Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 220 The war breaks out, Shrek Academy is in danger

Chapter 220 The war breaks out, Shrek Academy is in danger①

Just when Su Qingfeng broke through level 80 and absorbed the power of the storm, an even more terrifying storm was brewing on the mainland.

Shrek Academy.

Zhang Lexuan, Ma Xiaotao and others returned from the Star Forest.

Brought great good news to Poseidon Pavilion:

Su Qingfeng is not dead, he is still alive. He got an unknown opportunity in the Star Forest. He has become powerful to a certain extent and is growing somewhere in the mainland...

This made the elders of Poseidon Pavilion feel a lot more at ease.

Since Su Qingfeng disappeared, each of them has been worried, worried about what kind of injustice Su Qingfeng would suffer when he went out.

Will the strong man abuse him?

Will Su Qingfeng die?

After all, Su Qingfeng became the favorite of the Poseidon Pavilion as soon as he showed up in the Poseidon Pavilion. Every elder not only regarded Su Qingfeng as the noble son who would determine the situation of the entire continent in the future, but also regarded him as their most beloved disciple, son and grandson. …

Facts have proved that the worries of the elders were right. Su Qingfeng was squeezed dry many times outside and was close to death more than once or twice.

Facts have also proved that what Moon said to Su Qingfeng at the beginning was extremely accurate: there are all bad people outside!

Outside of Shrek, several groups of troops have crossed the mountains and rivers and entered the surrounding areas of Shrek Academy, ready to attack Shrek Academy at any time.

Shrek Academy is about to face its biggest crisis in a thousand years.

Under Ye Xishui's control, almost half of the Sun Moon Empire's army was mobilized. Through a negotiated alliance with the Douling Empire, they crossed the empire's border and marched on Shrek!

In addition, the elders and worshipers from the Holy Spirit Sect have basically come. Since the incident in the Demonic Forest, they have basically united the front and are willing to fight to win over Su Qingfeng.

When they think of the image of turning such a talented and handsome boy who is unparalleled in the world into an evil, murderous demon, and ruthlessly ravaging, trampling and bloodying the girls who surrendered to him and wanted to become his slaves, they have a vision in their hearts. Unstoppable excitement!

That is simply an art that evil soul masters cannot refuse!

They were both scared and excited. They were afraid of Shrek's power and their power of light. They were excited that they could not hide from them this time and have a large-scale collision!

Ye Xishui stood on a small mountain outside Shrek. His eyes traveled a thousand meters and fell on Shrek's magnificent city wall, muttering:

"Shrek, Moon, I have long suspected that Su Qingfeng was hidden by your people. This time, either Shrek will die or Su Qingfeng will be handed over. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Under the small mountain peak, a familiar face to the new members of the Shrek Seven Monsters appeared, but now he was wearing a gorgeous and noble royal costume, and there were actually several soul saints and strong men in the Contra realm protecting him.

Xu Sanshi raised his hands to Ye Xishui on the small mountain peak and said:

"Holy Mother, I am Xu Sanshi, Prince of the Dou Ling Empire. As the supervisor of the coalition forces this time, I will assist the Sun Moon Empire's army in attacking and retreating."

"All the 50,000 soldiers of the Dou Ling Empire have been replaced by Sun and Moon military uniforms and are ready. As soon as the Holy Mother gives the order, we will cooperate with the Sun and Moon Army and the strong men of the Holy Spirit Cult to enter Shrek City from the northeast."

"It's time for this academy that has stood on the mainland for nearly ten thousand years to come to an end. The legend has fallen."

"Those ancestors who were praised by Shrek, your time has long passed, and the illusory and exaggerated stories left behind should have disappeared long ago."

Xu Sanshi looked at Shrek City in the distance with resentment.

He will always remember the humiliation given to him by Jiang Nannan, the embarrassment caused by Su Qingfeng, and his expulsion from the college!

He was even willing to share a lover with a peerless young man like Su Qingfeng, but he was not recognized!

It was obviously him who fell in love with Jiang Nannan first!

The college actually believed Su Qingfeng's words and banned him. He returned to the Dou Ling Empire in embarrassment and recovered his identity. He was the Royal Academy of the Dou Ling Empire, a leader among the younger generation, and the young master of the Xuanming Sect, the mysterious sect of the Dou Ling Empire.

During this year, he integrated the power of the Xuanming Divine Turtle in the Dou Ling Empire. His martial soul evolved into the Golden Xuanwu Turtle, and he got engaged to the daughter of a nobleman.

After a night of spring supper, Xu Sanshi conquered the weak girl, and the basalt shield also appeared. He thought he had the best defense among his peers!

Hearing that the Sun and Moon Empire was going to attack Shrek Academy and borrow a road, the Dou Ling Royal Family's first reaction was to refuse.

The Sun and Moon Empire had invaded the three major empires and was also an enemy of the Dou Ling Empire, so they needed to be vigilant.

But after learning the news, Xu Sanshi couldn't sit still. He immediately joined forces with his parents to make a speech to Emperor Douluo, smearing Shrek Academy. He didn't talk about the good stuff, only the bad stuff.

For example, Shrek's ancestor master Yu Xiaogang just had a false reputation and stole the achievements of the ancient power's Wuhun Palace, which is nothing remarkable.

Shrek's ancestor principal was just a Contra, very stingy and nothing special. I heard that he relied on women for his livelihood, which was simply a shame.

As for ancestor Tang San, he was said to be the first person in tens of thousands of years and the most prodigy in the continent. In fact, he was just a selfish guy. If he hadn't destroyed the place called the Killing City ten thousand years ago, there would be no one on the continent. Why are evil soul masters so rampant?

So what did Shrek say about targeting the evil soul master for the sake of justice and peace? That's just what they should do, pay for Tang San's mistakes!

Now that the Sun and Moon Empire is in power, the Shrek Academy is also turbulent. A good butcher's knife can destroy the arrogant Shrek Academy!

Shrek Academy is so powerful that the Sun Moon Empire and the Holy Spirit Sect will suffer heavy losses if they want to destroy it.

At that time, the Dou Ling Empire will block its retreat, and by joining forces with the Xing Luo and Tian Hun Empires to attack the Holy Spirit Cult and the Sun and Moon Empire armies, they will surely be completely annihilated.

By then, the Sun and Moon Empire will surely decline, and the strongest forces on the two continents will decline. The Douling Empire will reap the fruits of victory and will surely become the strongest empire on the two continents.

This is Xu Sanshi's plan.

"Holy Mother, when will we attack?"

"My Lady, my sword has been thirsty for a long time. My grandson died in the hands of people from Shrek Academy. This time I will cut him into pieces with my own hands!"

"Supreme Elder, our team is too large. The longer the delay is, the more preparation time will be left for Shrek Academy."

"The chief has entered Shrek City. I don't know what to do. Supreme Elder, something will change later!"

The elders and worshipers of the Holy Spirit Sect, as well as the evil soul masters who have long been grudged against Shrek Academy within the sect, all want to destroy Shrek at this moment!

Ye Xishui let out a breath, and with an understatement, the two continents fell into turmoil:


(End of this chapter)

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