Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 307: Overhauling is a pain in the ass, but minor repairs are pleasant.

Chapter 307: Overhauling is a pain in the ass, but minor repairs are pleasant.
The sacred branches and leaves will hurt your hands.

The stones and firewood are a bit heavy.

The round table on the stone pier cannot be moved.

A leisurely stroll is better than a quick run of three thousand miles.

When Su Qingfeng first arrived in the God Realm, he felt a lot of pressure and suffered a lot, as if life was always against him.

He was like a terminally ill weak scholar, as if a gentle punch could knock him down and fall to the ground crying...

Seeing that Su Qingfeng was unable to take care of himself, the three goddesses Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Arrogance all volunteered to move to the Immortal Court to take care of Su Qingfeng's daily life.

Finally, the goddess of life decided to clean up a house in the south courtyard of Immortal God Courtyard and live there permanently.

Su Qingfeng's room was in the main house in the east courtyard, which was also the best-located house in the Immortal Courtyard, covering an area of ​​500 square meters.

Because no gods have lived in it for a long time, the interior is full of dust and looks very simple. There is a spacious bed that can accommodate ten people sleeping at the same time, and some beautiful landscape buildings, all made of fairy jade, which are very precious. .

After sitting on the peak of Immortal Mountain and practicing for just an hour, the rich energy of heaven and earth surged from the peak and was instilled into Su Qingfeng.

Su Qingfeng only felt that his body was fuller than ever before, and his soul veins received a huge impact. Under this level of heaven and earth energy, his original soul power channel seemed a bit narrow, so he was constantly being expansion.

With a buzz, his soul power level reached the ninety-eighth peak Douluo level.

If it were placed on Douluo Continent, even for a genius in the academy, it would be extremely difficult to break through from level ninety-seven to level ninety-eight. It could take anywhere from a few years to decades to hundreds of years, or even all living beings would be stuck. at this level.

But in the God Realm, even if you don't practice deliberately, you may be able to break through in just a few steps.

At this time, the three gods Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Arrogance had just come down the mountain. They were taken away by their friends and relatives and questioned.

Tang San pulled Xiao Wu to a mountain peak near the God Realm Committee.

Ning Rongrong immediately found Zhu Zhuqing and asked her sisters about everything about Su Qingfeng.

The God of Arrogance was also surrounded by members of the Seven Gods of Original Sin, asking about Su Qingfeng.

When they went down the mountain, they were surprised to find that the gods did not disperse just because Su Qingfeng settled on his residence. Instead, they gathered at the top of the mountain near Immortal Mountain.

Some of them are goddesses in the divine world themselves, and some are relatives, sisters, and even wives of other gods.

For example, the God of Healing and the God of Death are the wives of the God of Emotions, Rong Nianbing, whose real names are Kao and Tianxiang respectively.

They were all Rong Nian Bing's true love, and even lost their cultivation for him. Later, they followed Rong Nian Bing to the God Realm and cultivated their divine bodies.

The God of Healing was originally called the God of Life in their plane, but when he came to the God Realm and conflicted with the name of the Goddess of Life, he changed his name to the God of Healing.

Seeing the starry sky suddenly shining on the Immortal Mountain, the twinkling stars made the gods outside the mountain widen their eyes:
"Young God broke through so quickly?"

"Is this the young god's ability? Such a strong elemental power. On our plane, even the Magic God Son might not be as good as him."

"Those stars...are the weapons of our young god?"

"I'm speechless. You miscellaneous gods who like Xianyun Yehe don't even know about martial arts? Tang San, the hometown of the Tang God King on the committee, uses martial spirits as his power."

"Oh, that's it. But with all due respect, Tang Shenwang's martial spirit doesn't seem to be very strong. I haven't seen him use it very much. He only knows about the Poseidon Trident and the Shura Divine Sword, which are strong." "But." ...These stars give me the feeling...Why do I always feel that there is a special power? There are at least twelve kinds of elemental powers on them, which is more than the seven elemental gods combined. His achievements will not be lower in the future. Great God Rong Nian Bing!”

When the gods saw the stars twinkling on the Immortal Mountain for the first time, their eyes widened. They were frightened by the Pole Star Martial Spirit and attracted by the ethereal young man's shadow, and started talking about it.

A steady stream of heaven and earth energy poured into Su Qingfeng's body, and was even instilled into the Pole Star. The richness of the heaven and earth energy here has far exceeded that of Douluo Continent, both in terms of quality and quantity.

Su Qingfeng did not stop breaking through. After his soul power reached level ninety-eight, he used this momentum to continue absorbing the energy of heaven and earth. Two hours later, he broke through again. His level actually reached the ultimate level in the world: level ninety-nine Extreme Douluo Realm. !
In the end, the goddess of life slowly stepped up the stairs to the mountain and pulled Su Qingfeng back, who was immersed in the breakthrough:
"Qingfeng, don't be anxious. Although my sister also hopes that you will become stronger as soon as possible, you can't rush for success."

"The energy of heaven and earth pours into your body in a short period of time. Once the mortal body cannot bear it, you will be seriously injured at least, or your body will explode and die."

The goddess of life held Su Qingfeng's hand, walked through the bluestone steps from the top of the mountain, and returned to the Immortal God's Court.

Although practice is important, it must be done in moderation. Don’t be greedy for practice!
"Let's not be in a hurry. We will practice every day. Today we will break through to level one, and tomorrow we will break through to demigod. In three days we will study the matter of inheriting the godhead, and in one month we will become the main god. Take your time~"

The goddess of life touched Su Qingfeng's handsome face, her eyes full of love.

If other gods heard this, their faces would definitely twitch: Do you call this impatient? !


Outside the mountain, Tang San was distracted from the reflection of the starry sky, looking at Xiao Wu with a serious face and a hint of complaint:

"Xiao Wu, I sent the entire academy, including my parents, to help you, but you still couldn't recruit Su Qingfeng? What's wrong with you?"

That was the best opportunity to draw Su Qingfeng into the Tang family. Now that he had come to the God Realm, he would be in trouble without confirming the relationship!
Xiao Wu was unreasonable and confident: "Are you blaming me? Why don't you go alone if you are so good? Men always like to blame women if they can't do it themselves, bah!
If you were powerful and had the ability to pronounce the sentence on your own, wouldn't it be great if you accepted Xiao Qingfeng as your personal disciple and betrothed Xiao Qixu to him? I don’t dare, but I have the nerve to blame me. Get a divorce! snort! "

Xiao Wu crossed her arms, but she couldn't tolerate Tang San anymore.

Tang San was scolded by Xiao Wu and let out a deep breath. Being angry would affect his image. If he wasn't angry, he would be suffocating. If it weren't for his wife, he would definitely be sent to the road of death!

"Okay, okay, you're right. Let's discuss it. It's nothing to discuss about divorce. Do you also want to imitate Zhuqing? Xiao Wu, I can tell you that this kind of thing is shameful. If you dare to cheat like Zhuqing, I Just...I will..."

"How about it? Beat me to death? Then I'll cheat on you. How about it? Beat me to death!"

Xiao Wu put her hands on her hips and hummed.

"Xiao Wu, don't make trouble. This kind of joke is not funny. The top priority is that we should find a way to closer our relationship with Su Qingfeng."

Tang San was shocked by the impatient Xiao Wu and quickly comforted him.

Xiao Wu raised her head proudly: "Huh, you didn't do it. It's not that I didn't let you beat me to death. If you want to beat me in the future, you can't."

"Okay, okay, how could I hit you?"

"But Xiao Wu, you just reminded me. What you just said is right. I can accept this Su Qingfeng as my disciple. In addition, he already has an intersection with Xiao Qi in Douluo Continent. I should recruit him as my son-in-law in the future. Easier."

"Well, I have to send a message to my parents right away and ask them to take Xiao Qi back to the God Realm."

Tang San also made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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