Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 230 The peaceful Poseidon Island, Gu Yuena’s fear

Chapter 230 The peaceful Poseidon Island, Gu Yuena’s fear

In the early morning of this day, the breeze was blowing on Poseidon Island, the grass was rustling slightly, and the air was filled with the fresh fragrance of vegetation.

The sun shone through the gaps between the leaves, and the lake sparrows outside the small courtyard sang happily, as if celebrating Su Qingfeng's return and the end of the war.

The dewdrops on the trees shone with crystal light, and the soft light slowly fell on the handsome face of the peerless young man in the room, making people's hearts beat.

He is so beautiful even in his deep sleep.

Tang Wutong soaked the towel in the golden basin and wiped Su Qingfeng's face. If Cai Meier and Mr. Zhuang hadn't taken turns guarding the side, she would have even wanted to take off Su Qingfeng's clothes and wipe his body.

Su Qingfeng was so tired. Her intention was not evil, but she just wanted Su Qingfeng to wake up clean and comfortable!

I will never take the opportunity to play with the young woman's pleasure device!

Su Qingfeng did not lose consciousness, his consciousness was still there, and he could even hear sounds from the outside world.

Su Qingfeng felt warm and moved. Every elder and member of the college, as well as Huo Yuhao and the others, had visited him at his bedside in the past few days and talked to him a lot.

Some talked about the progress of their practice, some expressed their concerns to him, and some confessed to him while Su Qingfeng was sleeping.

Su Qingfeng's consciousness slowly recovered in the sea of ​​spirit and the eight polar stars.

After the battle with Du Bushu, Su Qingfeng roughly understood the power of his Polar Star True Body Possession Effect. He estimated that the strongest attack he could unleash would be enough to rival a level 99 Ultimate Douluo.

This is a very terrifying power. For thousands of years, on the mainland, let alone the extreme power of the Soul Douluo realm, even if the super Douluo tried his best, he could not touch the edge of the ninety-ninth level of power.

But all this is no longer surprising when it comes to Su Qingfeng.

Because he is Su Qingfeng, an unparalleled person in the world, possessing several powerful ferocious beast soul rings. He is the only being in the history of the mainland with more than seven extreme attributes, which is destined to make him extraordinary.

Under the pavilion in the small courtyard, several elders were sitting on the stone pier. There were melon seeds and tea on the stone table in front of them. They were eating melon seeds and discussing:

"It's really thanks to the Holy Son who came back this time. I didn't expect that we, a group of titled Douluo, would have to rely on a boy of about fourteen years old to save us in the end. How shameful!"

"Otherwise, how can we say that Mr. Mu is forward-looking? We are still saying that it would be great if Qingfeng can break through to the Contra realm before he is twenty years old. But in the blink of an eye, the child can be beaten without even being fifteen years old. Peak Douluo, who would believe you if the facts weren't in front of you?"

"Yeah, I still remember a year or two ago, we were still debating the Holy Son's choice of attribute cultivation, whether to stick to it all or to practice the nine attributes. As a result, I was in a trance. Qingfeng had awakened the eight pole stars and returned, hahaha !”

"By the way, what are the attributes of Qingfeng's eight pole stars? Have any of you paid attention?" asked an old man.

Mr. Lin said calmly: "The battle was so fierce at that time, and I was all focused on the outcome. I really didn't pay attention to the attributes of the pole star. I remember seeing the four attributes of wind, ice, fire, and wood."

"There are also three attributes: light, gold, and earth, right?"

"Yes, yes, it has the attribute of light. I felt it at that time. When the breeze appeared, the star of light shone in the world, and those evil soul masters were suppressed. But do they have the attributes of gold and earth? I seem to Didn’t see it.”

"Are you crazy? Have you forgotten what the power of Qingfeng's seal to poison that guy is? It is the power of metal, wood, water, fire and earth attributes. Do you think it has gold and earth attributes?"

"Oh, I remember! It's true. This metal seems to be able to suppress the soul guide? At that time, the combat effectiveness of the soul guide army of the Sun and Moon Empire suddenly dropped sharply, and it seemed that it was beyond their control. I guess, this is the ultimate The gold is likely to have the function of controlling the soul guide!"

"How is it possible? Where is there any attribute that can control a soul guide?"

"So there is another attribute?" "There is another one? I can't see through it. There is another attribute that I have never heard of and haven't paid any attention to."

"Harm, no matter what attribute it is, it will be good if the Holy Son comes back, and our suspense will be settled."

"Instigate. Hiss~"

Several elders were sitting in the small courtyard chatting about home affairs. Ma Xiaotao sat on the side and used extreme fire to heat tea for the elders. It was piping hot.

It has been a long time since Shrek Academy had such a relaxing moment. Everyone seemed to have returned to the leisurely time two years ago. There was no war or crisis. Everyone was paying attention to Su Qingfeng's future.

"Where's Qingfeng, are you awake?"

"Not yet, Mr. Mu, please slow down."

Even Mr. Mu, who had just recovered and could walk on the ground, would hang out on the shore of Poseidon Island, with Mr. Xuan accompanying him.

They pushed open the fence of the small courtyard, walked in, and asked.

Seeing Mr. Mu coming, all the elders stood up and came to help him. Mr. Mu waved his hand and said with a faint smile:

"No need to help me. This time I relied on Qingfeng's luck and it was a blessing in disguise. It's funny. I thought I was going to die, but I even explained my funeral arrangements. I didn't expect that I could be rescued."

Mr. Mu joked, but in his heart he was proud of Su Qingfeng. This was the apprentice he was interested in!

By the way, even Long Xiaoyao was shocked by Su Qingfeng's strength. Now that he is staying on Poseidon Island, he will decide on the title of Su Qingfeng's second master!

Hearing this, Xuanzi looked a little ashamed and took out the Poseidon Token and handed it to Mr. Mu:

"Mr. Mu, please take back the token. Poseidon Pavilion still needs you to be in charge, so it is more secure."

Mr. Mu waved his hand, shook his head and said:

"No, there is no reason to take back what was delivered. Mr. Xuan, you performed very well this time and did not let the college down. I have been carrying the heavy responsibility of the college for a hundred years. In the next hundred years, I may have to hand it over to you. I have it, Mr. Xuan, I am planning to give up my position."

Moon patted Xuanzi on the shoulder, with a look of relief on his face.

After experiencing life and death, Moon gained a new understanding. He will still guard the academy, but the academy also needs a supporter other than him.

"Mr. Mu."

"Okay, we are all one or two hundred years old. Don't cry. I am not leaving the academy. I am not dead yet."

Elder Mu looked around and found that someone was not there, so he asked:

"I heard that there was a silver-haired girl who came back with Qingfeng. Where is she?"

"Silver-haired girl? Yes, there seems to be such a person, but after the war, she seemed to disappear. Have you noticed where she went?"


The elders were a little confused. The identity of this silver-haired girl was a bit mysterious. She followed the breeze and tore through space and returned, then left quietly. Who was she?

In the hidden space dozens of miles outside Shrek City, Gu Yuena gritted her teeth and looked at Shrek Academy in the distance, not daring to approach rashly:

"Damn it, I knew there would be nothing good in following Su Su back here. I had a vague feeling when I accidentally teleported here. There was something about it that made me unable to hide, as if there was a flow of divine power and a feeling of being monitored by the gods. This time the feeling is more real, what should I do?”

"Su Su, you have to stick to yourself. There are so many temptations in the human world. You can't be charmed by those human girls. You have to leave all Xiao Qingfeng's energy to Nana!"

(End of this chapter)

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