Chapter 443 Tea Tree
Look at the things in the small cloth bag.

Bai Lu's face was full of confusion and she couldn't help scratching her head.

I always feel that this thing is inexplicably familiar.

But I don’t know what’s inside.

No, I should know what this is.

Bai Lu showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, pointed at the things in the small cloth bag and suddenly said.

"Brother Lin, I know what this is. It's... Maltesers. I used to eat it when I was a kid."

Lin Yi: "..."

No, Maltesers, isn’t it like this?

Whether in the tea industry or the foodie world, Bai Lu's answers are always very explosive.

Lin Yi casually moved the camera of the live broadcast room toward the small bag.

"Come on, now it's the turn of the stupid netizens in the live broadcast room to show off. Someone must know this thing."

The audience in the live broadcast room looked over immediately.

Inside were small, dark brown balls with some bumps on the surface.

Although Bai Lu's answer was a bit outrageous.

But in fact, on the surface, they do look somewhat similar.

When you see what's inside.

The silly netizens in the live broadcast room also started to act funny.

Since I got mental illness, I have become much more energetic.

"Wow, such a big sheep dung ball. This sheep may be constipated. I suggest giving it some laxatives."

"I feel like this should be hard. It looks like stone. Could it be used to make tea?"

"Why do I feel like this looks like chestnuts? Could it be the local specialty, the kind that is roasted with tea leaves?"

"Hahahaha, it's indeed possible. After all, Brother Lin always likes to show us the local specialties."

"No, your divergent ideas are great, but you made me laugh to death, and you can't inherit my Huabei because I still owe a lot of money on my Huabei."

"This is the seed of the tea tree. Haven't you seen it before?"

"Yes, these are the seeds of the tea tree. When we were young, we loved to pick these things up from under the tea trees and use them to play chess or play the game of Balabala. They were like 'currency' among children."

“I have to say, I’ve never seen this thing before.”


I have to say that there are a lot of stupid viewers in the live broadcast room.

However, how could fans who know a little about Lin Yi know nothing? Many fans know everything.

Lin Yi nodded slightly and said to Bai Lu.

"See? Netizens all know that this thing is the seed of Wuyi Mountain Oolong Tea. If you take it back, there will indeed be a little surprise."

Bai Lu was stunned at first, but gradually she understood.

He slapped his thigh and said seriously.

"No wonder Grandpa just said that with this specialty gift for us, our small courtyard will become a small Wuyi Mountain when we return."

In terms of geography and climate.

This thing probably won't survive in a small yard, or it will be very difficult to cultivate.

But if you are careful, it doesn't seem that difficult.

Although it cannot be used to produce tea, it is still very easy to keep it alive, and it is also nice to use it as a landscape tree.

Bai Lu touched her chin and started thinking about putting a big tree in the yard. After it grows up, she can build a wooden house on it. In this way, she will have a tree house where she can live well in the summer.

You can use it as your own secret base.

Of course, after having children, it should become their secret base, but that doesn’t stop you from climbing up and playing.

Later, I can still do it on this tea tree.

Talk slowly and leisurely about what happened to this tree, where we have been, and why we keep it.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth.

Hmm, just thinking about it makes me happy. Seeing Bai Lu like this, Lin Yi couldn't help but tilt his head.

"o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)?"

"What are you doing? What are you thinking about?"

"Hurry up, pack your things and get ready to leave."

Bai Lu shook her head gently.

Lin Yi looked confused.

"Good fellow, what else do you want to do? Do you want to eat and drink for free here?"

Except for the tea seeds in Lin Yi's hand.

Grandpa and grandma also prepared some tea for Lin Lu. They had been raising tea for a long time, and most of them were aged for more than five years.

There is also some new tea.

To be savored.

Bai Lu raised her face and said seriously.

"Brother Lin, didn't you say before that you would teach me to sing a new song? Brother Lin, have you forgotten?"

Lin Yi shrugged.

"Of course I haven't forgotten. Are we going to record it here?"

"I was originally thinking about going back to Hainan and finding a more professional recording studio. Of course, it's not impossible to start from here."

After all, Lin Yi’s Cultural Tourism City has a recording studio, so there is no need to waste such things. Moreover, the quality of the official products is indeed very good.

Bai Lu nodded gently.

"Okay, okay, no problem, I think it's OK."

The audience in the live broadcast room also became excited when they heard this.

Wow, when I go out, I can not only watch the live broadcast, but also listen to new songs, which is of course very good.

It’s like Chinese New Year.

Just when the audience was about to brush the bullet screen

They found that they were happy too early.

Lin Yi then spoke.

"Of course it's recorded here, but I'm not sure when I can listen to it."

"Of course, this is definitely not going to happen, but when will it be implemented? There is still no news for the time being, so we still have to wait for a while."

Listening to Lin Yi's official tone in the live broadcast room, everyone's face turned green.

"Good man, no, I've been looking forward to this for so long, and now you tell me I can't listen to it, do I look like a clown?"

"You really don't love me anymore. Now you won't even give us Brother Lin's first-hand new songs?"

"This world has suddenly lost its fun. Let it be destroyed. That's it."

"Don't worry, Brother Lin is doing this just to attract traffic to the official website. If the new song is released here, what will the official do then?"

"But one thing is certain, this song is about this place, so it should be nice to listen to, right?"

"Expectation is like tea, a light and elegant song. I am really looking forward to it."


The clouds gradually dissipated under the sunshine.

When the sun sets.

It broke through the clouds and mist, bringing sunshine to the earth.

The clouds and half of the mountain were dyed golden.

The small village has become much more peaceful.

In about half an hour, Bai Lu finally learned the new song under Lin Yi's earnest instruction.

Bai Lu always thought that this song would be a sweet and affectionate duet, but in the end, she underestimated Lin Yi's creative ability.

A new song for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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