Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 279: The injustice between the ice and snow girls; who should Su Qingfeng marry?

Chapter 279: The injustice between the ice and snow girls; who should Su Qingfeng marry?
"Lord Star Lord, this time it really cannot be justified. I feel sorry for my sister Snow Emperor and me!"

In Su Qingfeng's dazzling spiritual sea, the Ice Emperor could no longer bear it and tried to call Su Qingfeng's soul in.

"what happened?"

"Master Star Master, tell me yourself, do Sister Snow Emperor and I have meritorious service? Are we the first batch of soul beasts to sacrifice everything for you? Do you admit it?"

"Admit it, thank you very much."

"Then it doesn't make sense. Those of us who sincerely follow the Star Master are still fighting the orphans and widows on the Pole Star, and we are still lining up. Why did that tree climb first? We feel aggrieved!"

As the Ice Emperor uttered resentful words, the Snow Emperor's exquisite face was filled with pity, and he repeated: "Well, I'm very wronged!"


During this time, Su Qingfeng was still digesting the newly acquired power of the pole star. At this time, he was a little dazed when he heard the complaints of the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor.

In the sea of ​​​​spirits, other main soul beasts of Pole Star were a little curious. Mr. Xiong wiped his head:
"What do Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor mean? Are you blaming Star Lord? Are you going to rebel? Then I can't spare them!"

"Oh, you stupid bear, you'd better stay on your pole star and don't embarrass yourself. It's obvious that the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor beauty are not satisfied with their desires. They are really big fools."

Guagua lay on the Earth Pole Star and said calmly.

The Red King, the Ten Thousand Demon King and others laughed and said nothing.

Mr. Xiong slapped his head and said angrily: "You little sweet potato, do I need you to remind me? How can I be smarter than a little sweet potato like you? I am trying to adjust the atmosphere. Do you understand? Ahem!"

"Do you want any compensation?"

Su Qingfeng rubbed her temples and asked.

"Hehe, it's actually very simple. I just want the Star Master to come and spend the night on our Ice Pole Star tonight, and help the Star Master absorb the ice attribute soul bones. It's no big deal."

A knowing smile appeared on the Ice Emperor's face.

Emperor Xue immediately understood: "Well, that's it!"

For the sake of the soul bone, Su Qingfeng's spirit body came to the Ice Pole Star that night.

Reaching this state is the best time to absorb soul bones.

After several years of accumulation and waiting, the dawn will finally come.

But unexpectedly, just when the two sisters, Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor, were planning to help Su Qingfeng practice, a menacing silver dragon head looked down at them:

Hi? As if I don't exist?

Immediately afterwards, a stunning silver girl joined them.

This is a charge between spirit and body, spirit and spirit.

Su Qingfeng was shocked: ('')Ya Zhudie!

In the early morning, when Su Qingfeng woke up from her sleep, she rested for a long time before coming back to her senses.

If he hadn't reached the pinnacle of the continent and controlled the twelve major attribute powers, he would have been unable to support three souls by one person.

Opening the window, bright sunlight poured in, making the whole room much warmer. The weather was good today.

Pushing open the door, Su Qingfeng stretched, thinking that he had finally broken through the title realm, had almost invincible strength in the world, and could usher in a period of leisurely and free life.

Su Qingfeng had planned that the people he slept with must be held responsible to the end. Although some of them forced him to sleep with him, and some were just obsessed with his appearance, since it happened, he would give them a choice to be together.

Su Qingfeng thought that the person she was most sorry for was Jiang Nannan. She took away their first time, and the first time was so intense. It was something he did when he was possessed by the devil, so he must give her a place.

Secondly, there are Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, and Gu Yuena. Even Fengling and Ye Xishui can't just let it go. They are strong now. If they are willing to stay, they should train these two rich people. Women, it would be good for them to be wet nurses for their children in the future.

At that time, he will be the head of the family. He will use the powerful nurturing ability of the pole star to plant some heavenly and earthly treasures in exchange for daily necessities, and just live happily with them every day.

This is Su Qingfeng's beautiful fantasy...

As soon as he came out of the room, he saw several old men looking at him solemnly.

Su Qingfeng was a little confused and touched his head:
"Teacher, Mr. Song, Mr. Zhuang, why are you here again? It's so early in the morning."

Su Qingfeng, who got up early, has a lazy and confused look, which makes people want to hug her and love her deeply.

"Qingfeng, have you seen those things?" Mr. Mu smiled and pointed to the center of the yard.

Su Qingfeng took a closer look and saw that half of his yard was filled with rare treasures. A single luminous pearl exposed outside was as big as a palm!

Su Qingfeng rubbed his eyes: "What is that?"

"Haha, Holy Son, what do you think?"

"A gift from all the elders to seal my account?"

Su Qingfeng asked.

The smiles of the elders became even wider and they shook their heads: "No, guess again."

"It's not a gift from those outside who want to see me, is it?"

Su Qingfeng asked tentatively. Su Qingfeng still had some self-awareness about his own charm.

After the Poseidon Dating Conference, his audience was not only female, but also a bunch of fans and uncles. Some political bigwigs and business tycoons even spent hundreds of millions of dollars just to meet Su Qingfeng.

Similarly, many literary figures and musicians in the literary world also regard Su Qingfeng as their idol, and they are willing to spend their entire lives to meet Su Qingfeng.

Although Su Qingfeng rejected most of them, he only had contact with a few big bosses from major empires. They perfected Su Qingfeng's poems and music and then spread them.

Mr. Zhuang clapped his hands:

"The Holy Son is indeed smart. He was indeed sent by those from outside."

"But this gift is a 'betrothal gift'."

Mr. Song stood up, walked to the red gift boxes and boxes, and introduced Su Qingfeng:

"This is the betrothal gift brought by Star Douluo Ye Yulin, who represents the Sun and Moon Empire. The Sun and Moon Empire hopes that you can marry their only direct princess, Xu Tianzhen."

"Speaking of which, I admired this Ye Yulin in the past. He was one of the three super soul masters of the Sun and Moon Empire. But now, fortunately, the Holy Son has not been granted the title of Star! Who is this Ye Yulin! He dares to grant the title of Star? Bah! Let him change his account immediately!"

Old Xuan had a bad temper and snorted.

"Alright, Mr. Xuan, please be patient." Mr. Zhuang comforted him with a smile.

People are in high spirits when happy events happen, and several old people seem to be in good condition.

"Here, here, here are the betrothal gifts from the Heavenly Soul Empire, the Star Luo Empire, and the Dou Ling Empire..."

"There are also those from Dilongmen, Xishui League, and Pingfan League..."

"Oh, by the way, there are also these. From the Qibao Glazed Sect, they heard that this child Ning Tian had a relationship with you before, so they are willing to give you Wu Feng and Nanmen Yun'er as dowry maids."

Mr. Song told Su Qingfeng the origins of these gifts one by one.

Su Qingfeng quickly interrupted: "Mr. Song, wait a minute, I have had contact with Ning Tian, ​​not a relationship, okay?"

"Hahaha, it was the old woman who made a slip of the tongue, but there will always be a relationship in the future. It's hard to refuse the kindness of all the girls!"

Mr. Song smiled and sat back in the pavilion.

"So, Qingfeng, what do you think? Everyone's enthusiasm is so high that it's hard to refuse. The major royal families are even willing to let their princesses serve as maids and concubines for you. This is unprecedented in the entire empire, and you are the only one , I don’t know how to reject them.”

"You choose."

Mr. Mu threw the problem to Su Qingfeng.

Mr. Xuan joked: "If I look at it, they all want to get married so much, it's better for the Holy Son to marry them all."

Mr. Zhuang looked around Su Qingfeng, with a knowing expression on his face:

"With the Holy Son's current physical condition and strength, maybe he can marry them all, but he won't be as weak as he was two years ago."

Su Qingfeng had a dark look on his face: "Do you think I'm a big stallion?"

In the sea of ​​​​spirits, Gu Yuena stared at Su Qingfeng with a pair of silver eyes, with a murderous look:
"If you dare to hold a wedding with someone else first, you'll be doomed!"

(End of this chapter)

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