Chapter 362 Rebel, you dare to fight anyone? (big chapter)
You really deserve to die!
How could she hurt him?

How could I use Death and Death's Kiss to attack and plot against him?

A kiss from death is worse than a kiss from yourself.

What kind of peerless beauty is this?

At a glance, the past and the future, the past and the future, seemed to be no longer important at that moment, and seemed to dissipate like smoke.

Sheng Cai'er was stunned.

How could the defensive skills she released in a hurry withstand Long Haochen's angry blow?

Eternal Shura slashed through the twelve holy guards and penetrated the eternal armor.

Even if Long Haochen hurriedly withdrew his strength, it was already too late.

The tip of the sword pierced into Sheng Cai'er's clothes, as if it was going to penetrate her body.

It can make people understand that they are still alive, they have their own consciousness, and they can even see everything in the outside world.

He ignored even whether Sheng Cai'er was injured or whether she had kissed her just now.

Su Qingfeng wiped her lips and felt that Sheng Caier's sweetness was still in her mouth. It was a little sweet and a little cold, and it felt weird.

Long Haochen couldn't help but complained and asked questions, making everyone who had been petrified burst into tears.

"Such an unparalleled young man, he seems to be a good person at first glance. He is spoiled and cherished even though it is too late. He is still yelling at him to be beaten and killed... The alliance made a mistake..."

Even Long Haochen subconsciously touched his face.

"That's... what he looks like... How could such a face exist in the world..."

At this time, Su Qingfeng was holding up a super golden shield. The shield was very thin, but indestructible. It stuck to Sheng Cai'er's back and actually blocked Long Haochen's attack, sending Long Haochen flying away.

Shengyue: Damn it, you look so awesome?
Granddaughter, come on!
This is the only son-in-law that Grandpa recognizes besides Long Haochen!
Li Xin: This is the one I’m looking for. He’s the only younger brother who far surpasses Haochen in appearance. He’s so handsome! This is the first time I want my brother to blow me up!
She's going crazy!

Is that the real face of that boy?
Maybe I saw it wrong.

It's a pity that no matter how handsome and beautiful he is, he is still just a mortal in appearance. Facing an immortal face like Su Qingfeng, he immediately feels ashamed.

"Are you crazy?"

A head of black hair, a pair of clear blue eyes, naturally soft eyebrows, big eyes, long eyelashes, a straight bridge of the nose, fair skin, and moderately thick lips. If she is a woman, she will be the most beautiful woman in the world. .

Now, when that face is exposed to the heaven and earth, it causes the heaven and earth to tremble, as if it is captivated by him, and a majestic vision appears.

Her body moved forward subconsciously, and she and Su Qingfeng were closely together. Immediately, her beautiful face moved slightly, and she kissed Su Qingfeng's lips.

"Perhaps the biggest mistake in my life was to take action against you."

Yes, Sheng Cai'er kissed Su Qingfeng's lips and couldn't help but explore and pry open Su Qingfeng's mouth!

At this time, in the sky of the entire Temple Alliance, there is still a bright starry sky, which is eye-catching, and the fairy stars are floating, extremely deep.

Since he was a child, he has been praised for his good looks:

Sheng Cai'er looked at the face in front of her. She had long forgotten about Long Haochen and Grandpa Shengyue. She had lost the ability to think, and she actually showed her little girly side and pouted:

Just when Sheng Cai'er turned around to block Su Qingfeng's knife, even though he was surrounded by the eternal power of light, he seemed to glimpse a universal face in the haze. It was very blurry, but it couldn't be removed from his mind.

But just under the starry sky, the young man had the aura of an immortal. Standing there, he looked completely natural, as if he had become the center of the universe.

Although they can't move their bodies, their pupils are dilated.

The petrified strong men of the Temple Alliance looked at it so carefully.

As Su Qingfeng and Sheng Cai'er distanced themselves, Long Haochen, who had just stabilized his figure in the Temple Square, finally got a glimpse of Su Qingfeng's whole face.

Long Tianyin: What? ? ? ! Is that Su Qingfeng? Is he so good-looking? No wonder my daughter-in-law was instantly captured by him! If I were a woman, I'm afraid I would be tempted too!
Xingyu, accept your fate!
Yang Haohan: Why do you think you are wearing a mask? Doesn’t this sincerely lead us to go astray?
Wen Zhao, forget it, we can't blame Chen Ying'er. If you were a woman, I would want you to seduce him and make him the grandson-in-law of our Yang family!

A look of disbelief.

He was in disbelief and shook his head. He would never believe that Cai'er would kiss someone else. He must have been wrong!
However, Long Haochen was also in a daze for a moment.

Even Long Haochen was stunned!

Su Qingfeng didn't want to go on a killing spree, it was a serious act of betrayal.

His temperament was entirely designed to set off his unparalleled handsome face.

From Long Haochen's perspective, he was a little lucky that he did not seriously injure Cai'er. However, at that moment, he seemed to feel that Sheng Cai'er was kissing the boy.

Long Haochen murmured, and the aura all over his body dissipated in an instant, without any fighting spirit or murderous aura.

"It's worth going crazy for you. And it's just a kiss. Do you still wipe your mouth? Do you dislike others? You are not allowed to do this~"

You will find that there is light in their eyes.

The powerful force of light and creation behind her made Sheng Cai'er feel like she was about to die under this sword.

Just standing there, staring at the peerless young man infatuatedly...

Su Qingfeng pushed Sheng Cai'er away with one hand, retreated, and opened a distance of about ten meters from Sheng Cai'er, staring at her and saying:

It's like that sentence is printed, the kiss of death is not as good as kissing it yourself.

"No, no...I'm not wrong!"

"Really... so handsome. How could the Alliance conflict with such a person?"

Wang Yuanyuan: I have always been rough and straightforward, but after this moment, I have the urge to be a lady... Of course, it is best for me to be myself and find an opportunity to knock him down. I have to obey and I have to obey if I don't. !
May you inject descendants into my Wang family!

Just when everyone was amazed by Su Qingfeng, an even more bizarre scene happened.

As Su Qingfeng's appearance and the starry sky appeared simultaneously, a force of creation also lingered in the starry sky.

The Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, which stood in the sky of the Alliance and was summoned by Long Haochen, also reacted.

The throne, which was huge in size and as bright as white jade, emitted a magnificent nine-color light. The nine colors were shining, but there was no chaos at all. It was completely out of Long Haochen's control.

Behind the throne are circles of light wheels shining together. There are subtle reliefs on the back of the chair. The top is the sun, moon and stars, the middle is birds and beasts, and the place connecting the seat is a scene of nature. It gives people an indescribable feeling. of beauty.

And on the armrests of the pair of seats are the statue of the sacred dragon and the statue of the twelve-winged angel of Hunyuan respectively.

The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation made a strong sound, and it condescended like never before, flashing a flash of light in the air and landing in front of Su Qingfeng.

It seemed to be fully activated.

Even when he recognized Long Haochen, there was no such violent reaction!

As Su Qingfeng turned around.

The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation rotated again and appeared in front of him.

He even took the initiative to release his original power and tried to make a contract with Su Qingfeng.

No, this is no longer simple recognition. But recognize the Lord!

Completely acknowledge the Lord!
You must know that even the Divine Throne of Wisdom and Spirit, Doom and Killing has never truly recognized one person as its sole owner, but recognized an ordinary contract.

The throne lends them power and helps them realize their ideals. It does not belong to them. The throne can even leave on its own initiative!
Even Long Haochen did not let the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation recognize him as its master.

After all, this is the seat of the God of Creation, and it is a peak super artifact. At its peak, it even surpassed the weapons of the current God Kings in the God Realm - such as the Shura Divine Sword of God Shura, the Destruction Scepter of God King of Destruction, and the Dragon God. The Heart of the Dragon God, the evolved Ghost Eagle Sword from Rong Nian Bing...

But once it recognizes its owner, the artifact will lose all freedom and completely obey the host's orders. All seals and hidden powers will be exposed to the other party, and it will be completely controlled by the other party!
The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation almost did not hesitate, and took the initiative to release its original power, opening a passage so that Su Qingfeng could easily touch its core.

"Do you want to follow me?"

"But you already have a partner, and I can't accept you."

Su Qingfeng said calmly.

As soon as the words came out, the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation seemed to understand, and immediately became anxious.

A terrifying force surged out of the throne, so powerful that even Su Qingfeng was shocked.

This is the power that can only be generated when a super artifact is revealed. Once it explodes, not to mention the Temple Alliance, the entire Holy Demon Continent may be destroyed.

The meaning conveyed to Su Qingfeng by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation is very simple:
"I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years, but I have been unable to find a suitable master. The power of creation has been accumulated and cannot be used. Until you appeared, I realized that since the creation of God, I am In silence waiting for your arrival.”

"If you are not my master, then no one in the world can be my master."

"If you don't accept my confession, then there will be no meaning for my existence, so I will be destroyed from now on."

If you don't get it, destroy it.

Su Qingfeng burst into tears.


Su Qingfeng could only passively accept all this.

Chaos thunders of multiple colors appeared in the sky of the Temple Alliance. The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation slowly rose up, and finally soared to Su Qingfeng's fairy star, located deep in the starry sky.

It released a steady stream of creation power, not only opened up a space for the fairy star, but also caused the life on all the fairy stars to breed, showing a state of species explosion.

Su Qingfeng's divine power is also growing rapidly.

Surprisingly, he quickly broke through level 110, level 111...level 112...level 114!
Finally, after Su Qingfeng's divine power reached level 115, the growth rate slowed down, and it slowly headed towards level 116.

As Su Qingfeng's divine power increased, the Immortal Star became full of vitality, and the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation became one of Su Qingfeng's exclusive seats. The petrified state of the entire Temple Alliance also began to be lifted at this moment.

Those petrified seals began to turn into fly ash and dissipate. Yang Haohan, Long Tianyin and other powerful men took the lead in resuming action and came to Long Haochen's side.

Soon, Wang Yuanyuan, Li Xin and others also regained their freedom. They involuntarily took a few steps forward, as if they wanted to get closer to Su Qingfeng, but the strong divine power broke through the barrier and blocked everyone's approach.

When Ye Weiyang came back to her senses and looked at the peerless young man with the immortal aura floating in the sky and the terrifying energy of heaven and earth surging all over his body, her whole body softened.

Is that the boy wearing the mask? The appearance is too stunning!

She is the chief auctioneer of the alliance, and has passed through her hands countless rare treasures, including the Aria of the Goddess of Light that was sold to Long Haochen.

But all those treasures put together are not worth Su Qingfeng!
In her eyes, this one glance was enough to confirm:
This young man is the most precious treasure and the most magnificent work in the universe, no one can surpass him!


"I didn't expect that the Young God would also get an opportunity during this trip."

An old man walked out of the Temple Alliance's cultural relics hall.

Yi Lao stood on a high place, overlooking everything.

He was also shocked at that time.
At that time, he was also taken by Lin Xin to the alliance's treasure house and cultural relics museum to find what he wanted, which was the habitat of his mother's undead.

Unexpectedly, not long after wandering around, a strong wave of spiritual power broke out in the alliance.

Soon, there seemed to be a strong impact falling from the sky, and then everything around him was petrified.

Including Lin Xin, who was originally introducing various rare treasures to Yi Lao, but his body was frozen in that scene.

Even Yi Lao himself had been petrified for a period of time. Fortunately, he had a top-level divine body and was not at the center of the petrification, so he could use his divine power to get out of trouble in time.

When he walked out of the twists and turns of the cultural relics museum, he saw Sheng Caier and Long Haochen assassinating Su Qingfeng.

This happened in a flash of lightning.

Yi Lao is so angry!

He recognized the origin of this boy at a glance!

In order to prevent this group of bold knights from attacking Su Qingfeng again and affecting his breakthrough, Yi Lao finally stepped out.

The old man's figure stepped on the void.

A deep and melodious voice sounded at the same time, containing a sense of anger and shock:

"Nie Zhan, you dare to hit anyone and kill anyone?"

"If the young master hadn't been safe and sound and had made a breakthrough, I would have purged the disciples today!"

Hearing the sound, everyone looked up.

I saw an old man exuding the power of death, which was very penetrating, and his eyes made them tremble.

Don't talk about fighting anymore, there is only horror in his eyes.

If the ones who had the biggest reaction were Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er.

Long Haochen's whole body was trembling. When he saw the old man's figure, his lips trembled, with a look of disbelief on his face, and he murmured:

" are...Elex, the Holy Law God of the are..."

"Traitor! How dare you call me by my first name, and even more boldly want to kill the young master. It seems that I was wrong about the person back then!"

"'s you! He is your young master? Cai'er pays homage to the teacher!"

Hearing that the old man's figure was a bit unfamiliar, but his temperament was unmistakable, and his appearance was almost the same, Sheng Cai'er moved his body and looked up at Yi Lao.

He immediately knelt on the ground and gave Yi Lao two nods:
"Disciple is wrong! Disciple is very wrong! Please punish the teacher, please punish the young master. Cai'er will definitely make up for his mistakes, lead by example, and compensate the young master!"

"Cai'er hurt the young master, Cai'er is guilty!"

Long Haochen also banged his head and knelt down:

"I'm sorry, teacher! We were wrong! We don't know the identity of the young master, and we will never dare to do it again!"

"Everyone in the Temple Alliance, listen. As the chairman of the alliance, I am telling everyone that he, the young master, will also be the young master of the entire alliance in the future. No one can disrespect him or do anything detrimental to him! He will be the most noble being in the league!"

(End of this chapter)

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