Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 305 Su Qingfeng’s Divine Residence: Immortal Mountain, Immortal Palace

Chapter 305 Su Qingfeng’s Divine Residence: Immortal Mountain, Immortal Palace
With the support of the God King of Destruction and the support of the Goddess Alliance headed by the Goddess of Life, Su Qingfeng was unprecedented in history and was named the number one young god in the God Realm by the committee.

A mortal body, a soul master who has never passed the divine examination, has been unanimously recognized, strongly supported and praised by the gods!

He was even given the right to vote on the God Realm Committee. This is unprecedented in the entire history of the God Realm!

Regarding the matter of "Establishing Su Qingfeng as the Young God of the God Realm", the God Realm Committee also specially held a meeting of the God Realm Committee to discuss this matter.

According to usual practice, a high-level meeting of the God Realm Committee should be held to discuss decisions related to the entire God Realm. The five God Kings should be gathered together to discuss it.

But this time, the three god kings Tang San, Destruction, and Life unanimously reached a tacit understanding. In this case, they just sent a priest to find the evil and kind god kings and inform them on their behalf.

Moreover, the text reveals a sense of understatement, describing Su Qingfeng's world-class figure as much as possible with words such as 'just discovered', 'possibility of becoming a god', 'reluctantly making an exception to become a god's cultivator' Downplay it to avoid attracting the attention of the evil and kind god-kings, but let them know about it.

After that, the three god kings immediately decided that the [Immortal Mountain] outside the God Realm Committee Mountain Range, which had never been allocated to gods as territory, was allocated to Su Qingfeng as his residence.

This Immortal Mountain is very close to the God Realm Committee. It belongs to the First Ring of Divine Mansion. The energy of heaven and earth is very abundant, and the environment is beautiful and surrounded by fairy mist.

It is said that this is the cave where a primitive god who fell in ancient times lived in the divine world. This primitive god has a very high status in the divine world. Legend has it that this primitive god, like the goddess of destruction and life, was the first batch of Gods, known as immortals, are the first bells and spirits in heaven and earth, and the spirits of all things are immortals.

Later, he lamented the harsh environment of the world and the hardships of life's growth, and finally dissipated his original divine power and sent down the vitality of the world to expand and optimize the living space of the gods and major planes. This is how the theory of heaven, earth, treasures, and bell spirit secret realm came about .

Although it has fallen, the gods respect the fearlessness and selflessness of the immortal gods. For millions of years, no gods have lived in this immortal mountain.

Now that Su Qingfeng has arrived, the spirit of immortality emerging from his body and his peerless figure make the gods feel that Immortal Mountain has finally welcomed its second owner.

Most of the gods agreed to Su Qingfeng's move into Immortal Mountain, but there was only one whose face could not be happy at all.

She is the God of Arrogance.

The person who sent Su Qingfeng to Immortal Mountain was the Goddess of Life, accompanied by Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and the God of Arrogance.

On the bluestone brick road filled with white mist, there are rows of green maple trees planted on both sides. They sway with the breeze, and occasionally one or two pieces fall down.

The God of Arrogance was displeased and said:
"The Immortal Mountain is good, but Xiao Qingfeng should come back to the Ao Shenlin with me. We have competed in the competition. Things that have been agreed upon a long time ago can change at any time. Do you recognize the scabbard and the God of Speed?"

Zhu Zhuqing said calmly: "I admit it, I'm willing to admit defeat, but this is the decision of the God Realm Committee, and I have no right to interfere."

"Don't call me Scabbard, do you want to die?"

Xiao Wu snorted and had a strong opinion of the Arrogant God:
"You also said that it was too bold to force Xiao Qingfeng to the God Realm. Although Sister Xiao Wu appreciates your behavior, the committee did not lock you up on the cliff and think about it for two or three years. You secretly enjoyed it. Well, otherwise, you still want to come and send Xiao Qingfeng into the house? You are just talking nonsense!"


The arrogant god crossed his arms and dismissed it. Although what Xiao Wu said made sense, the reality was far from what she expected.

Now that Su Qingfeng is moving into Immortal Mountain, let alone getting married to the Holy Son together, it would be nice to see him every day from now on.

"Okay, don't argue anymore. Just bring it. You don't need to blame yourself for being arrogant."

The goddess of life spoke at this time, walking in front.

Xiao Wu muttered: "Blame yourself? She doesn't blame herself, she's just an arrogant guy."

"Qingfeng, this fairy mountain has not been inhabited by gods for a long time. Although people are sent to clean it every year, it has been several months since the last cleaning. If necessary, I can call a few priests to help. You clean.”

The goddess of life said with concern as she led Su Qingfeng up the climbing stairs.

"No, no, I won't bother you priests. I'm a mortal, so I'd better do it myself." Su Qingfeng said quickly, following behind the goddess of life.

Just kidding, if you are new here and not familiar with the place, you don’t know if the gods will be harmful to you, so it is better to have less contact with some gods.

The three goddesses behind him were enough for him to drink a pot.

Climbing the mountain step by step, Su Qingfeng felt a little tired after walking only a few steps. The more he went up, the greater the pressure. After walking only a few dozen steps, Su Qingfeng, who had a ninety-seventh level of soul power, felt a little tired. Unable to hold on, he almost fell backwards.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhuqing quickly put his palm on Su Qingfeng's back and smiled slightly: "Be careful, you have just come to the God Realm, you may not be able to adapt to the pressure of the world here."

Immediately, Zhu Zhuqing waved a pair of light wings from his fingertips. In an instant, Su Qingfeng felt that his body was much lighter and his steps became faster.

"Qingfeng, be careful. You don't have to be polite. Our God Realm has never welcomed a young man like you in all these years. It's worth the hard work of the gods." The goddess of life said with a smile.

"We can just come. I've long heard that Immortal Mountain is one of the best mansions in the God Realm. It's a good time to see it. What's more, Xiao Qingfeng is my youngest son-in-law. My mother-in-law comes to clean the house, so it's appropriate." Xiao Wu volunteered.

Zhu Zhuqing also said: "My hands and feet are quick and suitable for housework. If necessary, Xiao Qingfeng can call me at any time. This is my summoning order."

She directly took out a token in the shape of a magical cat and floated it in front of Su Qingfeng.

The God of Arrogance sneered: "Two flattering girls can only do these menial chores. What's the use?"

"My dear husband, look at me. A wife should warm her own bed."

The God of Arrogance said seriously.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were speechless: Good guy? It's not humble if you warm the bed, right? !
"If I remember correctly, the one who warms the bed is a maid, right? You are still a wife, so don't take advantage of my little son-in-law. If my Xiaoqi allows it in the future, I can consider taking you as a concubine and a maid."

Xiao Wu responded immediately, causing the arrogant god to look angry.

Just as they were about to raise their hands to teach Xiao Wu a lesson, they saw the goddess of life looking back at them and saying coldly:
"Okay, Immortal Mountain, don't make any noise.

Also, you should also pay attention to how you call Qingfeng. The committee has appointed him as the young god. You should respect the future members of the committee and call him the young god. Instead of calling him a 'little son-in-law' or 'little husband', what's the point of it? "

"Xiao Wu, you are also a mother. I also like Xiao Qi's child, but she has not held a wedding yet, nor is she engaged. How can you ignore Xiao Qi's reputation and just publicize it like this?"

"Arrogance, the same goes for you. Don't talk nonsense about things that haven't happened."

In this world of gods, the goddess of life is probably the only one who can scold the gods and the wives of the god kings.

Xiao Wu and Arrogance were also stunned. Unexpectedly, the goddess of life looked quite serious today, not as gentle as usual, as if she had been stepped on by thunder.

However, let me call you Young God. Goddess, you are not as close as you say, Qingfeng~ Qingfeng’s~

Immortal Mountain is located on the top of Immortal Mountain. With Zhu Zhuqing's speed boost, Su Qingfeng soon arrived at the main gate of the mansion under the leadership of the goddess of life.

However, there were still slight beads of sweat on Su Qingfeng's forehead, and she was panting a little, looking up and forward.

A graceful and graceful courtyard appeared in front of the eyes, with the white jade divine pillar and three large characters appearing on the fairy plaque:

【Fairy God's Court】

(End of this chapter)

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