Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 361 Haochen, this is mom’s second spring!

Chapter 361 Haochen, this is mom’s second spring! (big chapter)
"Haochen...the alliance, what happened?"

"The power that just erupted was so powerful that it made me feel a little uneasy."

"With your current strength, will you get heart palpitations from this? Then the other party's strength may have reached more than 990,000 spiritual powers."

The young man is tall, handsome, and extremely good-looking, adding color to his gaze.

Next to him, followed a beautiful woman with purple hair.

They were Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er.

After the Demon God War, Long Haochen's connection with the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation was further strengthened, and he also possessed a certain degree of creative power, and his strength was not weaker than that of the gods.

After all, that is the throne left by the Creator God, the father of all the gods in the divine world, and it is the first super artifact.

Sheng Cai'er's realm has also reached level nine and level six. Coupled with the power of death inherited from Yi Lao, she has a god-level skill - the seven skills of the god of death, which is enough to defeat the strong men above level nine and level nine.

Therefore, Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er are currently recognized as the first and second strongest people in the Temple Alliance.

Although she was surprised by the young man's strength and starry air quality, Sheng Cai'er still put the death sickle on Su Qingfeng's neck.

"How dare you? Long Haochen! Take care of your wife. Do you want to kill your father?"

Su Qingfeng had not yet made any move, but Bai Yue and Chen Yinger became anxious first.

"Mom...Mom, what are you talking about? What does killing him have to do with patricide?"

Long Haochen ran over and shouted.

He stripped away the damage from the divine skill, thus causing everyone and everything in the entire Temple Alliance to be petrified at this time, but the structure was not destroyed.

What a terrifying power this is. It can petrify and seal the huge Temple Alliance, so many ninth-level powerhouses, and even the Divine Seal Knights in just a moment!

Those eyes made Sheng Cai'er, who had always been cold, feel an inexplicable feeling, and her mind was a little disturbed. The young man's temperament was so good.

"Can't you see? He is an enemy of the alliance. Kill him and everyone will recover." Sheng Cai'er said coldly.

Su Qingfeng also slowly landed on the ground at this time. Just now, he released the magical skill of the Earth Immortal Star - Earth Star Tianlin.

In the streets and alleys, everyone and everything were petrified. Some people were still talking and laughing, and some were still eating in the canteen. They were frozen in that moment.

The young man was standing on the petrified Divine Seal Throne. As they arrived, he was also looking at her.

Bai Yue shouted sternly, this daughter-in-law is simply too much, she actually wants to kill Master Qingfeng!

"Mom, Chen Yinger!"

This murderer destroyed the entire Temple Alliance? !

Bai Yue also took a step forward:
"Cai'er, what do you want to do?"

The eyes seem to contain the universe, which is fascinating.

"And all the seniors from the alliance!"

Bai Yue took the initiative to hug Su Qingfeng's arm, with a happy look on his face. This scene looked unique in this petrified castle.

But the buildings in the alliance were not damaged at all.

There were two women beside the boy who were also safe and sound.

If you keep an eye on him now, he will push you back sooner or later.

Long Haochen was about to turn to stone:

Even Sheng Cai'er's indifferent eyes showed a strange color, and she couldn't help but think:

Chen Ying'er actually mustered up the courage. She had never dared to confront Sheng Cai'er, an indifferent assassin before, and now she wanted to push Sheng Cai'er away because of Su Qingfeng.

A huge and deathly gray sickle appeared directly in Sheng Caier's hand.

Sheng Cai'er stared at Su Qingfeng, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, because her grandfather Sheng Yue was also petrified and sealed by him.

"What exactly is going on?"

The two figures landed on the Temple Square. When they saw the people who were petrified in the square, even the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Formation was petrified, his and Sheng Cai'er's eyes changed instantly.

"Grandpa! Dad!"

The length of the handle of the Death Scythe alone is more than one foot, and the length of the one-foot-wide blade is also more than two meters long. On the blade, the gray crystal emits a soft halo like rippling water, and the gray light puffs out. The sharpness causes a large amount of black wind to appear around it.

Sheng Caier stared at the only boy in the square who was not petrified.

"Do you still need to ask? He should have done it. The news from the alliance is that two powerful demons are to be arrested, and he is probably one of them."

"What's more, this person is probably less than twenty years old, right? He's still wearing a mask and doesn't dare to show his true face. Mom, how can you be so devoted to him?"

Long Haochen recognized the two women immediately.

"Haochen, look at that person."

Long Haochen was startled. His mother was always gentle and rarely scolded him like this. This time she called out his full name angrily. It was obvious that her mother was angry!
"Can't you see? This is your stepfather."

But when they walked into the Temple Alliance, they were shocked by the conditions inside.

"Remove everyone's petrification state, otherwise, die."

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Step-father? What about my father, Long Xingyu? Who is he?"

"What's going on here!"

What is the charm of this young man? Even Aunt Bai Yue was bewitched by him?
"Long Xingyu? That can only be considered your biological father. If you recognize him, I can't say anything. If you recognize me, then listen to your mother and stand on your stepfather's side. It is the Temple Alliance that bullies you. Stepfather, do you understand? Sooner or later you will understand the charm of your stepfather!"

Bai Yue said seriously.

Long Haochen pointed at the surrounding environment and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"Mom, are you really sure that it was the Alliance people who bullied him, rather than him invading the entire Temple Alliance headquarters?"

Bai Yue smiled: "The bully was too weak and your stepfather fought back. Is this wrong?"

"Anyway, don't worry about it. Mom has found a second spring in life. It's the right path. Aren't you happy for mom?"

"My mind is very confused right now. Mom, please let me be quiet. I want to think about it."

Long Haochen rubbed his temples, his whole body was in a mess.

"Haochen, don't say any more. Aunt Bai Yue and Chen Ying'er must have been under some illusion or had their memories wiped. How could Aunt Bai Yue say such unscrupulous words?"

After Sheng Caier's reminder, Long Haochen's eyes lit up and he nodded firmly:

"Cai'er, you are right. As long as we capture this person and search his memory, we will know whether he is a good person or a bad person."

After reaching the state that Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er were at now, especially since they had inherited the magic of the undead and the power of the undead, they naturally had to search for souls all night long.

In an instant, strong spiritual energy fluctuations emerged from both Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er.

Sheng Cai'er's figure moved and took Bai Yue and Chen Ying'er away. The speed was so fast that Chen Ying'er didn't even react before she was tied up by the undead magic.

I remember that at the Tower of Eternity, Electrolux passed on the power of death to Saint Cai'er, and passed on all the light power of his Holy Son of Light to Long Haochen.

Together, the two surpassed Electrolux in its heyday.

[Light God Realm, open! 】

In this field, if the opponent's spiritual power is lower than the user's, all light attribute abilities will be deprived, and all light attributes will become useless! In this field, the user is a god!
Long Haochen's attack is a unique skill. He understands that the person who can make the alliance use the heaven-slaying and earth-destroying formation, several divine knights and ninth-level powerhouses to jointly attack and still be safe will not be weaker than him, so he should not be underestimated. !
【Sword of the King! 】

A seven-foot golden giant sword instantly appeared in Long Haochen's hand. It was nearly a foot wide. There were eighteen ridges on the blade. There were overlapping wings on the sword's hilt. The hilt was long and shining with eight colors. The light exudes the pure aura of the King of Light.

【Waltz of Divine Light! 】

This is Long Haochen's self-created peak skill, which is comparable to a divine skill.

The entire Temple Square has become his stage. The sword energy is everywhere, but the figure is very elegant, as if he is skating or dancing. The power that bursts out is very terrifying. There are almost no blind spots for hundreds of meters around him. The sword light annihilates everything.

The edge of the sword energy touched the petrified strong men, and even the petrified Earth Immortal Star was cut with tiny traces. Su Qingfeng's eyebrows twitched, and she thought that Long Haochen's strength was really impressive, and he was worthy of being the person who holds the Creation Throne.

The power of light that Yi Lao gave him was not simple at all. It had definitely reached the pinnacle of Douluo World, comparable to the god level.

However, Long Haochen is not the only one who has the power of light!

"Bai Yue said what should be said, and Bai Yue said what should not be said. I can only say that I am not a bad person, believe it or not."

Su Qingfeng said calmly.

Although he loves peace, he is not afraid of war.


In an instant, light suddenly appeared above the stars, and the golden-white fairy star shone brightly.

Su Qingfeng said calmly:

"Magical skill - the Holy Sword of Light."

A bright sword shrouded in super-god light appears. It flies from the bright fairy star, as if it can dispel all darkness and evil, kill evil spirits, and annihilate everything with the meaning of light!
The sword pierced the air, destroyed all enemy sword energy in its path, and slashed towards Long Haochen.

Long Haochen raised the King's Sword to resist, but unexpectedly he was struck by the bright holy sword. His whole body trembled, and he slid hundreds of meters, finally crashing into the building.

The King's Sword in his hand was actually split into pieces! Then it dissipated between heaven and earth.

Long Haochen's eyes showed a hint of surprise, the other party actually had the power of light!

And he is not affected by his Light God Realm!
What does this mean?
The other party's spiritual power is not lower than your own.

That means that the other party is likely to be a quasi-god, or even a real god!

The power of this cut is really too great.

This was also the first time Su Qingfeng used the magical skills after becoming a god after becoming a god. At this time, he finally had a general understanding of his own strength.


"Damn it, I want you to die!"

Seeing that Long Haochen was injured, Sheng Cai'er finally couldn't hold it any longer, looked for an opportunity from the darkness, and rushed out suddenly.

Even though her figure was nowhere to be hidden in the absolute light.

However, absolute death and absolute darkness can also annihilate light!

"The seventh secret of Death: Death is coming!"

With this attack, Sheng Cai'er was definitely filled with murderous intentions.

In the words of Tang Shenwang, Su Qingfeng already had a way to die.

Petrifying her grandfather and hurting Long Haochen were unforgivable crimes!

The Death Scythe buzzed violently, and then, a huge white figure appeared behind Cai'er.

Immediately afterwards, Cai'er herself disappeared. The huge figure held the death scythe and suddenly raised its head and glanced at Su Qingfeng.

At this glance, the sky turned into a vast white, and everything on the battlefield froze in an instant.

The white figure gradually turned into reality. It was a tall, handsome man who looked to be in his thirties. He has long gray hair hanging down, his eyes are also white, and he has white armor on his body. There was only a rhombus-shaped gray gem on the chest. The man in white raised the Death Sickle in his hand. All the gray air flow suddenly rushed towards the Death Sickle, and instantly turned into circles of white light that stagnated in the air.

Another magical skill.

Su Qingfeng's eyes flashed with starlight, and he said calmly:
"I also have the power of darkness and death."

[Dark magical skill: Cone of Darkness. 】

Su Qingfeng's figure is still floating somewhere.

But at this time, the starry sky behind him was no longer all bright, but there was a deep darkness, a realm of absolute darkness where no light could escape, and the Dark Star appeared.

A huge dark sky cone came from behind Su Qingfeng with lightning speed, even traveling through space, and actually penetrated the death god's body in an instant.

Momentarily, the remnant soul of the God of Death who had been summoned was filled with horror and shouted:

"Who the hell, you actually summoned the power of my god's soul to kill the young god? Don't let me know who you are!"



The figure of Death disappeared.

The girl's figure appeared in the sky, falling slowly like a kite with its string broken.

Su Qingfeng took a step forward, grabbed the girl's fair neck with one hand, and said calmly:

"Your courage is commendable. Although it is too morbid, I also admire your loyalty to your feelings. I will not kill you, but if you do it again, you will not be able to forgive..."


Just when Su Qingfeng was speaking, at that moment, Sheng Cai'er's mouth, dripping with blood, suddenly showed a forced smile:

"My loyalty, of course, is that you will never..."

[Death’s fourth skill, Death’s Kiss! 】

Sheng Cai'er actually hid another move secretly after the seventh skill. As a container, as long as he was close to Su Qingfeng's body, this move would be released from the center of his eyebrows!
The breath of death finally condenses on a point at the tip of the wind blade of the Death Scythe.

It bloomed from the center of her eyebrows and hit Su Qingfeng's mask between her eyebrows.

She originally wanted to say something sarcastic.

But at that moment when the mask shattered, a trace of blood began to seep from the center of the young man's peerless face.

Her cold heart suddenly panicked.

What I originally wanted to say that you can never get has become:

"You'll always have me!"

The boy's true appearance appeared in the human world, and Sheng Cai'er instantly became stunned.

I was stunned by that peerless appearance and was completely speechless.

Only then did Long Haochen stand up, clutching his chest, and saw Su Qingfeng's back to him, pinching Sheng Cai'er's neck.

"Ah, let go of the mining!!!"

Long Haochen shouted angrily, stepped on Jiuyue, and launched another attack:

【Kowloon Step】

【Sword of Life and Creation】

[The throne of eternity and the divine seal of creation appears! 】

【Shura Slash! 】

Long Haochen showed his full strength and slashed at Su Qingfeng's back.

But unexpectedly, Sheng Cai'er put up a defense and used all the remaining spiritual power to resist Long Haochen's attack:

Twelve Holy Guards, stop me!
Eternal armor, body protection!
She hugged Su Qingfeng and turned around, standing in front of him, preferring to bear the blow herself:
"Haochen, please don't hurt him."


Long Haochen was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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