Chapter 248 Can we have a wedding tonight?

In Poseidon Lake, under the veil, Xiao Wu looked at the figure of the girl standing on the Poseidon Fate Dragon and Phoenix Platform, and showed a happy smile:

Xiaoqi, for your own happiness and for your mother’s future sexual happiness, you have to work hard!


Xiao Wu slowly raised her finger to her mouth, reminding Tang Wutong not to reveal her identity for the time being.

The top priority should be to hold hands with Su Qingfeng and bring an end to the Poseidon Fate Blind Date Conference.

Tang Wutong suddenly burst into tears. She never thought that her mother would come to the scene of her life-long event. Is this considered her mother's blessing?

The sound of "Xiao Qi" seemed to contain a kind of divine power, which broke the seal and revived some of Tang Wutong's key memories. Tang Wutong finally understood who his biological parents were.

It turns out that my father is Shrek’s ancestor, Tang San!

My mother is Rougu Douluo Xiaowu!

With your own mother as your escort, you get twice the result with half the effort.

The moment Tang Wutong returned the starry sky hydrangea to the target point, the other women were extremely angry and jealous!
Especially after Yan Shaozhe spoke:

"Congratulations, this time the winner of the Poseidon Starry Sky Leader, the winner of the hydrangea is born. She is Tang Wutong, who is also one of my disciples. I didn't expect that it was Wutong who won the hydrangea. She is not The strongest in the Poseidon Fate Conference may not be the most beautiful, but Hydrangea Starry Sky Hydrangea chose her.”

"Let us congratulate her, Tang Wutong, you have got the opportunity to hold hands with our Starry Son, Su Qingfeng, and get a good relationship."

"Let's proceed to the next scene - the final chapter, Poseidon meets the stars in the sky!"

"If the two of them succeed in holding hands, they will be partners from now on!"

As Yan Shaozhe finished speaking, the stars in the dark night shone brightly, and the night sky was covered with silver light. The night was no longer dark, and there were stars to guide you.

Look, the whole starry sky is shining for you!
How romantic is this?
A Poseidon Marble Magpie Bridge was slowly constructed, which is beautiful and dreamy. There are magpies and geese flying slowly around. Under the bridge, mandarin ducks are playing in the water and flowers are blooming.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the magpie bridge in the sky. At both ends of the magpie bridge were Tang Wutong and Su Qingfeng.

The two looked at each other from a distance, Tang Wutong was filled with affection and her whole body was shaking with excitement. God knows how long she had been waiting for this day.

From the accidental friction between the specially selected student in the outer courtyard, to the subsequent encounter when she wanted to take the initiative to have physical friction, to the subsequent Su Qingfeng's death, she never gave up and pursued Su Qingfeng wholeheartedly.

Finally today, she will get her wish and get married to her boyfriend!

Tang Wutong took a step forward gently, then started trotting on the Magpie Bridge, crossed the bridge, and threw herself into Su Qingfeng's arms:
"Brother Qingfeng!"


Seeing this scene, everyone was jealous.

This is an official announcement to become Su Qingfeng's partner in public!

This was like jumping into Su Qingfeng's arms in public and feeling the warmth of Su Qingfeng's body!
All the girls screamed in their hearts: Ahhhhh! I want, too! I also want to be kissed, hugged and held high!

Ye Guyi and Nan Qiuqiu burst into tears: What else are we fighting for? None of them succeeded, others embraced them, and we didn’t even have a conversation.

Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen and others looked at Xiao Wu resentfully:
It's all this woman's fault, otherwise we would still have a chance! If the two of us can go to Magpie Bridge and hold hands with our little uncle, this wave will be called a name and a real one!

Zhang Lexuan clenched her fists tightly, as if something was stuck in her throat and she couldn't say anything. She was very sad:

I'm not strong enough. I'm still in the Soul King realm, but I can't beat them. My foundation is not solid yet, damn it! Holy Son, I...I also want to protect you and be your most trustworthy big sister!
In the crowd, Gu Yuena also tensed up, looking at Su Qingfeng on the Magpie Bridge with widened silver eyes. As long as Su Qingfeng dared to take action, she would dare to go berserk:

"Although this dragon doesn't want to attract God's attention, if it really comes to that point, this dragon will go crazy!"

"You'd better stop it!" Gu Yuena gritted her teeth. Just a hug was within her tolerance range.

In the world of mythical beasts, polygamy is also normal. As the saying goes, a dragon gives birth to nine sons, each of whom is different, so he has nine wives.

But if they do it to Su Qingfeng in front of Gu Yuena, then Gu Yuena will still break through her defense!

Before Gu Yuena went berserk, another one broke out first.

Ye Xishui's suppression bottleneck exploded instantly, the ninety-ninth level limit bloomed, and the entire Poseidon Lake was buzzing:

"It doesn't count. How can this count?!"

"This girl relied on this guy's help. The two of them formed an illegal team. She hired foreign aid. She didn't win with her true strength at all. I don't accept it!"

"Who are you, woman? Are you willing to take off your hat and veil and fight with me to see if I don't kill you... to see if I don't beat you to pieces!"

Ye Xishui wanted to kill her, but thinking of Su Qingfeng's words, she couldn't kill people at will now, unless it was the kind of heinous crime that could be wiped out. It would be good to have a fight to vent the anger of such a bride-stealer.

The majestic Supreme Elder of the Holy Spirit Sect, the strongest evil soul master in the entire continent, does not dare to reveal his murderous intent in a word now.

Ye Xishui, the transformation was successful:.

Xiao Wu's brows twitched: What a courageous woman, with the same impulsiveness as when she was young.

"Excuse me, there is a rule at the Poseidon Fate Conference that we cannot help each other during the hydrangea grabbing process?"

Xiao Wu asked calmly.


"There are really no rules."

The main reason is that she didn’t expect that a strong person would emerge from nowhere. Even Ye Xishui and Fengling’s team-up could not be her opponent...

Ye Xishui's words actually attracted the approval of some elders of Poseidon Pavilion.

They also wanted to know who this woman who always wore a bamboo hat was.

"Supreme Elder of the Holy Spirit Sect, please follow the results of the blind date. The result of unreasonable disputes will only be expulsion. Don't forget that the Holy Spirit Sect can come this time only because of your good deeds during this period, otherwise Shrek will not welcome."

Yan Shaozhe said in charge that although he was a descendant of Ye Xishui, he was merciless. To a certain extent, he felt that Ye Xishui was a bit embarrassed...

There are people who have descendants, people who are two or three hundred years old, and they are still here fighting for partners with girls in their ten or twenty years... It's so shameless...

"Then please start the next step. Will there be wedding ceremony tonight? Please do it as soon as possible."

Xiao Wu urged.

She took the risk and came to Douluo Continent. Although the God Realm takes one day and the continent takes one year, the probability of being breached is very low, but this feeling of guilty conscience is not comfortable!

You have to get down to business first!

In Su Qingfeng's arms, Tang Wutong's face had already turned red. She was even more psychedelic than before when Su Qingfeng was drunk. After hearing Xiao Wu's words, she was extremely moved:
Sure enough, only mother is good in the world! I understand my daughter’s thoughts best!
Everyone else is trying to compete with me, but my mother is the only one who has been helping me so that my daughter can accomplish life-long events as soon as possible!

Mom, you are so kind!

 Wish everyone a good start to school haha

(End of this chapter)

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