Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 218 Su Qingfeng’s identity is exposed, Ye Xishui sends troops to Shrek

Chapter 218 Su Qingfeng’s identity is exposed, Ye Xishui sends troops to Shrek

In the dim palace, with that dull explosion, things that looked like New Year's celebration fireworks were sprinkled all over Ye Xishui's body.

The white liquid slowly dripped from her purple hair and flowed down from the ravine between the two peaks.

Although she was not hurt by this, the sleeping beast in her heart had awakened, and she was extremely angry.

The instigator of this 'Su Qingfeng Soul Guide' must have deliberately pranked her! Play tricks on her! Tease her!

The dignified Supreme Elder of the Holy Spirit Sect, the ninety-nineth level of the most powerful person, the one who can turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain on the mainland, how can he be so humiliated?

"Xu Tianran, you are simply looking for death."

Ye Xishui's eyes burst out with strong murderous intent, and her figure flashed across the palace in an instant. Even the eighth-level soul engineer waiting at the entrance of her palace to explain was instantly beheaded by the death sickle.

Tonight, the Sun and Moon Palace is destined to be bloody.

Ye Xishui, wearing a red robe, transformed into a devil.

Xu Tianran was still recovering from his injuries, and was seriously injured by Su Qingfeng's arrow.

Just as he got better, the door was slashed by the Death Blood Scythe, and a terrifying bloody figure stood in front of Xu Tianran.

Xu Tianran looked at Ye Xishui in horror, stammering as he spoke:

"Foster... foster mother, what's going on?"

"This is the soul guide you made for me. It's so beautiful."

With a bang, Ye Xishui threw the 'Su Qingfeng Soul Guide' in front of Xu Tianran. It was very broken and had been blown to the point of being useless. Not to mention her face, even the roots were broken. She had an indifferent look on her face. :

"You die, they die, or you die together, it's your choice."

The entire space was surrounded by blood. Xu Tianran knew that Ye Xishui was definitely not just scaring people, she really dared to kill him.

"My foster mother, have mercy on me! The goal of creating this soul guide is a heinous crime, but you dare to do something small! Kill without mercy!"

"It's just that the young girl's whereabouts are unknown, and she has already run away long ago. I arranged for a group of eighth-level soul engineers to round them up, but they were unable to keep him. Instead, I seriously injured my adopted son with the power of an arrow. Please take a closer look at the adopted mother. !”

Xu Tianran humiliated and said in horror.

"The ultimate wood? Ultimate attributes?"

Ye Xishui saw at a glance the ultimate attributes remaining in Xu Tianran, and was a little surprised, humming:

"The Royal Eighth-Level Soul Engineer Group can hunt down even ordinary titled Douluo, but can't even keep a young man and woman alive? Do you think I am easy to deceive? Do you no longer want the position of Crown Prince?"

"My adoptive mother is wronged! My son has absolutely no intention of deception. You can call the Royal Soul Master Group to inquire at any time. The young girl seems to have mastered some kind of space law. Not only did she destroy the top royal formation in an instant, she also disappeared without a trace. There was no trace, I immediately sent people to search for dozens of miles, but they couldn’t be found!”

Xu Tianran hurriedly explained that this time he really lost his wife and lost his troops. Not only did he not kill Feng Qingsu, but he also created a potential enemy and disappointed his adoptive mother.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xishui's breath calmed down a little after hearing Xu Tianran's explanation, and she quickly asked Xu Tianran:

"The power of space? Are you sure? What do the boy and girl look like? What are their names?"

"It is indeed the power of space. It is very powerful and rare. The boy is wearing a mask, and I have never seen his true appearance. As for the girl, she has a beautiful appearance. Even with my status, I am amazed by it. A One is called Feng Qingsu, and the other is Gu Yuena..."

As soon as Xu Tianran finished speaking, Ye Xishui's expression changed completely, and he said excitedly: "Wearing a mask? Feng Qingsu... Feng Qingsu..."

"What's wrong? Lord foster mother..."

Xu Tianran asked tentatively. He didn't understand why his adoptive mother was so excited. He motioned to Orange to help him up.

Orange didn't understand why Ye Xishui's expression suddenly changed after hearing this information, and he was very curious. Did the Holy Mother recognize Feng Qingsu's identity?

"What's wrong? The person you want to hunt is probably the person I'm looking for. The basic information is correct. He wears a mask and has the power of space. He was a powerful and elusive belt of space power in the Demonic Forest. Let him go..."

Ye Xishui had a brainstorm and muttered: "Su Qingfeng, Su Qingfeng, Feng Qingsu... Feng Qingsu, Su Qingfeng! The name is so similar, it's like the little guy's pseudonym... To be precise, it's !”

"He is Su Qingfeng!"

Ye Xishui suddenly affirmed.

A strong blood-red storm hit, even stronger than before, and her eyes instantly turned red. She directly sucked Xu Tianran over and strangled his neck, making Xu Tianran breathless and his face turned purple.

Ye Xishui had murderous intentions:

"How dare you hunt Su Qingfeng? I'm sorry, I've said it before, I will kill anyone who dares to steal Su Qingfeng from me! Whoever dares to kill Su Qingfeng, I will kill the entire clan!"

"Cough...cough cough - adoptive mother - adoptive mother, spare your life! I don't know... I don't know he is - he is Su Qingfeng!"

"Please Holy Mother, please stop. Your Highness is still the crown prince of the empire after all. If he dies, it will have a huge impact. What's more, His Highness doesn't know that the other person is the Su Qingfeng you are looking for. safe and sound now. Your Highness knows that he was wrong."

Orange opened his mouth to plead for Xu Tianran, and was shocked in his heart. Is that Feng Qingsu Su Qingfeng?

She also searched exhaustively for traces of Su Qingfeng, but it turned out that he had come face to face with him, talked to her, and even warned her!

When she thought that it was Su Qingfeng who told her to pay attention to Xu Tianran in the manufacturing room, Orange's hesitant heart suddenly became firm.

She should follow her own path, not live for anyone.

"Who are you? Are you worthy of begging for mercy?"

A strong aura erupted from Ye Xishui's body, which immediately knocked the orange away. His body hit the wall of the palace, leaving a human-shaped mark. When he landed, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

With the help of that explosive force, Ye Xishui let go of Xu Tianran, kicked his body away, and said calmly:

"Remember, if you see such a person in the future, inform me as soon as possible. I will definitely recognize him. Don't be too smart. This means that Su Qingfeng left safely. If you hurt him in the slightest, you won't be able to survive today. .”

Xu Tianran's whole body burst into tears:


No more love, right? The adopted son is so contemptible, he will kill him when he says it, right?

"Foster mother, what should we do now? Su Qingfeng slipped away from us, what should we do next?"

"Shrek Academy, send troops to Shrek, assemble the Royal Soul Engineer Group, and go to Shrek Academy. Shrek's group of old guys must be up to something. This little guy will have to go back sooner or later."

Ye Xiguo said decisively and gave orders to Xu Tianran.

And she herself flew over the Sun Moon Palace in the next moment, gathered the elders of the Holy Spirit Sect to worship, and headed for Shrek Academy!

The elders and worshipers of the Holy Spirit Church were shocked:

We used to hide from people from Shrek Academy. When did we become so awesome that we want to attack Shrek Academy? !

(End of this chapter)

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