Chapter 442 The Legendary Small Pot of Tea

Lin Lu and his friend followed the father and son, constantly moving around in tea-making factories.

And Bai Lu, who always likes lively occasions.

He simply turned into a little mute, indicating that he could never speak.

Instead, it was grandpa who kept talking.

"Generally speaking, after the tea leaves are harvested, they have to go through a second process called withering, which is to remove some of the moisture from the tea leaves by drying them in the sun. This can effectively lock in the fragrance of the tea."

"And then, it's time to be a young man..."

Grandpa was talking, not just explaining.

From time to time, he turned his head to look at the two of them, asking if there was anything they didn't understand. It was obvious that he was preparing for the two of them to learn well and start working directly.

There are several processes in succession.

And the process of withering the tea leaves.

Being able to transform tea leaves from a simple leaf into one with the aroma of flowers and fruits is magical enough in itself.

This is a magical transformation.

After all, Chinese tea, in the world, is also a mysterious leaf from China, which is a very magical existence.

Once again, Grandpa turned his head and asked.

"If there is anything you don't understand, I will explain it to you again."

Bai Lu's face was filled with clear stupidity. She turned her head to look at Lin Yi, obviously not understanding at all.

It's impossible to digest so much knowledge in your head.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yi next to him nodded slightly.

Bai Lu's eyes almost popped out when she saw it.

Wow, Brother Lin, you are really showing off!

Bai Lu also nodded slightly. I also have a brain, so I nodded. Who knows whether I can do it or not.

Bai Lu picked up some tea leaves blown by the wind on the ground, and suddenly her eyes lit up. She turned her head and looked at Lin Yidao.

"Brother Lin, look, this is a small can of tea. Should we try to process it?"

Lin Yi: "..."

The grandfather next to him nodded slightly.

He smiled and said, "You can give it a try, just give it a try."

Bai Lu looked at the leaves in her hand and turned to look at Lin Yi.

"So Brother Lin, can this be used to make tea?"

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "You know, everything can be made into tea. Even the green belts on the highways are popular with many people, not to mention the leaves picked up from anywhere."

Bai Lu was a little confused and turned to look at her grandfather.

Grandpa nodded gently.

"Xiao Lin is right. After these processes, many plants can indeed be made into tea, but the taste cannot be guaranteed."

As he said that, Grandpa showed it to the two of them.

The process of kneading and baking.

Rolling and twisting is very simple, it is just frying the tea leaves, and it is also the most commonly seen step in videos. It is like kneading dough in Tai Chi, kneading and twisting continuously.

In this way, the heat and the flavor of the tea can be kneaded into the innermost part of the tea leaves.

Bai Lu also imitated the movements and kneaded the leaves in her hands.

But he was not very skilled. After a few strokes, his hands turned green and the leaves broke into pieces.

Bai Lu's face was full of helplessness.

While filming, Lin Yi took out an alcohol wipe from his arms and handed it to Bai Lu.

In the live broadcast room, I was a little confused when I saw my grandfather’s explanation.

"Even though grandpa has tried very hard to explain to us what's going on, I still don't understand!"

"Perhaps, the process is not very complicated, but the details need to be well controlled. Brother Lin should have remembered the general idea, so everyone doesn't need to panic."

"To be honest, I always thought that tea leaves only needed to be fried in a pot, and then they could be packaged and shipped. Once they were in our hands, we could drink them directly." "Regarding the strange focus of the stupid netizens, if you are like this, you might as well open your mouth wide and chew on the greenery."

"I didn't expect tea to be so difficult. I always thought coffee and other things were already troublesome, but I didn't expect tea to be even more troublesome. The price is also ridiculously high compared to coffee."

"Just choose whichever you like, there's no need to criticize."

"No, Brother Lin is not a straight man, so how can he carry tissues with him? It's really the details that determine success or failure, right?"

"I can't stand it. What Brother Lin filmed was not the tea-making process, but the promotion of dog food. It's really too much. I just wanted to watch a live broadcast honestly, but he did this to me, right?"

"I can't stand it anymore, it's too much bean paste, too much bean paste!!!"


Lin Yi became serious for once.

During the serious shooting process, the efficiency was maximized.

Although normally, he often quarrels with Bai Lu, eats and drinks, and does not look serious.

After all, there was no rush at that time.

But grandpa and uncle both have their own things to do.

Their daily lives cannot be disrupted because of these two people.

Soon, the last step of Wuyi Rock Tea was captured.

That is baking.

My grandfather stroked the tools on which he had spent so many years of his youth. Every time I saw him, I felt a sense of trance as time went by.

"For Wuyi Rock Tea, the last step is also the step that requires the most seriousness. You may not understand that when walking on a tightrope, if there are any accidents, they are mostly in the last few steps. The same is true for tea frying. You can't let your guard down just because things are about to end."

"Because if there is an accident, all the previous efforts will be wasted."

"Tea roasting is like being a human being. No matter what time it is, you must stay alert and not show your emotions. Only then can you go further."

Grandpa coughed lightly and continued.

"This process is very important. Three parts are tea leaves and seven parts are roasting. You need to be careful and patient. Take your time."

At this point, grandpa seemed a little tired. He coughed lightly, took the tea handed to him by the uncle, and took a sip to moisten his throat.

The whole process is very concise and clear.

In the later stage, you only need to do some simple editing before you can play it.

Looking at Lin Yi who turned off the camera, grandpa coughed lightly, took out a cloth bag from his arms and handed it to Lin Yi.

"Xiao Lin, this is for you as a gift."

"You can't come here for nothing. Take a look and see if there's anything you want. Just take it away."

Grandpa was half joking.

Bai Lu immediately raised her hand and stopped Lin Yi.

After all, Brother Lin was not joking and really took it seriously. He might even take the entire store home.

Brother Lin is really rude.

Seeing Lin Yi put the bag in his hand, Bai Lu came forward, blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

"Brother Lin, what's in this?"

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "I don't know either. It might be some special souvenir. Anyway, just take it home."

what the hell.

You can bring back souvenirs.

What an unexpected gain.

Bai Lu raised her head, unable to resist her curiosity, and wanted to go forward to open the small cloth bag to see what was inside.

Lin Yi opened the bag of the small cloth bag.

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(End of this chapter)

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