Chapter 365 (Big Chapter)
The morning sun shines on the wide balcony, and the white fur quilt blows through the gaps in the curtains.

In the spacious room, the young man's handsome face shone brightly in the light.

Su Qingfeng rubbed her eyes and heard a knock on the door. She slowly got up from the bed and leaned on the head of the bed.

His left hand was pressed by the woman's soft body, and his right hand could feel the residual heat of last night's madness on the sheets.

Looking back, Su Qingfeng seriously suspected that he had been tricked by Ye Weiyang!
Sister Yu guides you step by step, making it impossible to prevent!
Use the weather as a guide, the inner world as a temptation, and the tide as a reason to cross the blue sky and cross the other shore!
Thinking back on last night's scene, Su Qingfeng also noticed some subtle details:

Ye Weiyang, gave herself medicine!
But when did you start using it for yourself?

Did it start in the bathroom or when changing clothes?

No, it probably started when I looked at my underwear!

No wonder she was so crazy last night and completely lost her mind!

Su Qingfeng thought she was deeply attracted by that peerless appearance.

It turns out that she planted the medicine on her body and body!
As long as he gets close, touches, or kisses, he will be affected by the medicine!

And if it can have a certain medicinal effect on Su Qingfeng, it must be of a very strong grade.

Ye Weiyang, how cruel!
If she is not satisfied with the consequences of using her body like this, she will probably die from the fire. She is risking her life!
Su Qingfeng looked at You Weiyang who was sleeping soundly in shock. She looked tired, her beautiful face was full of weakness, and there were some kiss marks and love slap marks on her body.

At this time, Su Qingfeng keenly heard the sounds outside the door, and he recognized that the speakers were Long Tianyin, Chen Hongyu, Sanshui and the others.

"Your Long family is also weird. You are willing to give your daughter-in-law to others. Will Long Xingyu agree? You can't even keep your own daughter-in-law, so why are you talking about chivalry? Don't be ridiculous.

Young Master definitely likes our Ying'er more. "

"You, the Chen family, have gone back on their word. Young Master, he is such a pure and refined immortal. Don't taint this family! Yue'er is gentle and virtuous, dignified and manages the household. She is just suitable to marry the Young Master and be a good wife."

"Huh, let's see!"

"Young Master, are you awake? I am Xiaolong."


"Sorry, why are these people here? It sounds like they want to make the decision for Bai Yue and Chen Ying'er and let them marry me?"

Su Qingfeng suddenly sat up from the bed, frowned, and rubbed his temples.

This seems to be a great joy. The relationship has happened. The parents not only agree but also actively promote it. He has no reason to refuse.

But in fact, this is by no means a happy event, but may become a mourning event.

Just imagine, what is Su Qingfeng’s status now?
The young god in the God Realm, the object of admiration of countless goddesses, hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of stunningly beautiful and powerful women are staring at Su Qingfeng. Once he dares to hold a wedding...

Haha, I'm afraid several top goddesses will arrive soon, right?

"Sister Weiyang, wake up."

Su Qingfeng came back to his senses, and the wedding matter was still the next step. If Long Tianyin and the others saw the messy scene in the room and Ye Weiyang's appearance, they would really feel a sense of shame and guilt.

"Sister Weiyang, sister Weiyang? How are you?"

Su Qingfeng called Ye Weiyang twice, but found that Ye Weiyang did not wake up. He thought she was too tired and was sleeping soundly.

But after shaking Ye Weiyang twice, Su Qingfeng realized something was wrong.

Feeling carefully, Su Qingfeng found that Ye Weiyang's breathing had become very weak at this time, and the breath of life was gradually declining.

Ye Weiyang is dying!
She was seriously injured!
This is also a serious side effect caused by her using her body as a drug!

Su Qingfeng did not dare to slack off, and even sent a ray of life energy into Ye Weiyang's body to ensure her continued life.

However, next he needed a quieter place to heal Ye Weiyang.

Obviously, if you continue to stay in the suite, you will only be disturbed by people from several major temples.

So Su Qingfeng found a piece of his own blue and white clothes from the space and put it on Ye Weiyang.

——In order to find excitement, Ye Weiyang's clothes were torn by herself last night, and in the end she held Su Qingfeng's hand and tore them together.

Immediately, Su Qingfeng held Ye Weiyang in his arms, pushed open the balcony door, jumped out from the balcony, and escaped from the space to who knows where.


Long Tianyin, Yang Haohan and others knocked on the door outside the chairman's suite for a while, but saw no response from inside.

Some concerns:

"Young Master, aren't you still awake?"

"It shouldn't be. A strong person like the young master should need very little sleep time and be very alert to the environment. Don't say that we knocked on the door like this. He should have discovered it when we walked to the door. ”

"Did something happen?"

"Who among you can open the door? A peerless man like the young master, in a dark and windy night, is really easy for someone to take advantage of!"

Chen Hongyu said quickly.

"Let me do it. The chairman's suite only had two people's fingerprints and two room cards left in it, one was mine and the other was Haochen's. The young master's was added last night."

Yang Haohan took a step forward, pressed his thumb on the noble door lock, and heard an electronic recognition sound:

[The most distinguished person in the alliance, welcome your return. 】

The door slowly opened.

Immediately, Long Tianyin, Yang Haohan, Sanshui, and Chen Hongyu walked in impatiently.

Once inside, they were stunned.

I saw that the chairman's suite was quite chaotic, with torn and torn strips of cloth, and some thick unknown liquid still left on the floor.

There was no one in the room anymore.

Yang Haohan opened the quilt on the bed and was a little confused:

"Why are these sheets and bedding so hot and humid? How can a peerless young man like the young master still wet the bed?"

Sanshui cleverly went up and smelled it. She felt that the smell could activate people's hormones. Combined with other details in the room, her face suddenly turned red and she said angrily:
"Yang Dian, you haven't found a woman for too long and have lowered your awareness in this area, haven't you? This is obviously a sign of love."

Hearing this, several of the top experts in the Temple Alliance turned pale.

Last night, someone came and violated Young Master Qingfeng? !

They all became angry. They were planning to propose marriage, but they were intercepted?

Still in a sacred and solemn place like the temple, he got in under their noses!
"Who was in the Chairman's Suite last night?"

"Even if you come, you won't be able to get in if you don't have absolute strength or the room card opens the door, right?"

"It seems... I'll let Ye Weiyang come over."

Yang Haohan raised his hand and said.

Several strong men immediately cast their gazes, very sharply:
"Ye Weiyang? She is the number one auctioneer of that alliance? The fiancée of Han Yu, the knight of the Divine Seal of Destruction and Forgiveness, why did you ask her to do this?"

"Teacher Yang, don't tell me that you are trying to adopt an adopted daughter and let Ye Weiyang seduce the young master so that Ye Weiyang can successfully marry the young master Qingfeng."

Chen Hongyu had a dark look on his face.

Hearing this, Long Tianyin and Sanshui also thought it made sense, otherwise why would he ask Ye Weiyang to come?
"how is this possible?"

Yang Haohan asked in shock: "Am I, Yang Haohan, that kind of person?" "The truth is, the young master has also been staying in the alliance for two days. We grown men are not so meticulous.

Last night Weiyang took the initiative to find me and told me that the young master needs someone to take care of him in daily life. At least he needs to change clothes and clean the room, so he needs someone to accompany him. "

"When I think about it, what she said does make sense, but you can't just find someone to come, otherwise what will happen to the young master? We have already wronged the young master Qingfeng once, and we can't be careless again."

"When I was thinking about candidates, Ye Weiyang volunteered. She is a very tasteful person in the alliance. She needs status, good looks, good figure, and is familiar with all kinds of luxury goods and treasures. She will take care of her. "Young Master, it was a bit reassuring, so I agreed and gave her the room key temporarily."

Hearing this, Sanshui immediately became anxious:

"Care? Is this how she takes care of you?"

"Hygiene, is this how she cleans?"

"Disadvantaged? Can anyone be more disadvantaged than her?"

"Yang Haohan, thank you for being the leader of the alliance, but you made me cry. Can Ye Weiyang do this simply to get close to Young Master Qingfeng?"

"Then what should we do now? Where is the young master? Where is Ye Weiyang?"

"Young Master, should you be fine? After all, Young Master Qingfeng is so strong that we can't defeat him together. Ye Weiyang is not that strong. If she dares to go head-to-head with Young Master Qingfeng, she will only be killed by the young Master's powerful strength. "

Almost a prophecy.

"No matter what, we must find the young master first. Otherwise, if Yi Lao comes out from the cultural relics museum and asks us about the whereabouts of the young master, and we can't tell anything, we will be in trouble."

Sanshui said while sitting on the bed, with complicated eyes. Although the bed was still slightly moist, she felt a special attachment.

Is this the place where the young master has experienced many ups and downs? It's really fascinating.

Ye Weiyang, this damn girl, is worthy of being the chief auctioneer of the alliance. She is so smart, she is so good at taking advantage of loopholes!

If I were the heroine last night...hehehe~

Thinking of Su Qingfeng's peerless beauty, Sanshui smiled crazily.

She couldn't wait to lie on the bed and lick clean the marks left by Su Qingfeng!
Can't waste it! ! !

"Let's take another look. If there is still no sign of the young master after a few hours, we will have to mobilize the knights to collect information."


Southwest Hall of the Temple Union, above the Priest's Hall, at the top of the main hall.

A ring of space emerged.

The figure of a young man who had disappeared from the world walked out.

Su Qingfeng's fingertips moved slightly, and a gust of wind blew away the dust on the roof.

Then he placed Ye Weiyang's body on the beam and began to examine her body and think about how to cure her injuries.

The reason why I chose to come to the Priest Temple is because the number of people here is very small. Among the six major temples, the number of people is only slightly more than that of the Assassin Temple, which has the smallest number of people. Moreover, the priests are not as alert and cunning as the assassins.

Now that the Demon God War is over, the human race is in a peaceful state. There are not many injured knights, and the role of the priest's hall is getting smaller and smaller.

Su Qingfeng's Immortal Wood Star also contains rich power of life, especially after possessing the power of creation and absorbing the power of eternity and the throne of creation, it can be said that his power of life is no longer inferior to that of the goddess of life. , given time, enough to surpass.

However, it is precisely because Su Qingfeng's supernatural attributes are so powerful that a little bit of healing power is enough for her to absorb for a long time.

If he accidentally used too much divine power, Ye Weiyang's small body might not be able to bear it and he would explode and die.

Su Qingfeng operated carefully, and after half an hour, Ye Weiyang finally opened her eyes.

When the light shone in her eyes, the face of a fairy dust boy illuminated by the sun first appeared in her eyes. Ye Weiyang only had a smile on her face:
"Little Lord."

She threw herself into Su Qingfeng's arms.

Su Qingfeng patted her back and said softly:
"Don't move too much. Although I have removed most of the damage caused by the drugs on your body, you have not fully healed yet, especially... that location."

Hearing this, Ye Weiyang's face suddenly turned red.

After Su Qingfeng's reminder, she did feel a tearing pain in her body, and there were also "little creatures" like "crazy gangsters" that kept bumping around in her stomach.

"Well, Weiyang will pay attention. I will take good care of myself and continue to serve the young master as soon as possible."

Ye Weiyang pressed her face against Su Qingfeng's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

She didn't expect that she could survive.

She went to Su Qingfeng with a mentality of looking forward to death.

It was the young master who saved him!
She will always be the young master’s!
"You're too crazy. Don't do this again. It's not worth it."

Su Qingfeng comforted her with a bit of blame in her tone. What is the difference between her behavior and suicide?
If he hadn't been a little more measured, I'm afraid Ye Weiyang would have been killed on the big bed in the chairman's suite!
Ye Weiyang said: "It's worth it, of course it's worth it. It's worth dying for the Young Master."

"Young Master, on the night when the Alliance deployed the Heaven-Destroying and Earth-Destroying Formation, I was curious, what kind of existence did the Alliance spend so much effort to deal with?"

"I heard the young master uttering a poem outside the main hall. They didn't understand it and didn't have strong appreciation ability. But Weiyang understood that although Weiyang's cultivation talent was not strong, he did not inherit the powerful talent of his ancestor Ye Wushang, the Sword God of Light. , but Weiyang was born with basic elegance, treasure, and literary foundation.

Wei Yang could tell that in the poems eulogized by the young master, there was a kind of coolness like a fairy in the sky, but there was also a kind of sadness. Wei Yang didn't know what kind of sorrow a person like the young master had, but Wei Yang was willing to do it for the young master. Solve problems and release stress..."

Ye Weiyang's soft catkins touched Su Qingfeng's face.

Oh my god, one day, she will be able to touch the most beautiful thing in the world. Her life will be worth it!


Su Qingfeng rubbed Ye Weiyang's head, he felt a little sorry for her.

However, Ye Weiyang is already much better than others.

She was just one of the tens of thousands of girls who admired Su Qingfeng. If she could get Su Qingfeng for one night, she had already won too much over others.

clap clap clap!
"It's wonderful. A man and a woman are hiding on the roof of our priest's hall and talking about love. If I hadn't come out to take a look at the scenery during my free time, I really wouldn't have found you."

Behind Su Qingfeng, a blond woman in white robe slowly landed on the top of the hall and lightly clapped her hands.

Ye Weiyang stood up at this moment, walked towards the woman with a twist and anguish, and greeted:

"Ye Weiyang has met the master of the priest's hall, the master of the weak water, and please ask the master of the weak water not to tell anyone about this matter."

"It's actually you, Ye Weiyang. That person, if I read correctly, shouldn't be His Highness Han Yu from the back, right?"

Ruoshui was a little surprised when he saw Ye Weiyang's figure clearly.

She thought it was some fun young couple secretly dating here, but she didn't expect to stumble upon something shocking?
"Ye Weiyang, what did you go through last night? Your physical condition is so bad, your lower body is deformed!"

Ruoshui stepped forward, grabbed Ye Weiyang's hand, and instantly detected that as a master of the priest's hall and a woman, she had better experience and ability than Su Qingfeng in this regard, and he could immediately see her physical condition.

Ruoshui's eyes changed instantly: "Ye Weiyang, what do you want me to say? Even if you betray His Highness Han Yu, you have made yourself like this. I'm afraid if you hadn't met me, you would have been miserable in the future.

You young people should also exercise restraint! "

"Your Excellency, can you help treat Sister Weiyang?"

Su Qingfeng was very happy to hear what the other party meant and that Ye Weiyang could be cured. She turned around subconsciously and asked.

He really has no experience in treating women's special diseases.

But just by turning around, Ruo Shui, who was still gloating and feeling sad, instantly became stunned and murmured:
"You young people need to exercise restraint, but this palace doesn't!"

(End of this chapter)

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