Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 115 Meng Hongchen’s madness, soul master competition? Or a star chasing contest?

Chapter 115 Meng Hongchen’s madness, soul master competition? Or a star chasing contest?

The next day, the sky was clear, the sun was shining brightly, and everything was very mild. On such a day, Xingluo City was also bustling with people.

Many people gathered at the competition site to wait for the draw results.

This time Shrek Academy faced off against Yunluo Academy.

When the dark green clothes appeared, the whole audience was excited, but they quickly became immersed again because Su Qingfeng did not play again.

The Sun Moon Royal Academy was facing off against another team from the Heavenly Soul Empire. Among the people appearing this time, there were two familiar and unfamiliar faces.

After a while, someone recognized him:

"Look at the members of the Sun and Moon Royal Academy. Are the two new twins among them the same guy who used the loudspeaker to announce that Su Qingfeng is his lover last time?"

"Yes, it seems to be true. I was there that time and I remember her appearance!"

Soon, someone recognized Meng Hongchen and said in the crowd.

At the same time, soon, there was a lot of curses, and people shouted outside:

"Go down! Sun and Moon Royal Academy, go down!"

"How dare members with bad deeds come up? Get off the stage!"

"Don't think that just because you are pretty, you can compete with us for the Qingfeng Goddess! The Qingfeng Goddess is mine!"

"This co-author is from the Sun and Moon Royal Academy? Unless you give her to me as my wife and give birth to eight fat boys for me! Otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

"Strongly boycott the Sun and Moon Royal Academy!"

"End! End!"

More and more voices of resistance gradually sounded at the scene. Fortunately, there was a protective shield to isolate the outside sounds.

Although the shouts outside were basically inaudible, the team members inside understood what the audience meant, and they could understand some of the audience's attitudes.

Meng Hongchen was originally in a bad mood because he didn't bump into Shrek's team and Su Qingfeng. Now seeing the audience's reaction to them, he suddenly became unhappy and hummed:

"How do these stupid guys know the wisdom of my appearance?"

"Brother, let us deal with the group of soul masters from the Heavenly Soul Empire across the way. Just watch, huh!"

The soul ring on Meng Hongchen's body lit up, and she used a rare soul guidance armor. This armor was perfectly integrated with her body. At this moment, her temperament also changed. She was no longer a fangirl, but a A powerful soul mentor, rated at least level five!


A light blue flame suddenly shot out from the back of the soul guide armor, which gave Meng Hongchen the power to fly into the air. She looked down at the crowd and said lightly:

"Ignorant people, this lady is here, get out of the way! Don't block husband Qingfeng from seeing my beautiful figure!"

"Flowers always need green leaves to accompany them!"

The next moment, several soul cannons appeared behind Meng Hongchen. These soul cannons were small, but they were all level four soul cannons. She could play with them as she pleased, firing ice-white shells at them. into the opposing team.


The captain of this team from the Tianhun Empire issued an order. Their overall strength was around the high-level Soul Sect. They were lucky and performed well. They successfully entered the round robin. Unexpectedly, they bumped into the Sun and Moon Royal Academy in the first two games. .

Their players reacted quickly and moved quickly across the ring. At the same time, the members of the Sun and Moon Royal Academy team also began to take action, restricting the opponent's movement and launching attacks.

However, after those ice-white shells were smashed down, what they exploded was not a strong shock wave, but colorful...fireworks?

"Clang, clang, clang!" Meng Hongchen raised his head, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

She saw that the number of forts behind her was still increasing, and the fireworks produced by the shells emitted by those forts were scattered everywhere in the arena, while those flying catkins formed huge pieces of text in the air, so that many people could see it, and next There were fireworks for a moment.

It happened to be close to evening when the Sun and Moon Royal Academy team took the field. The gorgeousness on the field and the setting sun set off each other and looked beautiful.

I only saw this text:

[I am Meng Hongchen, I am right here, Su Qingfeng, have you seen it? From the first moment I saw you, I was yours! You're handsome! I love it so much! Come to me quickly! I want to have a baby with you! ]

This person is not here to play a game. This person is obviously here to express his love through the game!

At this time, Mr. Ma's face was filled with black lines, and he was furious. A pair of heavy legs hit the ground hard, as if even the earth was shaking:

"This girl, I knew it wouldn't be that simple for her to enter the stage! I'm really angry! She has really embarrassed the Sun and Moon Royal Academy! Is this the attitude towards the Soul Master Competition?!"

"What kind of talk is this? Just give birth to a child?!"

Ma Rulong also rubbed his temples, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

The people in the Tianhun Empire were also stunned. One team member had even been shot. Unexpectedly, it was a firework. They suddenly felt that the world had become so strange.

Even Xiao Hongchen laughed in anger: "Xiao Meng, what on earth do you want to do?! Are you crazy? This is a competition ground!"

"Of course I did this because I knew this was a competition venue. People from Shrek Academy must be watching too!"

Meng Hongchen's eyes were filled with fire. As he spoke, he used his soul guide to release fireworks all over the sky, forming a series of words to show his love.

If this is the object of pursuit, it is really romantic. Whether it is a boy or a girl, if they are shown their love in this way in the continent-wide soul master competition, they will basically be moved.

It's a pity that Su Qingfeng is not a basic person.

Of course, the Tianhun Empire team was not at the same level as the Sun Moon Royal Academy team. Meng Hongchen had fun, and they defeated each other relatively easily in the end.

However, the Sun and Moon Royal Academy team is even more hated.

Even the queen, who had always been gentle when watching the game, said sourly:

"This girl from the Sun and Moon Royal Family is too high-profile. Does she regard the arena as her own home? Your Majesty, we cannot allow her to behave like this!"

"Su Qingfeng, only those who become members of our Xingluo Royal Family are the best. Your Majesty, will you agree to Princess Jiujiu's proposal?"

The queen said to Emperor Xingluo that she suddenly figured out that Su Qingfeng had become the consort, how could she find a chance to have sex with him?

The Star Luo Emperor sighed: "It's not that simple. This Su Qingfeng is the core figure of Shrek. He is not from us Star Luo people. We can grant marriages whenever we want. If Shrek Academy does not accept it, then we Star Luo people Where can I put the dignity of the royal family?”

On the other side, people from Shrek were indeed watching the game. They originally wanted to learn the soul guide of the Sun and Moon Continent, but unexpectedly came over to watch a show.

Ma Xiaotao and Qiu'er both looked at Su Qingfeng faintly: "She wants to give you a baby, what do you think?"

Jiang Nannan silently touched her belly: If she really wants to give birth, it will be me too, right? I can hold the most essence inside.

Although Meng Hongchen's act of showing love was crazy, it opened up the brain circuits of other fans and started a new star-chasing mode.

This group of fanatical fans of Su Qingfeng began to constantly cheer for Su Qingfeng on the field and express their love for Su Qingfeng. The entire Soul Master Competition became weird and abnormal.

Those powerful figures who came from all over the two continents to investigate the news and hope to see the true story of Su Qingfeng were shocked when they saw such a scene.

Such a situation has never happened before. Even the first Shrek Seven Monsters ten thousand years ago did not make the Soul Master Competition become like this.

This is not a soul master competition, this is a love competition, a star chasing competition!

(End of this chapter)

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