Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 116 Thousands of people marched with blood letters, just to compete in the competition to se

Chapter 116 One hundred thousand people marched with blood letters, just to see the banished immortal and compete!

Ever since Meng Hongchen made a grand confession on the field of the Soul Master Competition, the Dou Ling Empire Royal Team, the Star Luo Royal Team... and various other high-level soul master academy teams all had players suddenly show their respect to Su Qingfeng on the field. Confession situation.

This situation made all major colleges quite helpless. Even the organizer, Xingluo Royal Family, was helpless because even the sister of Emperor Xingluo, Princess Jiujiu, also participated.

Moreover, Jiujiu also did something that surprised everyone on the field. The majestic princess actually wore a royal wedding dress and proposed to Su Qingfeng.

Suddenly the whole stadium was boiling.

When the news spread, the people of the entire Star Luo Empire became excited.

This world is so magical!

Even the princess did such crazy things!

Soon, Mr. Xuan and Yan Shaozhe also felt the pressure.

The Star Luo Emperor had invited them more than once, wanting to invite them and Su Qingfeng to the Star Luo Palace as guests, but they declined the offer on the grounds that they were concentrating on preparing for the competition.

Because of this incident, Queen Xingluo was very angry with Emperor Xingluo, and even stopped him from having sex for several days.

At the same time, the leaders of other senior soul master academies who were temporarily staying at the Star Emperor Hotel also approached the leader of Shrek and wanted to discuss organizing a party between the two academies so that the students could get to know each other.

How could Yan Shaozhe not see that these people were all shaking his junior brother's body!

Some people even found out the room number where Su Qingfeng lived, and wanted to rush into the room in the middle of the night and take him away by force. Fortunately, Mr. Xuan was prepared and beat those guys away.

It doesn't matter if outsiders come to cause trouble. The four children, Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Tang Wutong, and Qiu'er, also covet Su Qingfeng's body. They go out for a walk every night, walking around, and asking Mr. Xuan seemingly concerned. If he and Yan Shaozhe want to take a rest, they will help guard him.

How could they not be clear? They just wanted to find an opportunity to take advantage of the Holy Son!

Especially Qiu'er, she had just experienced the joy of being a human being, especially the joy of being a woman, on Poseidon Island, and then she came to Star Luo City to participate in the Soul Master Competition. It was very uncomfortable when that feeling was cut off.

In addition to the pressure from the royal family and the contestants, there is also the expectation of the audience. Because Su Qingfeng has not appeared in several games and has not shown up for several days, the audience is already preparing to hold a protest.

On that day, the weather was gloomy, with a few dark clouds floating in the sky, neither light nor heavy. Outside the Star Emperor Hotel, there were often hundreds of soldiers guarding the place during the competition.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Xingluo City and rushed towards the Star Emperor Hotel.

Along the way, some Xingluo residents and people watching theaters and melons were also attracted one after another. The team expanded again, and finally formed a huge team of more than 100,000 people, covering every road leading to Xingluo Hotel. The surrounding area is impenetrable.

They held some flags that read:

"Su Qingfeng's reinforcements!"

"I am willing to die for Su Qingfeng!"

"Su Qingfeng, who is unrivaled in the world, was relegated to the mortal world!"

"A letter written with thousands of blood: Su Qingfeng is invited to compete!"

The last one was a red, bloody banner with a length of three hundred meters!

Not only were they holding banners, they were also shouting:

"Shrek Academy, let Su Qingfeng compete!"

"Shrek is selfish and controls the banished immortal! Give the banished immortal his freedom!"

"Su Qingfeng belongs to the people of the whole continent, it cannot be privately owned just because Shrek Academy is powerful!"

"Let Su Qingfeng go, I seriously doubt that you have the male god under house arrest!"

Tens of thousands of voices rang out in Xingluo City. The voices were so loud that they echoed in the sky.

Seeing this scene, some people staying in the luxury hotels around Xingluo Square came out to watch and were a little surprised.

Tai Tan and Niu Tian looked from the top floor of an eight-story hotel. The dense crowd made them both take a breath:

"How can this Su Qingfeng have such a charming personality and have so many fans speak out for him just because he didn't play in the game? I am becoming more and more curious about this Su Qingfeng."

"How handsome and powerful is he? What kind of existence does Xiaotong like?"

Tai Tan's face suddenly became a little naive, and he looked confused.

A march of more than 100,000 people would be turbulent in any country.

These more than 100,000 people can move the mood of people all over the country. One person can influence at least ten people. They have relatives and friends. If they are not handled well, it will cause millions of people to feel uneasy, which is enough to shake the foundation of a country. ! And this is just because a young man has not shown up to play games for a few days. Speaking of which, it is like a fantasy!

Tai Tan and Niu Tian also came here after the Soul Master Competition started. They heard that Su Qingfeng would also participate in the competition. They came to see him first and then go back to report Tang Wutong's situation to God King Tang San.

When they arrived, Su Qingfeng's first knockout match had already been played, and they happened to miss it.

"Look, Er Ming, maybe Xiaotong didn't exaggerate to us. This Su Qingfeng might really shock us." Niu Tian stared at the crowd and said.

Tai Tan nodded: "I didn't believe it at first, but now I have to believe it. However, if this continues, I'm afraid there will be turmoil in the Xingluo royal family."

There was another hotel a few hundred meters away from them, with similar floors and heights. Most of the hotel's periphery was made of refined glass. The inside couldn't be seen clearly from the outside, but everything outside could be clearly seen from the inside.

Nightmare Douluo also came to Xingluo City with two elders of the Holy Spirit Cult: Tian Centipede Douluo Nangong Wan and Netherworld Douluo.

As soon as he arrived, he saw a parade of 100,000 people that was rare in this millennium. Netherworld Douluo licked his lips:

"There are so many people. I can kill at least a thousand people with one move. It's really a good place to practice. These more than 100,000 people may be enough for me to break through to the next level."

"Netherworld, don't forget the purpose of our trip. What the Supreme Elder wants is the leader of the Shrek Seven Monsters. What's more, there are countless powerful people in Star Luo City. Once our position and identity are exposed, you and I will be hunted down."

Nangong Wan said, giving up Netherworld Douluo's idea.

In normal times, the three of them joining forces are enough to run amok, but during the competition, each high-end college will send several strong men from the college to escort them. If these evil soul masters are exposed, they will face the situation of being killed by those strong men!

"Let them make trouble. It's not a solution for Su Qingfeng not to show his face all the time. Just wait and see. If you bring this Su Qingfeng back to the Supreme Elder, the Supreme Elder will also be very happy. Then you and I will be Record it as a great achievement."

Nightmare Douluo is very confident.


"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, something bad has happened! There are more than 100,000 people in the city, heading straight for the palace! Your Majesty, what should we do~"

In the Xingluo Palace, Emperor Xingluo, who was resting, was awakened by the eunuch's sharp voice. He held his crown:

"What? The thieves have entered the palace? Who rebelled? Get my sword!"

"Oh, no, Your Majesty, those people are not rebelling. According to my servant's intelligence, they should be heading towards Shrek."

Emperor Xingluo then looked serious and breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go and see with me, how come there are as many as 100,000 people gathered?"

One hundred thousand people were making trouble in the imperial city, and even Emperor Xingluo was panicked. If they turned around and charged into the palace, it would be a bloody storm! !

One hundred thousand people surrounded the Star Emperor Hotel. The thousands of soldiers who came out of the hotel struggled to hold on, but they could not resist the impact and oppression of one hundred thousand people.

Emperor Xingluo saw this scene with his own eyes and was frightened.

He quickly summoned a thousand Imperial Guards to open a way for him, walked into the Star Emperor Hotel in person, and begged Yan Shaozhe to satisfy the requirements of the fanatical fans for the sake of his previous agreement to strengthen the security order at the competition site. , let Su Qingfeng come on.

Mr. Xuan and Yan Shaozhe nodded and agreed.

Emperor Xing Luo climbed to the top of the Star Emperor Hotel, which is the highest point outside the palace. Under the soul guide loudspeaker, the emperor's voice spread throughout the city:

"Please all soul masters and subjects from all over the mainland, please don't be impulsive. I am the Emperor of Star Luo. Gathering people to make trouble will not solve the problem. If Su Qingfeng, the banished immortal, sees your madness, he will be frightened by you. You are surrounded like this. The Star Emperor Hotel will not only affect the smooth progress of the upcoming Soul Master Competition, but may also arouse the resentment of Su Qingfeng, the banished immortal. Do you hope that the people you are chasing will hate you?"

"I know that you really want to see the banished immortal Su Qingfeng compete again. Like you, I like this banished immortal boy, and my queen is also obsessed with him, so I can understand your feelings, but the Soul Master Competition The rule is that Shrek is allowed to send substitutes on the field, which is their right."

Originally, Emperor Xingluo barely made everyone quiet with the previous sentence, and the latter sentence was also reasonable, but it caused everyone to boil and resist: What do you mean? Within the rules, Su Qingfeng is not allowed to appear?

"If you don't let my boyfriend come on stage, your tickets will be refunded!"

"Zinima, refund the money!"

"Su Qingfeng must be allowed to play, we just want to watch him!!!"

"Otherwise we will have a falling out in Xingluo City! If we never see Su Qingfeng compete, the Soul Master Competition might as well not be held!"

Their voices even drowned out the loudspeakers in a certain area!

The great emperor of this generation was a little helpless and aggrieved at this time.

He had been emperor for decades, when did he bow down to common people and low-level soul masters?

Emperor Xingluo solemnly said: "Everyone be quiet. I, Emperor Xingluo, promise you all! In the next game, Su Qingfeng will be seen on the field. Please disperse where you are and wait for the next round-robin competition." start!"

"I repeat, I, the Emperor of Star Luo, assure you that Su Qingfeng, the Exalted Immortal, the Son of Starry Sky, will appear in Shrek's next cycle!"

(End of this chapter)

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