Chapter 231 The fate of Poseidon is about to begin

"Baby, are you there?"

"Gentle, considerate, lovely and well-behaved Holy Mother, please connect with you~"

"The domineering and powerful Poison God strongman who refuses to admit defeat calls the Star Master. The Noumenon Sect has basically completed the deployment. It is strictly forbidden for the disciples to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Everyone must do a good deed every day and report it."

"Then we Holy Spirit Cult disciples do two good deeds every day!"

In Su Qingfeng's spiritual sea, the voices of Ye Xishui and Du Bushui often sounded.

Through the spiritual contract, Su Qingfeng is their spiritual master. Unless a god-level power interrupts their spiritual link, Su Qingfeng can control the life and death of the two of them anytime and anywhere, and can have conversations.

Fortunately, he was not poisoned to death, but he lost aggrievedly. The ninety-eight-level strong man was taught by Su Qingfeng to be a good man. In addition, he had a grudge against Su Qingfeng’s teacher Mu En. Normally, he would rather self-destruct than listen to his orders. .

But the other party was Su Qingfeng, so that was a different matter. He also admired Su Qingfeng, and it was a pity that he could not discover this kid earlier than Moon.

Du Bushui worshiped his ancestors and elder brothers in the noumenon sect's ancestral hall, and said this:

"Ancestors, brother, it's a pity that you died early. When I see this Su Qingfeng, he is so handsome. If I were a female brother, I would want to marry him as my wife."

"It's a pity that he is Shrek's holy son. My brother, I am no match for him. I can't avenge my brother."

"But if brother is still alive, he will definitely understand me. He is only fourteen years old and can slightly defeat me, a ninety-eighth level expert. In a few years, I am afraid he will be invincible on the mainland!"

Speaking of which, the name is also very important. Du Bushi was able to fight all the way to Shrek Academy without dying, but Du Bishai fought with Munn and died.


Ye Xishui contacted Su Qingfeng very frequently. He would send concerned greetings to Su Qingfeng in the morning, noon and evening.

Su Qingfeng usually said: I have read it and can’t reply.

"Do 999 more good deeds and come call me again!"

In the end, Su Qingfeng directly blocked Ye Xishui's contact regularly, because those words were really shameful and unbearable!

She always wanted to ask Su Qingfeng to go to the Holy Spirit Sect and say something big to help her rectify the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit Sect.

From Su Qingfeng's point of view, Ye Xishui may not necessarily want to rectify the Holy Spirit Cult, but it's hard to say, but he definitely wants to bring a big blow to him.

In short, under the influence of Su Qingfeng, the originally turbulent Douluo Continent gradually improved and became calm again.

Su Qingfeng was also able to recuperate. Everyone was very sensible and did not harass Su Qingfeng or exploit his body this time.

After all, Su Qingfeng is their hero.

He deserves a period of rest and peace.

On the seventh day after the end of the war, Su Qingfeng woke up comfortably. The sunshine outside the window was shining on his body, so warm that Su Qingfeng couldn't help but stretch.

Seeing Su Qingfeng walk out of the hut calmly, the elders in the small courtyard immediately gathered around, chatting with each other, greeting Su Qingfeng with concern and checking on Su Qingfeng's physical condition.

Su Qingfeng took a step back politely and said calmly:

"Thank you all for your concern, seniors. I'm fine. It's just the negative effects caused by the martial soul's true form, which have all recovered now."

"Neither humble nor arrogant, good! This age has sealed away a strong man like Du Bushui, and we are not arrogant or complacent. If it had been for us when we were young, we would have floated to the sky long ago!"

"Holy Son, it's okay. It is normal to overdraw the power of the martial soul's true body and fall into a period of exhaustion. We have also been there. Just pay attention to this problem in the future."

The more the elders looked at Su Qingfeng, the more satisfied they became. The Su Qingfeng now was a little different from the one he had a year or two ago.

Su Qingfeng a year or two ago gave everyone the impression that he was a young man with outstanding looks and great martial arts potential, but in the eyes of the strong, he was a bit like a guinea pig for training. But now the elders looked at Su Qingfeng with more admiration and respect in their eyes.

I believe that not only people from Shrek Academy, but other forces outside the academy must also have full faith in Su Qingfeng at this moment. He can control his own destiny.

Su Qingfeng felt very good about this feeling.

From now on, no one else can even think of draining him dry!

He can be with whomever he wants to be with!

He can sleep with whoever he wants to!

No one can force him!

This is the benefit brought by strength.

From the inside out, Su Qingfeng exuded a sense of confidence.

However, this confidence may soon be erased.

Because, a large number of wives of gods are on their way...

By then, not to mention Su Qingfeng's current level, even Gu Yuena will have to stay away...

Obviously, Su Qingfeng was unable to notice the impending crisis for his little Qingfeng, and he was still immersed in the warm atmosphere of Shrek Academy.

In the next few days, Su Qingfeng spent quite a leisurely time on Poseidon Island.

When you have nothing to do, just take a walk on the shore of Poseidon Island, enjoying the warm breeze blowing from the lake, and feel comfortable.

Occasionally, I would meet disciples from the inner courtyard on the road. They would look at Su Qingfeng with worshipful eyes and call out respectfully, Holy Son!

For them, if they can see Su Qingfeng once a day, they will be happy all day long.

Perhaps, this is the most pure and flawless emotion of a girl.

Ling Luochen and Ma Xiaotao would often go to Su Qingfeng's courtyard, although Su Qingfeng told Mr. Xuan and others to try not to come to him.

Su Qingfeng's life in the past two years has been too chaotic. He was either being pursued or robbed. He was in the spotlight. Sometimes, he also wanted to remain unknown.

If this thought were revealed, all the elders would definitely laugh and pat Su Qingfeng on the shoulder to comfort him:

"My child, some people are destined to be extraordinary when they are born, and you are destined to be the proud one of heaven!"

Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen are two extremes. They both learn completely different dishes.

Ma Xiaotao will make hot pastries, hot soups, and steamed vegetables for Su Qingfeng.

Ling Luochen likes to make frozen feasts, cold noodles, sashimi, etc.


As word spread about Su Qingfeng's explosive strength in the war, various forces on the mainland learned about the blow that Shrek Academy had suffered, and all sent representatives to express condolences.

Among them, there were the Xingluo Royal Family, the Tianhun Royal Family, and even the Sun and Moon Royal Family shamelessly sent representatives to deliver gifts, saying: "This is Ye Xishui's personal act of colluding with the prince, and has nothing to do with the empire. The culprit has been severely punished. , Prince Xu Tianran will be asked to come in person to make amends on another day, and leave it to the disposal of the Holy Son Su Qingfeng!"

They all showed disdain as they passed by the envoy of the Dou Ling Empire kneeling in front of Shrek Academy.

The grass on the wall, the villains who fall on both sides, are generally looked down upon both inside and outside.

In this war, Shrek Academy lost many disciples, but there were also some disciples who showed kindness in adversity and survived the critical moment.

On an auspicious day, a happy event unfolded on Poseidon Island, a celebration of happiness and mourning.

The academy also specially invited people from other empires and forces to come and watch together:

Poseidon Fate Event!

(End of this chapter)

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