Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 366 The rampaging Sheng Cai'er: Anyone who stops me from marrying will die!

Chapter 366 The rampaging Sheng Cai'er: Anyone who stops me from marrying will die! (big chapter)
The wind is rustling and the water is cold.

Once the descendants are gone, they will never be returned.

Priest's Hall.

The deputy palace master Weu Shui led Su Qingfeng and Ye Weiyang into the room in the Healing Temple.

Along the way, Ruoshui's mind was agitated. When she learned that this boy was the young master who suddenly appeared in the alliance, she felt like she was going crazy!

I heard that two days ago, the top powerhouses of the alliance launched the Heaven-Slaying and Earth-Destroying Formation in the Temple Square, and a fierce battle broke out.

Afterwards, this matter was kept as a confidential file by the alliance's senior officials. Even as the deputy master of the Priest Temple, she could not know much about it!

She also approached Ling Xiao, the master of the palace, to learn more about this matter, but Ling Xiao's eyes were evasive and he was unwilling to say more!

In the end, he had no choice but to reveal to her: the alliance welcomed a strong young man named Su Qingfeng who was respected as the young master and had some good looks, as well as the chairman Long Haochen and the teacher of the alliance's first female assassin Sheng Cai'er. Returned.

She also told Ruoshui not to pry too much, otherwise it would be of no benefit to her. If the alliance wanted to announce the existence of these two people in the future, she would know about it by then.

At that time, Wu Shui was still wondering. It should be a good thing for the chairman's teacher to come back. Why should he hide it?

And what's going on with this young master? When Ling Xiao mentioned this young man, his eyes became trance-like, as if he had seen something incredible.

Sensing the presence of Su Qingfeng and Ye Weiyang on the top floor of the priest's hall, she thought about having fun, but she didn't expect that this couple turned out to be Ye Weiyang and Su Qingfeng!
I'm still surprised that someone dared to break the foundation of the Divine Seal Knight.

But that moment when I looked back was something that would never be forgotten for eternity, and it would be astonishing for the rest of my life.

Her legs were shaking when she walked!
It was as if Su Qingfeng's delicate and fairy scent was floating in the air, which made her heart beat faster!
It is said that when a woman meets the love of her life, she will smell a scent on the other person that causes her hormones to explode, creating an uncontrollable and irresistible urge.

She didn't believe it before. As an excellent priest, she felt that she must remain rational at all times so that she could reasonably use her healing power to save more people.

But the moment she saw Su Qingfeng, she believed him with just one glance.

Pushing open the white-gold door, they entered a room with a holy temperament.

Ruoshui pointed to a pure white and neat hospital bed and said:

"Weiyang, your situation is not optimistic. An ordinary person might have died. The young master must have used some means to save her, right?"

"Young Master should be quite strong. Weiyang is young, has little cultivation and is weak, so she cannot bear it."

"Next time there is such an opportunity, Weiyang, don't hold on. My sister is like a wolf and a tiger at her age. I can bear it! Let me do it for you!"

Su Qingfeng picked up Ye Weiyang, placed her on the hospital bed, and sat next to her.

Ruoshui leaned into Ye Weiyang's ear and whispered.

Hearing this, Ye Weiyang blushed and murmured: "Master Ruoshui Hall, what are you talking about? How can you do this for me..."

"I can't replace you. It's okay to add a sister to share the pressure for you. My sister has never been touched in her life. She really can't do it this time."

Ruoshui communicated softly while checking Ye Weiyang's body.

"Tell your sister what method you used to get him into bed, and I will also learn from you."

"The experience must be great, right? I really envy you, you are so handsome, it's like a dream. I'm afraid I don't even dare to dream that such a beautiful person will appear in front of me. No wonder you would rather betray Han Yu Knight. ”

The weak sailor released a gentle and comfortable priest's holy light that enveloped Ye Weiyang, and his eyes were full of envy for Ye Weiyang.

Yes, if the target is Su Qingfeng, why should I be restrained? Even if the field is plowed and the plow is broken, so what?
At least I won’t have any regrets in this life!
However, upon hearing this, Ye Weiyang's face did not look good and she said in a deep voice:
"Master Weoshui, don't mention him again. I broke up with him the day before yesterday. This is not a betrayal."

Soon, Ruoshui's gentle spiritual power spread throughout Ye Weiyang's body, making Ye Weiyang's body gradually improve.




Under weak water's uncanny skills, everything is slowly recovering.

But Su Qingfeng, who was sitting next to her, felt a little uncomfortable when she heard the whispers at her daughter's house.

Do they think...if they speak softly, he won't be able to hear them?
Su Qingfeng touched his face, sighed, and wanted to slap himself:

It’s all the fault of this face!
It’s all because I’m so handsome!

Who knows?
If the eyes cannot see, it is pure; if the ears cannot hear, there is no trouble.

Su Qingfeng also knew that Ye Weiyang was in poor health, so he left three fairy fruits, two for Ye Weiyang to maintain his health, and one for Weowui as a reward.

This fairy fruit is also unusual. It is a fine product of fertility on the Earth Star. It can purify the body, nourish the body and soul, and increase longevity.

Taking one can extend your life by more than two hundred years with almost no side effects.

After a few more instructions, he closed his eyes and meditated in the priest's hall, and his soul sank into the sea of ​​spirit.

Nowadays, Su Qingfeng's starry sky has become a universe of its own, and various elemental powers are competing to open up and integrate.

Every fairy star already has the conditions to breed life and cultivate gods.

After returning to the God Realm after this trip to the Holy Demon Continent, he should be able to start paving the way for himself, so that Sister Xiaotao, Sister Luochen, and Jiang Nannan can all start to embark on the path to God.


"Young Master is so gentle and kind to you."

After receiving the fairy fruit from Su Qingfeng, Wu Shui was extremely excited. She could see that this fruit was extremely rare and could not be found in the entire Holy Demon Continent.

It has the effect of prolonging life and maintaining beauty and health, which is a super treasure for anyone.

But do you dare to imagine that such a gentle and indifferent young man has the ability to make a royal sister like Ye Weiyang do this? It is really strange!
"Weiyang, I just discovered now that your spiritual power... seems to have reached 100,000 points!"

Ruoshui suddenly said in shock, with a shocked expression on his face, and stood up directly!

With 100,000 points of spiritual power, you will become a ninth-level powerhouse. In the Warrior Temple, you will be ranked as the God of War!
Hearing what Ruoshui said, Ye Weiyang felt the spiritual power in her body.

Immediately, she realized that what Wu Shui said was true. Her spiritual power, which was originally like a clear small pool, had now turned into a vast ocean.

This is a level of spiritual power she has never experienced before.

One hundred thousand points of spiritual power, this is the height that many knights, warriors, and assassins dream of. It was also Ye Weiyang's dream.

She also wanted to follow in the footsteps of her ancestor, the Bright Sword God Ye Wushang, and become a bright war god. Unfortunately, her talent was limited and her progress in the warrior profession was slow, making her unable to compete with top geniuses.

She has a dignified and royal temperament, and has shown extraordinary talents in the auction profession, but deep down in her heart, she still has feelings for her family.

Even the ancestor's special sword, Aria of the Goddess of Light, was auctioned off to Long Haochen in exchange for wealth to help the declining Ye family.

She, Ye Weiyang, became the first female war goddess of the Ye family in a century!

And what made all this happen was just because of a one-night stand with Su Qingfeng?

Ye Weiyang looked back in surprise and glanced at Su Qingfeng who was recuperating. Not only was her body deeply shocked, but her soul was also deeply shocked!
... "Cai'er, please stop making trouble. This matter will never work. Neither your father nor I will agree."

"You are not young anymore, and you should be sensible. You should not make such a big mistake, one of your own people taking action against your own people! You are still injured like this, you should know that the alliance wants to cultivate an eighth-level emperor assassin. How difficult it is! You hurt five people at once!"

In the hall of the priest's hall, several strong men from the Assassin's Temple hurriedly entered.

In the center of the hall of the priest's hall is a statue of a bright god holding a cross and a face of mercy. There are also large and small angel statues around it. Everything looks so holy.

But in this hall, there were five dying people, dripping with blood, and the eighth-level Emperor Ci in black robes lay on a stretcher and howled in pain.

A beautiful woman wearing a blue military uniform and also having short wavy blue shoulder-length hair was scolding a purple-haired girl.

Standing next to him was a middle-aged man wearing a straight black military uniform with gold piping. He was dignified and somewhat luxurious. He was slender and handsome, with short dark purple hair and eyes as sharp as knives. He was staring in deep thought.

The arrival of these three men made the entire priest hall tremble.

They were none other than Sheng Cai'er, one of the masters of the Assassin Temple and vice-president of the Temple Alliance, and her parents - Sheng Shengxin, the head of the Alliance's Demon Control Group, and Lan Yanyu, the deputy head.

Sheng Cai'er is one of the top ninth-level powerhouses in the alliance. Holy Spirit's Heart has also entered the ninth level. Lan Yanyu is also an eighth-level powerhouse. How can the priests be disrespectful?

If it were normal times, they would have come, but today, it was obvious that the person who came was not good!

They made noise all the way from the Assassin's Temple to their Priest's Temple!

The five Emperor Thorns were even more sad. The majestic eighth-level powerhouse, the mainstay of the alliance, was beaten like this!
Sheng Cai'er crossed her chest, glanced at the injured Emperor Thorns lightly, and said coldly:

"If you agree, you agree. If you don't agree, you have to agree."

"As for them, it's their own fault. You shouldn't have sent them to monitor me, let alone let them stop me."

"Anyone who prevents me from marrying will die!"

Speaking of this sentence, Sheng Cai'er's eyes really showed a hint of killing intent!
"Who wants to stop you from getting married? You and Haochen have always had a very good relationship over the years, and they respect each other as guests. You also like him very much, don't you? Now that you want to break up with Haochen and marry someone else, you let us How do you agree?"

"Long Haochen is now the chairman of the alliance. He is powerful and a good person. If you do this, can you afford him? Why do you do it?"

Hearing this, Lan Yanyu also had anger on his face.

Sheng Cai'er stared at him and said, "I have kissed him."

The cause of the matter is actually this:
Ever since that night, Sheng Cai'er sacrificed her life for Su Qingfeng and kissed Su Qingfeng, and she couldn't forget about Su Qingfeng, as if everything else was boring.

In the world, only Su Qingfeng seemed to be the center.

This feeling was something Sheng Caier had never experienced before.

She is an idealistic person, and as long as she believes in something, she will pursue it at all costs.

In the past, she was grateful to Long Haochen for his protection, which made her feel the warmth of the world, so she was willing to use her best to protect him.

There are some impurities in it.

If Long Haochen hadn't used his life to protect Sheng Caier when she was most insecure and lacking love, would she still be with Long Haochen?

It's hard to say.

It can be seen that her heart was completely activated when she saw Su Qingfeng! It's a thrilling feeling, it's love at first sight!
She can be sure that no matter whether Su Qingfeng protects her or loves her, she is willing to give up everything for this peerless young man!
Because he is the most precious treasure in the world!
Therefore, after returning to the Assassin Temple, she made a decision. She wanted to marry Su Qingfeng!
However, before she could practice it, her parents discovered her intention and gave her ideological education and force warning.

Unfortunately, it didn't work, and there was a conflict later, which turned into a scene in the priest's temple.


"It's just a kiss, what does it mean? You fell in love with him with just one kiss?"

Lan Yanyu rubbed his eyebrows, and a military aura emerged spontaneously.

The Holy Spirit also spoke:

"Cai'er, stop making trouble. Haochen is a very good child. He has been destined to you since you were a child. He is even willing to sacrifice his life to fight against the wolf demon to protect you. What is wrong with him?"

"Although I have never seen Su Qingfeng, even if he is good-looking and more handsome than Haochen, so what? Even if he is probably an immortal... a god and stronger, so what? Do we Are the emotions of the Holy Family so weak?"

"We are people of love, justice and integrity! How could we do such an ungrateful and unkind thing?"

"Today you left Haochen because of a man who is more handsome and stronger. One day, someone else will appear who is more handsome and stronger than him. Then will you have to replace him again?"

The Holy Spirit knows with emotion, moves with reason, and speaks with sincerity.

But Sheng Caier was unmoved and just said coldly:
"There will be no one who can surpass him in the world. You should really see his true face. It is the most peerless face in the world."

"As for Haochen...just think that I'm sorry for him. Fortunately, we're not married yet. I'm glad."

If Long Haochen were present, he would probably:

Don't argue~ Even if you ask Cai'er to serve Young Master Qingfeng together, it's okay. I will only bless and envy Cai'er to follow Young Master Qingfeng!


"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. If you continue to argue, these emperor assassins will die."

At this time, Lan Yanyu checked the auras of the Emperor Thorns and hummed.

Several bishops in red clothes from the priest's hall quickly gathered around, waved the priest's scepter, chanted light spells, and treated several emperor thorns:

"Honorable goddess of light, please send down a bath of light to purify the world's illnesses."

"Dear Knight, Vice Chairman, I'm sorry, but the injuries of several Emperor Thorns are too serious. We can only temporarily save their lives, but we cannot remove the death aura remaining in their bodies.

The Vice Chairman's spiritual power is so powerful that only the weak water saint guarding the priest's palace can completely cure them. "

Several cardinals from the priesthood said in shame.

"Is she weak? Where is she now?"

"Cai'er, no matter what, something happened to these Imperial Assassins, and you have nothing to do with it. No matter who you ask, you have to cure them. Otherwise, who in the Assassin Temple will trust you in the future?"

Lan Yanyu glared at Sheng Caier.

But there was nothing they could do. Sheng Cai'er had experienced the trials of reincarnation since childhood, lacked a love life, and was very independent. It was difficult for them to control her.

"We don't know the whereabouts of the Weak Water Saint, but half an hour ago, I seemed to see her taking some precious medicine and going to the priest's church, and she hasn't come out since."

A cardinal pointed to a VIP room upstairs for priests to heal.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Human life matters!"

Buzz, Lan Yanyu pushed open the door and walked in!

(End of this chapter)

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