Chapter 398 I’m ready, I’m ready
Bai Lu continued to speak.

"This is true from a biological point of view. In terms of physics and chemistry, in general, Brother Lin, you consume more. Why do you seem so energetic? What is the reason for this?"

Lin Yi: "..."

No, how could this involve so many things?

Chemistry, physics, and biology are all involved.

Simply outrageous.

Bai Lu said softly.

"Anyway, the entropy increase of the entire universe will not stop. The heat engine is irreversible. This must be the case anyway. That's what the book says."

Lin Yi shrugged helplessly.

"So what exactly are you trying to say?"

Bai Lu came forward and said with a smile.

"The calories consumed while doing work come from Brother Lin, definitely not from me, so you are the one who is tired, not me!"

Lin Yi: "%..."

Okay, okay, I asked you to study science, but you ended up doing this for me, right?

Are these conclusions that carbon-based organisms can draw?
The effect of these words was to really explode the opening scene.

However, Bai Lu has been with him for so long, so he expected to say these words.

After all, Bai Lu's rebellion is not something that happens in a day or two.

Bai Lu tilted her head and said: "If you ask me to describe it, Brother Lin, you are now a battery, the kind of battery that loses power. However, you can still be so energetic. I seriously doubt that Brother Lin, you have brought your own It’s a power bank.”

Lin Yi couldn't help but nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"You guessed it, Shenbao, one bottle will refresh your mind, two bottles will never fatigue you, three bottles will make you immortal, Shenbao, it tastes great."

Bai Lu couldn't help but patted Lin Yi.

He said helplessly.

"Brother Lin, be serious. I will discuss science with you very seriously. Don't do this."

Lin Yi shrugged helplessly.

"So what statement did you make."

Bai Lu looked Lin Yi up and down seriously.

Immediately he waved a knife.

"Chainsaw Light Wave!"

"I seriously doubt, Brother Lin, that you are a little monster from an alien planet. Frankly, Brother Lin, my chainsaw light wave will spare you."

As he spoke, he cut into Lin Yi's body.

Chainsaw light waves.

It is obviously influenced by short videos.

Lin Yi said helplessly.

"That is to say, is there a possibility that it is not called a chainsaw light wave, but an eight-part light wheel!"

Bai Lu rubbed Lin Yi's face and said.

"Then don't worry about it. It's already very difficult for me to learn these things."

Although that is what is said.

But in terms of physics and biology.

The energy conversion caused by friction and heat generated by the piston movement does indeed mean that the side doing the work consumes more energy.

This is why being a duck can give you abdominal muscles.

So guys, do you want to train your abs to attract girls?

Go be a duck, make money, build abs, work hard, and attract girls. The key is, you can also seek comfort in a group of fairy men.

If you didn't need it, why would we do this?

In comparison, Lin Yi is a cheater.

After all, there is a system nearby, so such a figure is normal.

As for physical fitness, men will not say that they are not good at it.

Bai Lu poked Lin Yi gently.

That meant that he obviously really doubted whether there was really a little monster inside Lin Yi's body.

"Let's just say, otherwise you should read more romance novels."

Lin Yi couldn't help but speak.

Bai Lu couldn't help but frown slightly.

"What do you mean, Brother Lin?" Lin Yi shrugged and said: "After all, your CPU has countless operating numbers, and your hair is so thick that it can't dissipate heat. If you think too much, you might burn it and immediately transform into Huo "Old man."

Bai Lu: "..."

Bai Lu suddenly raised her face and showed a confident smile.

He coughed lightly and said, "Two things. The first is that cerebral congestion will not occur when the brain is overused."

"Spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage is generally caused by high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, or bad living habits, including but not limited to, smoking, drinking, picking up girls..."

"The second thing is that Mr. Huo didn't have a cerebral hemorrhage. He had Parkinson's disease, which is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Do you know that?"

Bai Lu raised her face, took out a bag of plums from the back row, and patted Lin Yi.

This wave is called feeling proud.

Bai Lu's face was filled with pride, her hands on her hips and her face raised.

With that look, he just told Lin Yi that he was so awesome.

Thumbs up, pointing at myself.

"Brother Lin, I'm very talented, do you know?"

"The people who gave me the cow review are all a little tired and sleepy."

"Hmm, anyway, Brother Lin, let me tell you, I will treat you with admiration after three days of separation. I am no longer the Bai Lu I was before. I am smart."

Lin Yi shrugged helplessly.

"Okay, I guess you're smart, I guess you're awesome, go get some sleep quickly."

Bai Lu raised her face and said.

"So, I don't want to read romance novels. I want to study the universe and explore the stars. Maybe I will be the next king of the universe."

Lin Yi tilted his head and said.

"But you don't even know the name of the eight-point light wheel. How can you be the king of the universe?"

Bai Lu: "Then don't worry about it. If I call him Chainsaw, that's Chainsaw. I've become the king of the universe. Why don't you let me name him? It's his honor, you know?"

Lin Yi nodded repeatedly.

"Ah, yes, yes, you are the most powerful."

"Of course."

At this time, people on the roadside heard the noise between the two people.

Subconsciously looked towards ae86.

I couldn't help but reach out and scratch my head.

What b movement.


When Lin Lu and two others were on their way.

Lin Yi's cell phone also rang.

Bai Lu picked it up casually, opened the screen and handed it to Lin Yi.

The picture is a large group photo.

It’s a photo of the crew, but it’s not just the crew.

The film crew was divided into four groups, and the one following Lin Lu and the two was one of the four groups, and there were more than twice as many people in it.

This team of photographers had previously taken photos with Zhao Lusi and the Master, but as their live broadcast room was closed, they were idle.

Of course, it is impossible for the director to let them eat for nothing.

He was directly assigned to work under Lin Yi and assigned to the camera guy.

Even if it’s shooting some behind-the-scenes footage of a concert, or the preparations for a sports meeting, or some content in the cultural tourism city.

All of them can bring a lot of popularity to the show.

This wave of free whoring has reached its extreme.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't mind. It was a win-win situation and he also found many people working for free.

The camera guy then sent a message.

"Brother Lin, we are ready, we are ready."

"SpongeBob Jump·JPG."

"There are so many people, it's so lively. I'm already excited. When will you arrive?"

After all, it is free labor.

The cameraman also has benefits, such as knowing where the concert will start in advance and going there to prepare.

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(End of this chapter)

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