Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 278 Is the overall situation decided? The major empires sent their princesses for marriage

Chapter 278 Is the overall situation decided? The major empires sent their princesses for marriage

The subspecies of the Golden Tree flew down from the Pole Star and fell into the huge pit where Lord Poseidon appeared. After experiencing a baptism of vitality-rich rain, new shoots began to emerge and slowly grew.

The golden ancient tree announced to Poseidon Pavilion in the starry sky:

"This seed is the seed that I condensed the vitality of heaven and earth and the power of the eight elements, and produced it with the essence of yin and yang. It is a golden subspecies. I hope you can cultivate it well, and perhaps thousands of years later, it can also benefit future generations. .”

Because of the faint silver lines overflowing on the plant, Moon named it the Golden Silver Tree.

It will take over the position of the golden ancient tree and become the new foundation of Shrek Academy. Although its quality and potential are not as good as the golden ancient tree, once it is fully formed, it can also mobilize the power of the earth's veins and part of the heaven and earth's energy and elements in a radius of thousands of miles. It is enough to resist the strong ones of level ninety-nine and below.

This is also the result of the golden ancient tree filtering through its own thinking and the will of the Lord.

But this process was painful for Su Qingfeng, making him want to cry without tears.

As a mother body, the golden ancient tree cannot suddenly give birth to seeds on its own.

At this time, the ancient golden tree's spiritual body obeyed the Lord's decision and extended its "devil's palm" to Su Qingfeng.

A few years later, Xuanzi and the others would always feel strange while surrounding the saplings of the Gold and Silver Tree, and would sigh like this:
"Dear elders, have you ever wondered why this subspecies always looks so beautiful and good-looking? It has a kind of transcendental aura?"

"Maybe it's because it is a subspecies of the golden ancient tree."

"Oh, every time I come to see him, I feel like I'm seeing the Holy Son. Every time I water it, I feel like I'm feeding the Holy Son."

All the old people: Σ(д|||)

The news that Su Qingfeng broke through to the title realm and became the master of the Douluo Continent quickly spread to all parts of the continent.

As Gu Ma said, this is the subconscious choice of the mainland creatures, so instead of being rejected by the mainland soul masters and civilians, this news was happily accepted.

Soon, new and various legends about Su Qingfeng spread among the people.

Some people say that Su Qingfeng entered a wonderful inner earth world, where he was recognized by the Earth's Heart, and then he broke through the Titled Douluo and became the Lord of the Continent.

Some people also say that on the day Su Qingfeng broke through, gods and legendary immortals descended from the starry sky. They were amazed by Su Qingfeng's unparalleled appearance and talent, so they blessed Su Qingfeng and gave the entire Douluo Continent to Su. Breeze management.

The soul masters and soul masters who had pursued or competed with Su Qingfeng in the past were shocked when they learned that Su Qingfeng had achieved title at the age of only fourteen or fifteen years old.

Just a few days later, the royal family of the Sun and Moon Empire, the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, the royal family of the Heavenly Soul Empire, and the guilty royal family of the Dou Ling Empire all sent representatives to Shrek Academy with rich gifts to express their congratulations.

In addition, during the Holy Spirit War, Su Qingfeng's record of suppressing the ninety-eighth peak Douluo with the Soul Douluo realm, almost no one from the two continents would question Su Qingfeng. They were almost certain:

The situation of the mainland for the next hundred thousand years has been decided.

That is, Shrek Academy will take another step forward and completely become the leader of the two continents. Whether it is the Sun Moon Continent or the Douluo Continent, both are under Su Qingfeng's control.

Under such circumstances, no force would become an enemy of Su Qingfeng. They would even seek an opportunity to marry with Shrek Academy and Su Qingfeng to consolidate their position.

But how could they have imagined that in less than two months, the legendary boy who was supreme in their hearts would disobey the gods and fall from the altar... But that was a story for another day.

At this time, representatives of all the major empires and forces were already on the road, and the fastest ones had arrived at Shrek City.

The only direct princess of the royal family of the Sun and Moon Empire: Tianzhen, this time came with the Sun and Moon Empire's soul mentor group, led by one of the top soul mentors of the Sun and Moon Empire - Star Douluo Ye Yulin.

His soul power is probably at level ninety-two or ninety-three, and he is a powerful ninth-level soul mentor. His status in the Sun and Moon Empire is very high, second only to Kong Deming.

The innocent princess sat in the luxury soul car of the Sun and Moon and put down the glass and looked outside. The moment she saw Shrek City, she was extremely happy. She had long wanted to come to Shrek Academy.

In the past, her father wanted her to go to the Royal Academy to learn soul tools, but she clamored to come to Shrek, but to no avail. Unexpectedly, she got her wish this time.

The character of this innocent princess really makes the Sun and Moon royal family a little helpless. She makes the entire royal family feel very excited!
She has done this before, including stealing cosmetics from concubines, demolishing her father's palace, and burning down the main hall.

"Princess Innocent, we have arrived at Shrek City. We will stay in the hotel later. After reporting to Shrek Academy, I will take you into the academy. Here, please put your temper aside and show yourself as beautiful and dignified as possible. After all, we are here this time so that you can marry the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion."

Ye Yulin said solemnly, taking Xu Tianzhen into the city. Because the soul guide car was so high-end and prosperous, passers-by frequently turned around in surprise.

Xu Tianzhen sat on the soul guidance car and didn't care:
"Master Yulin, is it really that exaggerated to say that Su Qingfeng has become the Lord of Douluo Continent at the age of fifteen? Isn't it an exaggeration?"

Ye Yulin said lightly: "I don't know. In the past two years, I have been studying soul guidance devices with great concentration. I hope to improve my realm. I don't pay too much attention to external things, and I have never met this legendary boy. But based on Jing Hongchen and the others' experiences, Look, Su Qingfeng is most likely to have real talent and learning, especially since even Mr. Kong has visited Shrek Academy, so things are the general trend."

"Even if Su Qingfeng is very talented and gifted, he wouldn't let me, the only princess, come to his door for him to choose, right? It's really too much, huh. Hey, I heard that he is very handsome, is that true? If you are really good-looking, then I will just accept it and accept it."

Xu Tianzhen fantasized about everything about Su Qingfeng in her mind. Before coming, she collected a lot of information about Su Qingfeng. The more praise she received, the more curious she became.

Ye Yulin nodded: "I heard that everyone who has seen him is amazed by him. Girls fall in love with him and beautiful women lose their souls. He must have a good appearance. I heard that Jing Hongchen's nymphomaniac granddaughter is obsessed with Su Qingfeng. If the princess If we can't successfully marry Su Qingfeng, we will have no choice but to stay in Shrek Academy and study, and then the empire may let Meng Hongchen try."

Xu Tianzhen raised her lips: "She can't compare to me, a brainless woman, hum."

Ye Yulin's old face was a little speechless: There are some things I can't say openly. Princess Tianzhen, you and Meng Hongchen are really the same. I'm afraid you won't be any better than Meng Hongchen when you see me.


Of course, the Sun and Moon Empire was not the only one sending princesses to come for marriage or to come to Shrek to learn.

The Star Luo Empire directly sent the princess Xu Jiujiu, who held a certain amount of real power, and the little princess Xu Yun, who was favored by the emperor.

The Tianhun Empire heard that Princess Wei Na and the outstanding disciple Mu Xue of the Protector Sect had met Su Qingfeng and fell in love with them. With the attitude of giving it a try, they also sent them over to congratulate them.

I'm afraid that this is the only case in Douluo Continent's hundreds of thousands of years of history where major empires and forces are vying to marry off princesses.

The targets pursued by the major imperial forces are still in dire straits at this time, and are being pressured by several goddesses in the sea of ​​​​spirits, hoping to be bombarded...

(End of this chapter)

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