prepared to take a good nap.

But seeing Lin Yi's appearance, I couldn't help it.

He reached out and poked Lin Yi's face.

"Brother Lin, what's going on with you and why are you still so energetic?"

Lin Yi tilted his head and couldn't help but said.

"I seriously suspect that I am sleepwalking. You seemed to have said this last night."

Bai Lu couldn't help but blush slightly, she casually turned over and coughed slightly to cover up her embarrassment.

"Don't make trouble, I'm talking about science seriously. From a biological and physical point of view, you should be the more tired. Why are you so energetic? What is going on."

After all, he was influenced by Lin Yi.

Bai Lu no longer wants to be a dumbass who doesn't know anything.

So during this time, I have been reading books.

All kinds of books are covered.

Philosophy, physics, biology, architecture blah blah blah.

As for why, of course it’s because it helps you sleep.

If you ignore these for a while, your sleep quality will be very good.

These words directly caused Lin Yi to fall into silence.

What's the difference in this review?

(End of this chapter)

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