Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 363: The appearance is exposed, and he is shocked to be the creator of the world

Chapter 363: The appearance is exposed, and he is shocked to be the creator of the world (big chapter)

Then Sheng Cai'er and Long Haochen knelt down and kowtowed.

Other people in the Temple Alliance who had awakened from petrification also bowed and apologized:

"I beg the Holy God of the Dead for forgiveness, and I beg the young master for forgiveness!"

Sheng Cai'er and Long Haochen's apologies were definitely sincere.

With their current status, they are still willing to kneel down to apologize, which is enough to show their sincerity.

Those in the Temple Alliance who participated in designing a trap to surround and kill Su Qingfeng also repented.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to admit their mistakes from the bottom of their hearts.

But the other party happened to be Su Qingfeng.

When Su Qingfeng's face was exposed to the world, when they first laid eyes on him.

There was also anger in his heart.

You... are such a genius!
Yi Lao rubbed his eyebrows: "Don't ask me about this kind of thing. Anyway, you can seek the young master's forgiveness yourself afterwards."

"Sheng Cai'er, you are so bold and sinful that you broke the young master's mask, injured the young master, and caused the young master to bleed. Do you know how long it has been since the young master bled? What a good thing you did! "

This can be regarded as treating others in their own way.

How could they do such outrageous things!

Then, Yi Lao's eyes fell on Sheng Cai'er, which was really annoying.

A purple blood spot appeared on the palm of each of their left hands. This blood spot was the 'gift' given to them by Yi Lao!
Blood spots fill the eyes at a slow speed, and eventually spread from the palm of the hand to the heart, forming a blood line. When this blood line reaches the heart, it will slowly fade away.

They truly realized that there was an absolute gap in strength between that elusive and peerless young man.

Su Qingfeng's figure was in that gorgeous brilliance, with the pure white fairy mist in the center, and the entire starry sky behind him showed an unprecedented phenomenon.

"it is good!"

"In the name of the Holy Law God of the Dead, this god sends down divine punishment, using the poison that you have inflicted - the scattered spirit and divine punishment. Whenever the moon is full, when the stars shine, and when the poison line subsides, then It will corrode your body and soul, your spiritual power will dissipate, your body will suffer, and your mind will be lost!"

Even Yang Wenzhao and Long Xingyu looked at Su Qingfeng who was in a state of god-level breakthrough, feeling demented and in a brainstorm.

"Everyone who participated in the siege and killing of the young master, stand up!"

"Teacher, we don't want this privilege. We are also at fault."

They regarded Su Qingfeng and Yi Lao as transcendent demons who endangered the safety of the mainland, and the poison they administered was so poisonous that even they could not resist.

Sheng Caier said.


Oh my God, think back on these past few days, what have they done?
They are actually speculating on the quality of such a unique immortal boy, suspecting that he is a demon, and that he will endanger the safety of the human race! I even want to kill it!

When it subsides, the spiritual power in their bodies will begin to dissipate, and their bodies and souls will also endure the extreme pain caused by the poison!

The twelve elemental dragon kings soared in the stars, releasing powerful elemental power and roaring. The feeling each one gave them was more than the original seventy-two demon gods.

There were only two people in the audience who were not punished by Yi Lao.

She didn't know that the teacher was back, and she didn't know that the boy wearing the mask was so good-looking and his identity was so mysterious?
"Then I'll let the young master make me bleed. Teacher, do you think that's okay?"


With the Divine Punishment of the Undead, Electrox actually used his heavenly power to condense the toxin of the Soul-dispersing Divine Death, and then instilled it into everyone present!

Once the super beasts hidden in Su Qingfeng's starry sky soul emerge, let alone them, even the powerful ancient knights, ancient magicians, ancient assassins, and ninth-level monsters in the formation... will be directly annihilated!
"If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good."

"The two of you have committed a greater crime than them, and this little poisonous erosion of the Scattered Spirit God is not enough to make up for your faults!"

"Teacher, what about me? Don't I have to accept punishment?"

Sheng Cai'er's eyes showed a hint of excitement, she couldn't ask for more!
Otherwise, where would the opportunity come from to get close to the young master?
Thank you teacher for your help!

But unexpectedly, these people turned around and changed their faces, playing tricks on him, and it was the yinous Su Qingfeng. This touched Yi Lao's bottom line!

I thought he had taught these people a lesson in Sidi City, and with the deterrence, they should have understood what he meant: he and Su Qingfeng had the strength to crush them, but there was no malicious intention.

"However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided."

Yi Lao almost laughed out of anger and snorted coldly:
"Privilege, you two really made me laugh. Do you think I am covering up your disciples?"

There is already a sense of self-blame in everyone's heart.

But he had to admire his apprentice. He had learned the secrets of assassins well. The Death God Qijue had mastered it to a very high level, and he was also able to trick people. Even the young master had to suffer from her. It was really amazing!

Yi Lao stood in the void and glanced at everyone lightly.

"Long Haochen, you inherited the power of this god, but you used this power to attack my young master. You are as sinful as the sea! But your throne followed the young master. Let's count you as making up for it. After the young master succeeds in breaking through, , you must obtain the young master’s forgiveness in person. If the young master forgives you, that’s all. If the young master doesn’t forgive you, haha..."

Sheng Cai'er pursed her lips, with a look of grievance and self-blame.

That was Sheng Caier and Long Haochen.

He had been giving in to them in the Heaven-Destroying and Earth-Destroying Formation!

Hearing this, Long Tianyin, Yang Haohan and others showed a hint of fear on their faces.

Seeing that the powerful men around them were all poisoned by the Sanlingshen Shang poison, Sheng Cai'er and Long Haochen both looked at Yi Lao in shame and said.

Time passed little by little, and the night passed quickly.

After the turmoil last night, the entire Temple Alliance was in panic.

The knights who didn't know the truth were all surprised, what happened last night? Let them suddenly be petrified, born with a strange phenomenon.

Moreover, the center of the Temple Alliance was surging with terrifying heaven and earth energy all night long. What kind of existence was making a breakthrough?

Some people say that it must be Long Haochen, the first chairman of the alliance, the divine knight of glory and leadership, who has reached the top again.

Some people also suspect that the Divine Seal Knights jointly attacked and brought back a terrifying existence from the outside world. It is a more powerful existence than the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu. It is also uncontrollable and has the risk of going berserk, so it will petrify everyone indiscriminately. !

Some people even reported that last night, a young man with extremely extraordinary appearance and extraordinary strength was exposed in the alliance. The entire top leadership of the Temple Alliance was shocked...

And those who had seen Su Qingfeng basically stayed around the Temple Square and refused to leave, just to take one more look at the figure of the peerless young man. His unparalleled appearance was imprinted in the depths of their minds.

The Temple Square was also cordoned off, preventing other knights from entering without permission.

The rays of light in the east first appeared, the morning sun jumped out of the horizon, and the sunlight covered the Temple Alliance.

Under the morning light, the towering temple tower glowed with a faint golden glow, as if it were the residence of a god, solemn and sacred.

The morning bell rang in the distance, melodious and clear. The fountain in the center of the square is reflected in the morning light, and the water droplets seem to sparkle with stars, and the splashing water leaves a trail of crystal light in the sky. The flowers and plants around the fountain are full of vitality under the care of the sun. Their fragrance is intertwined with the scent of dew in the morning breeze, making people feel relaxed and happy. The team of knights and warriors began their morning exercises. They stood tall and straight, and the weapons in their hands reflected the cold light in the sun. Their neat steps and the clash of swords added a touch of vitality and majesty to the tranquility of the morning.

Every practitioner in the Temple Alliance is using their own way to pray and protect this land together, hoping that their faith and strength can resist all external evil and threats.

But in such a peaceful and beautiful environment, the figure of the peerless young man in Temple Square seemed even more carefree.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Su Qingfeng's body, it illuminated Su Qingfeng's face clearly, and coupled with the heavenly aura of his body, everyone present was stunned.

Although they were also photographed by Su Qingfeng's face last night, it was a starry night after all, with a slightly hazy feeling and less sunshine.

At this time, daylight has fallen, and the young man's figure is outstanding in the scorching sun, making both boys and girls fall in love.

Li Xin stood on the leisure balcony on the third floor, looking at Su Qingfeng with a look of nymphomaniac on her face:

"I finally understand why Ying'er and Aunt Bai Yue are said to have been bewitched or charmed. This is much more serious than being charmed."

"This is the whole heart, which was shot and captured by him with a plop!"

"Are you sure you were just shot in the heart?"

"Of course, I would also be very happy to be able to create generations of descendants from that shot!"

"You think Cai'er and Haochen's teacher should be a god, right? God's young master should also be a god, right? Judging from his powerful breakthrough aura, he should be right.

If he were a god, what kind of god would he be? The God of Charm? Or Yanshen? "

"I really want to be his woman, be with him forever, and live a life without shame with him..."

Li Xin held her face in her hands, already imagining a happy life between herself and Su Qingfeng in her mind.

Girls, or to be precise, humans, are naturally partial to beautiful things, and even crazy about them.

Even Wang Yuanyuan leaned on the railing, staring at Su Qingfeng with bright eyes.

Last night, Wang Yuan originally wanted to go back and change into a nice dress, so that he could leave the impression of a lady after Su Qingfeng broke through.

However, Hou Kai still gave up. She wore a chic warrior outfit that was more in line with her temperament. She would not hide her love at all and said frankly:
"I don't care, I like this man and I want him to be my man!"

"I will use my hands to tear off the clothes that cover up his beautiful body, occupy the upper position, and become the most powerful and sassy woman in his heart."

"I'm very rude, young master, don't even think about escaping from my grasp."

"This time, I will fight even if my opponent is Sheng Cai'er!"

Wang Yuanyuan rubbed his fists, already ready to make a move.

Next to them, Lin Xin and Zhang Fangfang were on the verge of crying. They had ignored them all night.

Zhang Fangfang found Yang Wenzhao and felt worried.

Yang Wenzhao patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, your wife is probably gone too."

Lin Xin found Long Haochen with misty eyes: "Haochen, it's bad, Li Xin said she wanted to break up with me! You know, we were together because I healed her wounds, and she had a crush on me. It’s always been lukewarm…”

"Eh? Haochen, what are you doing with makeup? Rouge and gouache? Isn't this just for girls?"

As soon as Lin Xin finished complaining, she found some cosmetics placed on Long Haochen's table.

Long Haochen quickly covered it up and coughed:
"Ahem, these...are all for Cai'er to use. I'll help her test the quality."

"I see. But Cai'er is naturally beautiful, does she still need to use these things?"

"Hey, girls always want to try it. Don't talk about it. Why did Sister Li Xin break up with you?"

Long Haochen pulled Lin Xin and left the room quickly.

Lin Xin looked aggrieved: "I suspect she has fallen in love with that young master."

"In this way, I also fell in love... No, I mean it's normal to fall in love. After all, Young Master Qingfeng is so good-looking, powerful, and has a mysterious identity. Who wouldn't like it? Alas..."

Long Haochen consoled him.

"What about Cai'er?" Lin Xin asked.

"Cai'er... I haven't seen Cai'er all night."


On the sixth floor of the building on the west side of Temple Square, a white-haired woman with a crane face, wearing a purple psychic robe, educated Chen Ying'er earnestly:
"Ying'er, are you sure you want to cancel your engagement with Yang Wenzhao? This is a major matter related to the harmony between the Soul Temple and the Knight Temple."

"I don't care, I have already given it to him. I can only be the master's woman in this life, and it will never change. Grandma, grandpa, I want to marry him. When the master succeeds in breaking through, you can help me propose marriage, even if it is just a small Yes, a bed-warming maid can do it, okay?”

Chen Ying'er pursed her lips, pointed at her grandfather Chen Hongyu and hummed:
"If not, you poisoned me and didn't care, I will never forgive you, and I will never call you grandpa in the future!"

Chen Hongyu looked ashamed. He really couldn't help his precious granddaughter last night.

And the person Chen Ying'er calls grandma is Sanshui, the wife of Chen Hongyu, the deputy master of the Soul Temple.

"Oh, this is a troublesome thing. It's so difficult for someone like the young master to be his first wife. I don't know how many stunning women are willing to do it. In the alliance, I'm afraid Sheng Cai'er and Wang Yuanyuan are all like you. I already have an idea, how can I argue?
But if you are a young one, or even a bed-warming maid, how can this be worthy of your status? You are the proud daughter of our Soul Temple, the granddaughter of my Chen Hongyu! "

"Bring it up! This marriage must be mentioned! If you hesitate, you will lose. If Ying'er can marry this young master, grandma can also follow the sexual blessings and eat secretly... Ahem, what grandma means is that Ying'er can marry Such a world-famous young man is our blessing.”

Sanshui said, supporting Chen Ying'er's idea.


It was at this time.

Su Qingfeng successfully merged the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and his divine power reached level 118, which was only two levels away from the height of a second-level god.

Overnight, he broke through the eighth or ninth level of divine power, which is shocking and unbelievable in the world of gods!
Su Qingfeng's figure was seen slowly falling, and the vision in the sky subsided.

After feeling the power in his body, Su Qingfeng felt that he could use the elements and vitality between heaven and earth to fabricate and cultivate new life forms, as if the heaven and earth were incomparably close to him.

"Just leave. You are made of a trace of power separated from eternity and the Throne of Creation, so just stay in the Holy Demon Continent."

Su Qingfeng waved his hand, and the other five divine thrones surrounding him were slapped back to their original positions.

Don't be too greedy as a person, get it wisely.

What's more, these five Divine Seal Thrones are mortal products, possessing the same power as the Eternal and Creation Thrones, and their improvement to Su Qingfeng is minimal.

It’s just that the five divine thrones felt aggrieved: Wow, oh, oh, it’s the first time that someone has disliked me. This feeling is so uncomfortable~
But it feels good to be touched by Young God~
I don’t know how cool it would be to be sat on by that butt of the young master~ah~

The improvement that Eternity and the Creation Throne brought to Su Qingfeng was huge, and it was even more terrifying than Long Haochen's power.

Su Qingfeng is confident that with the blessing of eternity and the Creation Throne, he is enough to defeat a god-level powerhouse and have a chance to compete with the God King!
He will be the new Lord of Creation!

(End of this chapter)

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