Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 219 Breaking through level 8, the Storm Dragon King is born

Chapter 219 Breaking through level , the Storm Dragon King is born

On top of a mountain peak in the Sun and Moon Empire.

The young man sat cross-legged on a dark stone.

The beautiful silver-haired girl was standing by to protect him.

The young man took out the soul heart and began to absorb the spiritual power in it.

The evil emperor's mood calmed down after the soul heart was used by Su Qingfeng.

For a moment, the Evil Emperor had the urge to annihilate the Sun and Moon Palace.

The heart of the soul contains majestic spiritual power and the power of the evil eye, which has been accumulated by the evil eye tyrant clan for hundreds of thousands of years. Although it was taken away by Ye Xishui and part of it was absorbed, the rest is powerful enough.

Three days later, a powerful spiritual power erupted from Su Qingfeng's body. Everywhere he looked, it was as if every detail of a living being was transformed into a mass of energy.

Soul power breaks through level 79!

Two-thirds of the soul heart energy is left!

Keep absorbing!

Eight days later, the entire mountain was filled with terrifying mental fluctuations.

All living beings with intelligence and nerves dare not approach and stay away.

Soul masters below the soul emperor level approached and were shocked by this wave of mental fluctuations. At worst, they suffered severe mental damage, and at worst, they were killed on the spot.

This strong mental fluctuation even condensed into mental thunder, flashing in the sky.

The energy in the heart of the soul poured out continuously and poured into Su Qingfeng's body.

With such intense energy, even a spiritual Contra expert could reach four or five levels in a row, but Su Qingfeng would find it difficult to break through even the eightieth level.

Su Qingfeng's last level represents the ultimate spiritual power in the world. It is so terrifying that in the end all the energy in the soul heart is exhausted and turned into ashes.

Su Qingfeng also ushered in the eightieth level bottleneck break, and his whole body exuded seven dazzling brilliance.

As the terrifying thunder struck down, thick smoke and dust arose from the entire mountain peak. When the scene was revealed, half of the mountaintop had been annihilated, and the young girl inside had disappeared.

The residents of the surrounding towns and villages were shocked, thinking it was a divine power from heaven, and they all knelt down to worship, praying to God for good weather in the coming year and not to anger the common people.


At this time, Su Qingfeng and Gu Yuena were already hundreds of miles away.

Su Qingfeng's soul power level: 80!

He is only one soul ring away from the Contra realm.

However, Su Qingfeng now faced a new problem.

That is the attribute selection of the Eighth Pole Star.

In Gu Yuena's opinion, a world-renowned person like Su Qingfeng must be a spirit beast with high age and powerful attributes.

But where in the world are there so many soul beasts over 500,000 years old for Su Qingfeng to choose from?

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth, light, darkness, wind and thunder space.

Now Su Qingfeng doesn't have many choices, only the four main attributes of wind, darkness, space, and thunder are left to choose from.

All four attributes are critical.

The dark attribute can echo the light attribute, perfecting the good and evil temperament and physique of Su Qingfeng.

Gu Yuena has fully demonstrated the power of space attributes. She can tear people apart like tearing paper. She can leap hundreds of thousands of miles without any problems. No one can stop her. But it is also the most difficult attribute power to obtain. There are too few space-type soul beasts.

The thunder attribute contains the power of destruction. It is an attribute that is very destructive and lethal. When it is powerful, it can destroy the world.

The wind attribute is the attribute that directly shakes the heaven and earth and raises all things. It can cause terrifying lethality like the Green Eagle Douluo. When it retreats, it can be used as an auxiliary wind to help fire, or even spread other attributes.

After thinking about it, Su Qingfeng decided to absorb the wind element as the eighth attribute.

First of all, he now has no shortage of powerful offensive elemental powers. Ultimate Ice, Ultimate Gold, and even Ultimate Wood all possess terrifying destructive power.

Secondly, after awakening his martial soul true form, he already possesses the ability to fuse the Pole Star Elements with the Pole Star Elements, and has the possibility of releasing elemental fusion soul skills. Therefore, he should give priority to the coordination between elements.

This was also inspired by playing a certain game in his previous life.

"Wind element?"

After hearing Su Qingfeng's choice, Gu Yuena thought thoughtfully and smiled:

"I know where to go!"


Two hours later.

On the south side of Douluo Continent, deep in the extremely explosive sea.

Two figures slowly stepped out from the door of space.

When I look into my eyes, I can see that there is no light from the sun and the moon, and it is all gloomy.

The sea surface is turbulent, the water spray is fragrant, and the sea breeze is raging like mountain waves.

The whole world was spinning and shaking violently, and no ship, not even a giant ship, could sail in this sea area.

Because the occasional burst of wind blades in the center of the storm is enough to cut off a reef with a diameter of ten meters, how violent will the wind element power in the center of the storm be?

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when I first arrived in the Douluo Continent, I saw this storm vortex in the starry sky, overlooking the Storm Dragon King race living in it. I hope they will not be exterminated due to the sanctions of the gods."

Gu Yuena took Su Qingfeng to the sky above the extremely explosive sea area and said.

Su Qingfeng was a little moved when he saw the powerful storm. The wind elemental soul beast that can survive safely in the storm here must be at least 300,000 years old, right?

Also, the Storm Dragon King you saw hundreds of thousands of years ago must have died early?


The two figures flew towards the center of the extremely explosive sea area.

Needless to say, Gu Yuena, as the Silver Dragon King, these storms cannot cause any damage to her.

The surface of Su Qingfeng's body was covered with a golden film of light. It was strange that those storms were unable to break through this film of light and hurt Su Qingfeng. This is the power of the ultimate gold and the ultimate soil. If you want to break through the ultimate, Either use the power of crushing, or you can only use it to the extreme.

"Storm Dragon King, you haven't shown up yet!"

Gu Yuena's voice actually suppressed the roar of the storm and spread into the storm.

After a while, there was indeed movement inside.

A giant dragon covered in green and yellow light rose into the sky, danced in the storm, and roared:

"Who is it, trespassing into the forbidden area? Leave quickly, otherwise, you will die!"

"Be brave and see who I am?"

Gu Yuena took Su Qingfeng's hand, dodged in the air, and stepped on the head of the unruly Storm Dragon King.

The silver dragon manifested behind Gu Yuena, and the suppression from bloodline and god level made the Storm Dragon King surrender with a bang!

"The legendary silver dragon hunted by the gods! The divine dragon!"

"I ask you, how many years have you been cultivating?"

"Since the catastrophe of the gods hundreds of thousands of years ago, I have followed my father to cultivate in seclusion in this extremely explosive depth. I have never been born to participate in the competition. I have been able to survive until now. I have cultivated for sixty-eight or ninety thousand years."

The Storm Dragon King lowered his proud head and was shocked by the powerful divine dragon bloodline in Gu Yuena's body. Any dragon soul beast would feel that way in front of Gu Yuena:

She is our king, we must follow her and obey her orders!

"Are you willing to follow us, become our strength, look for opportunities, and ascend to the God Realm?"

Gu Yuena said coldly.

The Storm Dragon King was stunned for a moment, then said respectfully:

"The gods only punished my dragon clan, and their sins are monstrous. If there is a chance, I will definitely follow the dragon master and counterattack the god realm!"

"Very well, then you can go and die."


Storm Dragon King: ⊙﹏⊙Shuan Q, so sudden?

(End of this chapter)

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