Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 306 The fragile young god with delicate skin and tender flesh

Chapter 306 The fragile young god with delicate skin and tender flesh

"Qingfeng, this is the Young God's residence assigned to you by the committee - Immortal God's Court. Are you satisfied with it?"

Standing high on the mountain peak, the goddess of life pointed at the building shrouded in fairy mist in front of her and asked.

I saw the beautiful mountains and clear waters, the pavilions in an orderly manner, and the perimeter of the courtyard was covered with a layer of light that overflowed with golden light. It looked like an immortal mansion.

"It's nice to look at, but the mountain is too high, and this mansion doesn't even have a gate. Doesn't it mean that others can come in and leave whenever they want?"

Su Qingfeng panted and said, "He has not recovered since he came up from the mountain. In the God Realm, he is like a commoner on Douluo Continent. His fighting ability and physical strength are not enough."

In addition, this Immortal Palace has no doors in all directions, all are avenues. How is this possible?

In this way, not to mention other gods, just talking about Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and the God of Arrogance, with unrestricted access and exit, may be enough to turn the lake where the rivers originally gathered into a desert dry land.

Having suffered too much in this regard, Su Qingfeng had to think about it and be cautious.

Unexpectedly, Su Qingfeng's worry made the goddess of life smile slightly:
"Qingfeng, you are worrying too much."

"Our God Realm attaches great importance to the personal privacy of the gods. No unauthorized intrusion into the gods' territory is allowed, and this Immortal Court will naturally be no exception."

"This is the divine order of the Immortal God's Court. With it, you can control the inside and outside of the Immortal God's Court. Except for the God King, any other gods need your approval and consent before they can enter the light shield."

"Furthermore, with this divine order, you can activate the Immortal God's Protector's Formation. After all, this Immortal God is also the original god. It is said that this Protector's formation can be suppressed even by the Lord God, even though you have no divine power. , but keeping most of the gods out for a while shouldn't be a problem.

If a god wants to force his way in, the committee is not far away. If there is a conflict, the god king of the committee will come after hearing the news and punish him, so don't worry. "

The words of the goddess of life were not only to inform Su Qingfeng, but also to warn the goddesses such as Arrogance.

This is the realm of gods, you and other goddesses should not act recklessly and act recklessly! Only I can do it!

After receiving the Immortal God's order, he activated the protective shield of the Immortal God's Court, and saw a powerful barrier appearing. A wispy Immortal God evolved over the courtyard, and was about to deliver a shocking blow. Su Qingfeng felt relieved.

After entering the Fairy God's Court, I found that many places in the court were covered with fallen leaves and overgrown vegetation, and needed to be taken care of.

What surprised Su Qingfeng even more was that the fallen leaves and trees inside were like sharp weapons!
While cleaning, Su Qingfeng just leaned over and picked up a maple leaf. He just wanted to tear it open and see the difference between the maple leaves in the divine world. Unexpectedly, he accidentally stabbed it into his palm and drew a bloody mark!
Seeing this scene, Xiao Wu quickly ran over, held Su Qingfeng's hand and blew it on her, saying distressedly:

"Little... Young God, please be careful. You are a tender-skinned one. Don't be curious about everything. This is the God Realm, not the Douluo Continent. It's so painful to be cut."

"Yes, we can just clean it. You should rest or practice. There is abundant energy of heaven and earth in the Immortal God's Court. Practice with peace of mind. You should be able to break through soon."

When Zhu Zhuqing saw the blood on Su Qingfeng's palm, a distressed look appeared on his brows, and he immediately took out his treasured magic medicine to apply it.

This is her man, if she doesn't love him, who will? Count on those horny goddesses?
A healing power floated over and landed on Su Qingfeng's hand. Soon, the wound healed.

It turns out that the goddess of life took action.

Dressed in green neon clothes, she stood among the mountains, rivers and courtyards. She seemed to be the most dignified woman in the world. Her every move had the aura of a mother caring for the world.

The care in her eyes made even Su Qingfeng feel that she was as peaceful as a mother, without any selfish desires.

But who would have thought that the leader of the Goddess Alliance would actually want to have a child with Su Qingfeng?

I saw the goddess of life frowning slightly, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes:
This child is handsome, but his body is too weak. How can he have a child with such a weak body?

I'm afraid I have to let this child take good care of his body and become a god as soon as possible. The goddess of life has done a lot of research on fertility. For hundreds of thousands of years, she has been cultivating plants and small creatures to get a glimpse of the fertility methods of humans and gods.

She discovered something amazing.

Male and female partners must be in love with each other, have equal physical strength and sympathies, and their energy is not cut off.

Like Xiao Zi, who was born with a destructive thunder, was born with no sperm, and acquired a destructive sperm, and has completely lost her fertility.

Like civilians who cannot practice, most of them are in the normal range. The activity of men and women is about the same, but there are exceptions, such as tadpoles that cannot swim.

In the opinion of the goddess of life, if the man is slightly stronger than the woman, it is the best match.

If it is too strong, it will be destroyed. If it is too weak, it will not enter. It's hard to have children.

"The God of Speed ​​is right, Qingfeng, the top priority is that you should work hard to cultivate your behavior and become a god as soon as possible, so that you can gain a foothold in the divine world."

"Otherwise, Qingfeng, every plant and tree in this divine world can hurt you. If you encounter bad weather, heavy rain may even make countless holes in your weak body. If the wind is stronger, you will be killed. Blown away.”

The goddess of life joked, with a hint of truth in the joke.

In order to have a beautiful baby with this boy as soon as possible, she had to personally urge him to practice!
"The goddess of life is right, husband...if the young god needs it, I have a lot of cultivation treasures there. You can come and sit with me when you have time. Well, I can bring it to you tomorrow!"

The God of Arrogance echoed that she also wanted to see Su Qingfeng become stronger, and it would be best to quickly reach the peak level of a second-level god.

The large group of crazy gods outside can't defeat him, so they can't harass him, but as the main god, I can still suppress him and ride on him!

Moreover, this poor little guy has difficulty breathing in the God Realm, and he can't even take two steps without gasping for air. It makes God feel bad to see him.

Su Qingfeng almost burst into tears when she saw the pity and sympathy shown by several goddesses for the weak.

Who can bear this?

No wonder Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were able to get him to do anything they wanted.

After living under the pressure of the God Realm all year round and using high-strength items and tools, even ordinary people can easily defeat powerful soul masters of level 30 or 40 when they return to Douluo Continent.

But Su Qingfeng, the master of the Douluo Continent, the majestic Supreme Saint Son of Shrek, who has the strength to crush the Ultimate Douluo, is now regarded as a weak 'Sister Lin' by them. It is simply a great shame and humiliation!

I want to be stronger!

Take control of your life!

I want to control my little brother!
Su Qingfeng's heart was filled with fighting spirit again.

He knew in his heart that he was in danger now.

The gods were watching him.

There is also the Tang Shenwang family who covets her.

It can be said that he is surrounded by wolves, tigers and leopards are spying on him, and he is surrounded by dangers!
"With the protection of this Immortal Palace, from now on, I will be in seclusion! Only when I break the shackles and become a great god can I leave the world of gods!"

Su Qingfeng's eyes were extremely determined!
(End of this chapter)

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