Chapter 249 Tang Wutong: I'm ready!
"What? Do you want flowers and candles in the bridal chamber?"

"Why is this not mentioned in the rules?"

"Ah ah, is Lord Star Lord going to lose his virginity tonight?"

"I'm so envious of this girl. Is she going to receive the baptism of Star Lord's love tonight? Inside and out, everything will be stained with the taste of Star Lord. I'm so envious! I want it too, Can I come along?!”

Xiao Wu's inquiry completely broke the guard of everyone who was already jealous.

They are both envious and jealous!
I just wish that the person who got the hydrangea was not me!

"Madam, whether we want to have bridal festivities or not depends on the wishes of our client. If both of us are willing, then it's naturally possible. Of course, if the parties want to develop and develop, then there will be no forced bridal festivities." this link."

Yan Shaozhe presided over the meeting and solved everyone's riddles.

But as soon as Yan Shaozhe finished speaking, Tang Wutong nodded impatiently:

"Yes, I do!"

Suddenly, Yan Shaozhe looked embarrassed: You girl, even if you really think about it, you should restrain yourself in front of everyone. It's not like you don't have time to seduce my junior brother after you step down.

If you say it like this, doesn't it make people hate you?
"Brother Qingfeng, how about staying with Xiao Qi? We will have a bridal chamber together, get married together, and have babies together. We will be very happy in the future. Xiao Qi can guarantee that we will have eternal life and no one will break us up~"

Tang Wutong buried her face in Su Qingfeng's chest, and was conquered by the light fragrance of Su Qingfeng's body, which brought out all her girlish feelings and made her body soften.

Su Qingfeng could clearly feel that all the weight of Tang Wutong's body was pressing on him. Even if he took two steps back, she might fall to the ground.

Tang Wutong had a sacred aura about her body. Her body was very soft, and her skin exuded the fragrance of butterfly flowers. Her small breasts were pressed against Su Qingfeng. She whispered seductively:
"Brother Qingfeng, do you want to try Xiaoqi~"

"Just let Brother Qingfeng taste it."

Hearing this, Su Qingfeng was shocked. If he was still the innocent little boy he was before, he would definitely take the bait when he heard Tang Wutong's words.

But now, Su Qingfeng looked at Tang Wutong with complicated eyes:
Haha, women are just greedy for my body.

Who doesn’t know how to draw a pie? No one can break us up? Your father Tang San can do it! Can you stop it?

"What are you thinking about? Complete the last link with peace of mind. There is still a game ahead. Let's rest peacefully tonight."

Su Qingfeng said calmly.

"We don't want to!"

The girls around Poseidon Lake said in unison, although they couldn't hold hands with Su Qingfeng, they couldn't get anything they couldn't!

Xiao Wu was speechless to these girls: None of the people involved said anything, what do you, a bunch of monsters, have to say?

"Okay, the Holy Son's Dating Conference has come to a perfect conclusion. Here are our rewards. The academy will provide a 70,000-level soul bone and one million gold soul coins as rewards for the Holy Son's Poseidon Fate spouse."

This reward is quite rich for a soul master, especially the 70,000-year-old soul bone, which was discovered when Mr. Mu hunted soul beasts and absorbed soul rings in his early years, because the soul bone parts conflicted. , cannot be changed, can only be left as a resource for the college, kept in storage, and taken out as a reward this time.

Yan Shaozhe continued: "It's getting late today, and the conference has ended perfectly. Tomorrow morning, all the boys and girls who have not been eliminated please come to Poseidon Lake to gather again. We will have a Poseidon Couple Battle."

"The couple teams that place in the top ten will receive rich rewards from lowest to highest. The reward for the first place is a partial skeleton of a hundred thousand year soul beast provided by our Qingfeng Holy Son, and a six-month-old soul beast awarded by the academy. Please look forward to the 10,000-year-old soul bones.”

"Then let's get over!"

After Yan Shaozhe finished speaking, bright fireworks were set off throughout Shrek City, heralding the end of the event.

But for many people, the show has only begun from this moment.

Politicians and literati from various empires were still copying the poems and articles read by Su Qingfeng, and some of them were not fully memorized. They could only find time to consult Su Qingfeng later.

They will compile the poems read by Su Qingfeng into volumes and compile them into textbooks from the two continents, with annotations and annotations for everyone to learn. Future generations will honor Su Qingfeng as: the Patriarch of Literature and the Immortal of Poetry.

Musicians and musicians from major empires were also present, still recalling the songs that Su Qingfeng had sung because they had only heard them once, and listened to many songs in a short period of time.

Even the most famous musicians in the mainland could not memorize all of Su Qingfeng's lyrics and melody, and composing the accompaniment was even more difficult. That night, several well-known musicians in the mainland fought over a melody.

I'm afraid, they all have to ask Su Qingfeng for advice and are unwilling to leave here.

Soon, musicians on both continents will also respect Su Qingfeng as: the God of Song!

Tang Wutong held Su Qingfeng's hand tightly, and the two flew down from the Magpie Bridge and disappeared into Poseidon Island.

Seeing Su Qingfeng step down, the boys and girls on the shore of Poseidon Island also dispersed, but it could be seen that their faces were not good-looking.

I guess I have already imagined in my mind the scene of Tang Wutong and Su Qingfeng having sex together tonight. It feels very uncomfortable. My male god is about to be caught!
It's not him who pinches him!

Gu Yuena bit her lip, and when everyone dispersed, she found a blind spot to avoid everyone's sight, and her body turned into a crystal clear little silver dragon, only more than one meter long, and sneaked into the Poseidon. At the bottom of the lake, swim to Poseidon Island:
Susu, if you dare to betray me tonight, I will climb ashore, bite your tongue while you are having sex, and make you suffer! Hum!
Xiao Wu also hid on Poseidon Island quietly. She was too mysterious.

Originally, Yan Shaozhe and the others wanted to invite her as a guest, and several people from Poseidon Pavilion also wanted to get to know this mysterious woman with the soft-bone rabbit martial spirit, but they did not expect that they could not locate her traces at all.

It is not difficult to imagine that if this woman dares to hit Ye Xishui, her strength may not be lower than level 95. She may even be a descendant of Xiao Wu's ancestor. Even if she is not the biological descendant of Xiao Wu's ancestor, she may be the descendant of Xiao Wu's ancestor. The descendants born after the flesh-bone rabbit soul beast transformed.


Fireworks continued outside Poseidon Island to celebrate this rare Shrek festival.

The elders of Poseidon Pavilion all clapped their hands and walked out, looking at Su Qingfeng and Tang Wutong with glowing faces. Their eyes were like watching the direct descendants of their own family win glory for the family, marry and have children:
"Congratulations, Holy Son, you are married!"

"Hey, congratulations to Qingfeng are on the one hand, but Wutong should be congratulated even more. This girl was chosen from among hundreds of thousands of girls. It's incredible!"

"Now, our Holy Son has found a partner. When do we plan to get married and have children? We old guys are still waiting for the Holy Son to leave a few good talents for the academy."

Mr. Zhuang joked.

They all watched today's blind date conference and had to sigh, youth is good! The breeze is so charming!
Tang Wutong's face was red, her body was close to Su Qingfeng, and she said shyly:
"Seniors, today...tonight is enough. I'm ready."

She has been preparing for a year or two!
Just wait for Su Qingfeng to develop it!
(End of this chapter)

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